blob: 4c2803e53eadbf43819b017ab52397cd23ae419d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "authpolicy/authpolicy_metrics.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <base/logging.h>
namespace authpolicy {
namespace {
// Prefix for all metric names.
const char* kMetricNamePrefix = "AuthPolicy.";
std::string MakeFullName(const char* metric_name) {
return std::string(kMetricNamePrefix) + metric_name;
// UMA histogram parameters. The bucket layout is exponential with implicit
// underflow and overflow buckets for [0, min_sample - 1) and [max_sample, inf),
// respectively, counting towards |num_buckets|. See MetricsLibrary::SendToUMA
// and base::Histogram for more details. |enum_value| is a safety parameter to
// make sure that the array index matches the enum value.
struct HistogramParams {
int enum_value;
const char* metric_name;
int min_sample;
int max_sample;
int num_buckets;
// |max_sample| is the max time in milliseconds. Keep in sync with TimerType!
constexpr HistogramParams kTimerHistogramParams[TIMER_COUNT] = {
{TIMER_NET_ADS_GPO_LIST, "TimeToRunNetAdsGpo", 1, 120000, 50},
{TIMER_NET_ADS_INFO, "TimeToRunNetAdsInfo", 1, 120000, 50},
{TIMER_NET_ADS_JOIN, "TimeToRunNetAdsJoin", 1, 120000, 50},
{TIMER_NET_ADS_SEARCH, "TimeToRunNetAdsSearch", 1, 120000, 50},
{TIMER_NET_ADS_WORKGROUP, "TimeToRunNetAdsWorkgroup", 1, 120000, 50},
{TIMER_KINIT, "TimeToRunKinit", 1, 120000, 50},
{TIMER_KLIST, "TimeToRunKlist", 1, 120000, 50},
{TIMER_SMBCLIENT, "TimeToRunSmbclient", 1, 120000, 50},
{TIMER_AUTHENTICATE_USER, "TimeToAuthenticateUser", 1, 600000, 50},
{TIMER_GET_USER_STATUS, "TimeToGetUserStatus", 1, 600000, 50},
{TIMER_GET_USER_KERBEROS_FILES, "TimeToGetUserKerberosFiles", 1, 10000, 50},
{TIMER_JOIN_AD_DOMAIN, "TimeToJoinADDomain", 1, 600000, 50},
{TIMER_REFRESH_USER_POLICY, "TimeToRefreshUserPolicy", 1, 600000, 50},
{TIMER_REFRESH_DEVICE_POLICY, "TimeToRefreshDevicePolicy", 1, 600000, 50},
// UMA histogram parameters. The |max_sample| for the *_TRY_COUNT stats to
// (max_tries - 1), so that the overflow bucket captures everything that failed
// too many times. Keep in sync with MetricType!
constexpr HistogramParams kMetricHistogramParams[METRIC_COUNT] = {
{METRIC_KINIT_FAILED_TRY_COUNT, "FailedTriesOfKinit", 1, 59, 30},
{METRIC_SMBCLIENT_FAILED_TRY_COUNT, "FailedTriesOfSmbClient", 1, 4, 5},
{METRIC_DOWNLOAD_GPO_COUNT, "NumGposToDownload", 1, 1000, 50},
// D-Bus metric name plus a parameter to make sure array indices match enum
// values, see HistogramParams.
struct DBusMetricParams {
int enum_value;
const char* metric_name;
// Keep in sync with DBusCallType!
constexpr DBusMetricParams kDBusMetricParams[DBUS_CALL_COUNT] = {
{DBUS_CALL_AUTHENTICATE_USER, "ErrorTypeOfAuthenticateUser"},
{DBUS_CALL_GET_USER_STATUS, "ErrorTypeOfGetUserStatus"},
{DBUS_CALL_GET_USER_KERBEROS_FILES, "ErrorTypeOfGetUserKerberosFiles"},
{DBUS_CALL_JOIN_AD_DOMAIN, "ErrorTypeOfJoinADDomain"},
{DBUS_CALL_REFRESH_USER_POLICY, "ErrorTypeOfRefreshUserPolicy"},
{DBUS_CALL_REFRESH_DEVICE_POLICY, "ErrorTypeOfRefreshDevicePolicy"},
} // namespace
ScopedTimerReporter::ScopedTimerReporter(TimerType timer_type)
: ScopedTimerReporter(CheckedTimerType(timer_type)) {}
ScopedTimerReporter::ScopedTimerReporter(CheckedTimerType timer_type)
: timer_(MakeFullName(kTimerHistogramParams[timer_type.value_].metric_name),
kTimerHistogramParams[timer_type.value_].num_buckets) {
ScopedTimerReporter::~ScopedTimerReporter() {
const bool success = (timer_.Stop() && timer_.ReportMilliseconds());
if (!success)
LOG(WARNING) << "Timer " << timer_.histogram_name() << " failed to report.";
ScopedTimerReporter::CheckedTimerType::CheckedTimerType(TimerType value)
: value_(std::min(static_cast<TimerType>(TIMER_COUNT - 1),
std::max(static_cast<TimerType>(0), value))) {
DCHECK(value >= 0 && value < TIMER_COUNT);
// Verifies that the array order in the k*Params matches the enum_value.
template <typename T, const T* params, int n>
void CheckArrayOrder() {
static_assert(params[n].enum_value == n, "Bad array order");
CheckArrayOrder<T, params, n + 1>();
template <>
void CheckArrayOrder<HistogramParams, kTimerHistogramParams, TIMER_COUNT>() {}
template <>
void CheckArrayOrder<HistogramParams, kMetricHistogramParams, METRIC_COUNT>() {}
template <>
void CheckArrayOrder<DBusMetricParams, kDBusMetricParams, DBUS_CALL_COUNT>() {}
AuthPolicyMetrics::AuthPolicyMetrics() {
CheckArrayOrder<HistogramParams, kTimerHistogramParams, 0>();
CheckArrayOrder<HistogramParams, kMetricHistogramParams, 0>();
CheckArrayOrder<DBusMetricParams, kDBusMetricParams, 0>();
AuthPolicyMetrics::~AuthPolicyMetrics() {
void AuthPolicyMetrics::Report(MetricType metric_type, int sample) {
DCHECK(metric_type >= 0 && metric_type < METRIC_COUNT);
void AuthPolicyMetrics::ReportDBusResult(DBusCallType call_type,
ErrorType error) {
DCHECK(call_type >= 0 && call_type < DBUS_CALL_COUNT);
} // namespace authpolicy