blob: 7d1a604b5811c1c761c7e934c82e66ebf49aa0dc [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package huddly;
message CropIndexStatusRequest {}
message CropIndexStatusResponse {
int32 crop_index = 1;
message Rect {
float x_center = 1; // (0.125 - 0.875) On max Zoom
float y_center = 2; // (0.125 - 0.875) On max Zoom
float zoom_factor = 3; // (1 - 4)
message IndexedTransitions {
// List of Crops.
message Transition {
message Crop {
Rect rect = 1;
int32 crop_index = 2; // (or timestamp)
repeated Crop crops = 1;
repeated int32 starting_index = 1; // (or timestamp)
// Transitions are associated with the starting indices above.
repeated Transition transition = 2;
message IndexedTransitionsResponse {
// Nonnegative crop_index of transition selected by camera to execute, or -1
// in the case of an error, where the camera should stop moving and return
// the current crop rect.
int32 chosen_starting_index = 1;
// In the case that there is some error, the camera should return its current
// crop.
Rect current_position = 2;
message CurrentPtzCrop {
Rect current_crop = 1;