blob: a1a3bcd11f6af7933c1cf824706b500c20358d16 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <array>
#include <utility>
#include "rmad/proto_bindings/rmad.pb.h"
namespace rmad {
inline constexpr char kDefaultWorkingDirPath[] = "/var/lib/rmad/";
inline constexpr char kDefaultJsonStoreFilePath[] =
inline constexpr char kTestDirPath[] = ".test";
// Files for pre-stop script to read.
inline constexpr char kPowerwashRequestFilePath[] = ".powerwash_request";
inline constexpr char kCutoffRequestFilePath[] = ".battery_cutoff_request";
// Files for testing purpose.
inline constexpr char kDisablePowerwashFilePath[] = ".disable_powerwash";
// JsonStore rmad_interface keys.
// Update go/shimless-state-preservation when adding new fields.
inline constexpr char kStateHistory[] = "state_history";
inline constexpr char kStateMap[] = "state_map";
inline constexpr char kNetworkConnected[] = "network_connected";
inline constexpr char kReplacedComponentNames[] = "replaced_component_names";
inline constexpr char kSameOwner[] = "same_owner";
inline constexpr char kWpDisableSkipped[] = "wp_disable_skipped";
inline constexpr char kKeepDeviceOpen[] = "keep_device_open";
inline constexpr char kMlbRepair[] = "mlb_repair";
inline constexpr char kCalibrationMap[] = "calibration_map";
inline constexpr char kPowerwashRequest[] = "powerwash_request";
// Component traits.
inline constexpr std::array<RmadComponent, 4> kComponentsNeedManualCalibration =
inline constexpr std::array<RmadComponent, 1> kComponentsNeedAutoCalibration = {
// Constants for fake utilities.
namespace fake {
inline constexpr char kRebootRequestFilePath[] = "reboot_request";
inline constexpr char kShutdownRequestFilePath[] = "shutdown_request";
inline constexpr char kRoVerificationStatusFilePath[] =
inline constexpr char kHwVerificationResultFilePath[] =
inline constexpr char kHwwpDisabledFilePath[] =
inline constexpr char kFactoryModeEnabledFilePath[] = "factory_mode_enabled";
inline constexpr char kBlockCcdFilePath[] = "block_ccd";
inline constexpr char kCbiFilePath[] = "cbi";
inline constexpr char kCrosSystemFilePath[] = "crossystem";
inline constexpr char kVpdFilePath[] = "vpd";
inline constexpr char kMetricsRecordSuccessFilePath[] =
} // namespace fake
} // namespace rmad