blob: 621926f0889c8448edd42af6c68f052ecab1b1ae [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
description "Start camera algorithm service"
author ""
start on started system-services
stop on stopping system-services
expect fork
respawn limit 10 5
env SECCOMP_POLICY_FILE=/usr/share/policy/cros-camera-algo.policy
pre-start script
set -x
# Run the board-specific setup hooks, if any.
sh /etc/camera/ || true
end script
post-start script
# Run the board-specific hooks, if any.
sh /etc/camera/ || true
end script
# Start constructing minijail0 args...
# Enter a new mount, network, PID, IPC and cgroup namespace.
args="$args --profile=minimalistic-mountns -e -p -l -N"
# Change user and group to arc-camera.
args="$args -u arc-camera -g arc-camera"
# Set -i to fork and daemonize an init-like process that Upstart will track
# as the service.
args="$args -i"
# Set -G to inherit supplementary groups for accessing serivices restricted
# to it, for example, perfetto.
args="$args -G"
args="$args -k tmpfs,/run,tmpfs,MS_NOSUID|MS_NODEV|MS_NOEXEC"
args="$args -k tmpfs,/var,tmpfs,MS_NOSUID|MS_NODEV|MS_NOEXEC"
args="$args -b /run/perfetto,,1"
args="$args -b /run/camera,,1"
args="$args -b /var/cache/camera,,1"
# Mount /run/chromeos-config/v1 for access to chromeos-config.
args="$args -b /run/chromeos-config/v1"
# Set RLIMIT_NICE(=13) to 40,40
args="$args -R 13,40,40"
# Drop privileges and set seccomp filter.
args="$args -n -S ${SECCOMP_POLICY_FILE}"
args="$args -- /usr/bin/cros_camera_algo"
exec minijail0 $args
end script