blob: 0ef99c5d457f251e41d488e2790a1f35c71fe21e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <base/cancelable_callback.h>
namespace shill {
class Error;
class EventDispatcher;
class SupplicantInterfaceProxyInterface;
// Manage TDLS peers for the specified interface |interface_name|.
class TDLSManager {
TDLSManager(EventDispatcher* dispatcher,
SupplicantInterfaceProxyInterface* supplicant_interface_proxy,
const std::string& interface_name);
virtual ~TDLSManager();
// Perform TDLS |operation| on |peer|.
virtual std::string PerformOperation(const std::string& peer_mac_address,
const std::string& operation,
Error* error);
// Called when a discover response for |peer_mac_address| is received.
virtual void OnDiscoverResponseReceived(const std::string& peer_mac_address);
const std::string& interface_name() const { return interface_name_; }
friend class TDLSManagerTest;
enum class PeerDiscoveryState { kNone, kRequestSent, kResponseReceived };
static const int kPeerDiscoveryCleanupTimeoutSeconds;
// Discover TDLS service on a remote |peer_mac_address|. Returns true if
// operation is initiated successfully.
bool DiscoverPeer(const std::string& peer_mac_address);
// Setup a TDLS pairing with |peer_mac_address|. Returns true if operation is
// initiated successfully.
bool SetupPeer(const std::string& peer_mac_address);
// Tear down the TDLS pairing with |peer|. Returns true if operation is
// initiated successfully.
bool TearDownPeer(const std::string& peer_mac_address);
// Return a string indicating the TDLS status with |peer_mac_address|.
std::string PeerStatus(const std::string& peer_mac_address);
// Start the timer to delete any peer entries stored in our peer discovery
// map.
void StartPeerDiscoveryCleanupTimer();
// Timeout handler to delete any peer entries from our peer discovery map.
void PeerDiscoveryCleanup();
// Returns the TDLS discover status for this peer
PeerDiscoveryState CheckDiscoveryState(const std::string& peer_mac_address);
// Executes when the TDLS peer discovery cleanup timer expires.
base::CancelableClosure peer_discovery_cleanup_callback_;
// Maps peer to its discovery state.
std::map<std::string, PeerDiscoveryState> peer_discovery_state_;
EventDispatcher* dispatcher_;
SupplicantInterfaceProxyInterface* supplicant_interface_proxy_;
std::string interface_name_;
} // namespace shill