blob: 401eca5c33047ed74b363682f93303eec792fcd7 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "authpolicy/stub_common.h"
// For getresuid
#include <unistd.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/files/scoped_file.h>
#include <base/stl_util.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h>
#include "authpolicy/constants.h"
#include "authpolicy/samba_helper.h"
namespace authpolicy {
const int kExitCodeOk = 0;
const int kExitCodeError = 1;
const int kExitCodeUnspecifiedError = 255;
const char kUserRealm[] = "REALM.EXAMPLE.COM";
const char kMachineRealm[] = "DEVICES.EXAMPLE.COM";
const char kUserName[] = "user";
const char kUserPrincipal[] = "user@REALM.EXAMPLE.COM";
const char kInvalidUserPrincipal[] = "user.REALM.EXAMPLE.COM";
const char kNonExistingUserPrincipal[] = "non_existing_user@REALM.EXAMPLE.COM";
const char kNetworkErrorUserPrincipal[] =
const char kAccessDeniedUserPrincipal[] =
const char kKdcRetryUserPrincipal[] = "kdc_retry_user@REALM.EXAMPLE.COM";
const char kKdcRetryFailsUserPrincipal[] =
const char kInsufficientQuotaUserPrincipal[] =
const char kEncTypeNotSupportedUserPrincipal[] =
const char kExpiredTgtUserPrincipal[] = "tgt_expired@REALM.EXAMPLE.COM";
const char kPasswordChangedUserPrincipal[] =
const char kPasswordChangedUserName[] = "password_changed";
const char kNoPwdFieldsUserPrincipal[] = "no_pwd_fields@REALM.EXAMPLE.COM";
const char kNoPwdFieldsUserName[] = "no_pwd_fields";
const char kSeccompUserPrincipal[] = "seccomp@REALM.EXAMPLE.COM";
const char kExpectOuUserPrincipal[] = "expect_ou@REALM.EXAMPLE.COM";
const char kExpectedOuCreatecomputer[] =
"ou=leaf,ou=\\ a\\\"b\\ ,ou=\\#123,ou=root,dc=REALM,dc=EXAMPLE,dc=COM";
const char* kExpectedOuParts[] = {"leaf", " a\"b ", "#123", "root"};
constexpr size_t kExpectedOuPartsSize = base::size(kExpectedOuParts);
const char kDisplayName[] = "John Doe";
const char kGivenName[] = "John";
const char kCommonName[] = "John Doe [user]";
const uint64_t kPwdLastSet = 131292078840924254ul;
const uint32_t kUserAccountControl = 512;
// Should still be valid GUIDs, so GuidToOctetString() works.
const char kAccountId[] = "f892eb9d-9e11-4a74-b894-0647e218c4df";
const char kAltAccountId[] = "21094d26-9e11-4a74-b894-c8cd12a6f83b";
const char kBadAccountId[] = "88adef4f-74ec-420d-b0a5-3726dbe711eb";
const char kExpiredPasswordAccountId[] = "21094d26-2720-4ba4-942c-c8cd12a6f83b";
const char kNeverExpirePasswordAccountId[] =
const char kPasswordChangedAccountId[] = "c7297a6d-2b7f-4063-bfa2-c7223e635549";
const char kNoPwdFieldsAccountId[] = "f5ebf5a8-2fc2-46b5-a326-afd958c71f4a";
const char kValidKrb5CCData[] = "valid";
const char kExpiredKrb5CCData[] = "expired";
const char kPassword[] = "p4zzw!5d";
const char kWrongPassword[] = "pAzzwI5d";
const char kExpiredPassword[] = "rootpw";
const char kRejectedPassword[] = "some_previous_pw";
const char kWillExpirePassword[] = "s00Nb4D";
const char kMachineName[] = "testcomp";
const char kTooLongMachineName[] = "too_long_machine_name";
const char kInvalidMachineName[] = "invalid?na:me";
const char kNonExistingMachineName[] = "nonexisting";
const char kEmptyGpoMachineName[] = "emptygpo";
const char kGpoDownloadErrorMachineName[] = "gpodownloaderr";
const char kOneGpoMachineName[] = "onegpo";
const char kTwoGposMachineName[] = "twogpos";
const char kOneGpoKeepVersionMachineName[] = "keepversion1";
const char kTwoGposKeepVersionMachineName[] = "keepversion2";
const char kZeroUserVersionMachineName[] = "zerouserversion";
const char kDisableUserFlagMachineName[] = "disableuserflag";
const char kLoopbackGpoMachineName[] = "loopback";
const char kExpectKeytabMachineName[] = "expectkeytab";
const char kChangePasswordMachineName[] = "changepassword";
const char kPingServerFailMachineName[] = "pingfail";
const char kUnaffiliatedMachineName[] = "unaffiliated";
const char kPropagationRetryMachineName[] = "propagat.nretry";
const char kSeccompMachineName[] = "seccomp";
const char kGpo1Guid[] = "{11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111}";
const char kGpo2Guid[] = "{22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222}";
const char kErrorGpoGuid[] = "{eeeeeeee-eeee-eeee-eeee-eeeeeeeeeeee}";
const char kSeccompGpoGuid[] = "{seccomps-ecco-mpse-ccom-pseccompsecc}";
const char kGpo1Filename[] = "stub_registry_1.pol";
const char kGpo2Filename[] = "stub_registry_2.pol";
const char kExpectedMachinePassFilename[] = "expected_machine_pass";
// Helper file to implement a global counter that works across processes.
const char kTestCounterFile[] = "test_counter";
namespace {
// Looks up the environment variable with key |env_key|. If |remove_prefix| is
// false, returns its value. If |remove_prefix| is true, the value is expected
// to be 'FILE:<path>' and only <path> is returned. CHECKs that the environment
// variable exists, has the expected prefix if |remove_prefix| is true and that
// the returned path is non-empty.
std::string GetPathFromEnv(const char* env_key, bool remove_prefix) {
const char* env_value = getenv(env_key);
if (!remove_prefix) {
CHECK_NE(0, env_value[0]); // Make sure it's not empty.
return env_value;
// Remove FILE: prefix.
std::string prefixed_path = env_value;
CHECK(StartsWithCaseSensitive(prefixed_path, kFilePrefix));
std::string value_without_prefix = prefixed_path.substr(strlen(kFilePrefix));
CHECK_LT(0u, value_without_prefix.size()); // Make sure it's not empty.
return value_without_prefix;
} // namespace
std::string GetCommandLine(int argc, const char* const* argv) {
CHECK_GE(argc, 2);
std::string command_line = argv[1];
for (int n = 2; n < argc; ++n) {
command_line += " ";
command_line += argv[n];
return command_line;
std::string GetArgValue(int argc, const char* const* argv, const char* name) {
for (int n = 1; n + 1 < argc; ++n) {
if (strcmp(argv[n], name) == 0)
return argv[n + 1];
return std::string();
bool StartsWithCaseSensitive(const std::string& str, const char* search_for) {
return base::StartsWith(str, search_for, base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE);
// Writes |str| to |file_descriptor|.
void WriteFileDescriptor(int file_descriptor, const std::string& str) {
if (!str.empty()) {
CHECK(base::WriteFileDescriptor(file_descriptor,, str.size()));
// Writes |stdout_str| and |stderr_str| to stdout and stderr, resp.
void WriteOutput(const std::string& stdout_str, const std::string& stderr_str) {
WriteFileDescriptor(STDOUT_FILENO, stdout_str);
WriteFileDescriptor(STDERR_FILENO, stderr_str);
std::string GetKeytabFilePath() {
return GetPathFromEnv(kKrb5KTEnvKey, true /* remove_prefix */);
std::string GetKrb5ConfFilePath() {
return GetPathFromEnv(kKrb5ConfEnvKey, true /* remove_prefix */);
std::string GetKrb5CCFilePath() {
return GetPathFromEnv(kKrb5CCEnvKey, false /* remove_prefix */);
void CheckMachinePassword(const std::string& password) {
std::wstring wide_password;
CHECK(base::UTF8ToWide(, password.size(), &wide_password));
CHECK_EQ(kMachinePasswordCodePoints, wide_password.size());
void TriggerSeccompFailure() {
// If the tests start failing because this call got added to some seccomp
// file, switch to any other syscall that is not whitelisted.
uid_t unused_uid;
getresuid(&unused_uid, &unused_uid, &unused_uid);
int64_t PostIncTestCounter(const base::FilePath& test_dir) {
const base::FilePath test_path = test_dir.Append(kTestCounterFile);
int64_t size;
if (!base::GetFileSize(test_path, &size))
size = 0;
// Note: base::WriteFile triggers a seccomp failure, so do it old-school.
base::ScopedFILE test_file(fopen(test_path.value().c_str(), "a"));
const char zero = 0;
CHECK_EQ(1U, fwrite(&zero, 1, 1, test_file.get()));
return size;
} // namespace authpolicy