blob: e3c261ef38d966212b270cdc13ac51e48c76defd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <libsmbclient.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <base/containers/mru_cache.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/synchronization/lock.h>
#include <base/threading/thread.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include "smbfs/filesystem.h"
#include "smbfs/inode_map.h"
#include "smbfs/smb_credential.h"
namespace smbfs {
class SmbFsImpl;
class SmbFilesystem : public Filesystem {
struct Options {
// Allow moves.
Options& operator=(Options&&);
std::string share_path;
uid_t uid = 0;
gid_t gid = 0;
std::unique_ptr<SmbCredential> credentials;
bool allow_ntlm = false;
enum class ConnectError {
kOk = 0,
explicit SmbFilesystem(Options options);
~SmbFilesystem() override;
// Ensures that the SMB share can be connected to. Must NOT be called after
// the filesystem is attached to a FUSE session.
// Virtual for testing.
virtual ConnectError EnsureConnected();
// Store the implementation of the mojom::SmbFs Mojo interface.
void SetSmbFsImpl(std::unique_ptr<SmbFsImpl> impl);
// Sets the resolved IP address of the share host. |ip_address| is an IPv4
// address in network byte order, or empty. If |ip_address| is empty, any
// existing resolved address will be reset.
// Virtual for testing.
virtual void SetResolvedAddress(const std::vector<uint8_t>& ip_address);
const std::string& resolved_share_path() const {
return resolved_share_path_;
// Filesystem overrides.
void StatFs(std::unique_ptr<StatFsRequest> request,
fuse_ino_t inode) override;
void Lookup(std::unique_ptr<EntryRequest> request,
fuse_ino_t parent_inode,
const std::string& name) override;
void Forget(fuse_ino_t inode, uint64_t count) override;
void GetAttr(std::unique_ptr<AttrRequest> request, fuse_ino_t inode) override;
void SetAttr(std::unique_ptr<AttrRequest> request,
fuse_ino_t inode,
base::Optional<uint64_t> file_handle,
const struct stat& attr,
int to_set) override;
void Open(std::unique_ptr<OpenRequest> request,
fuse_ino_t inode,
int flags) override;
void Create(std::unique_ptr<CreateRequest> request,
fuse_ino_t parent_inode,
const std::string& name,
mode_t mode,
int flags) override;
void Read(std::unique_ptr<BufRequest> request,
fuse_ino_t inode,
uint64_t file_handle,
size_t size,
off_t offset) override;
void Write(std::unique_ptr<WriteRequest> request,
fuse_ino_t inode,
uint64_t file_handle,
const char* buf,
size_t size,
off_t offset) override;
void Release(std::unique_ptr<SimpleRequest> request,
fuse_ino_t inode,
uint64_t file_handle) override;
void Rename(std::unique_ptr<SimpleRequest> request,
fuse_ino_t old_parent_inode,
const std::string& old_name,
fuse_ino_t new_parent_inode,
const std::string& new_name) override;
void Unlink(std::unique_ptr<SimpleRequest> request,
fuse_ino_t parent_inode,
const std::string& name) override;
void OpenDir(std::unique_ptr<OpenRequest> request,
fuse_ino_t inode,
int flags) override;
void ReadDir(std::unique_ptr<DirentryRequest> request,
fuse_ino_t inode,
uint64_t file_handle,
off_t offset) override;
void ReleaseDir(std::unique_ptr<SimpleRequest> request,
fuse_ino_t inode,
uint64_t file_handle) override;
void MkDir(std::unique_ptr<EntryRequest> request,
fuse_ino_t parent_inode,
const std::string& name,
mode_t mode) override;
void RmDir(std::unique_ptr<SimpleRequest> request,
fuse_ino_t parent_inode,
const std::string& name) override;
// Protected constructor for unit tests.
explicit SmbFilesystem(const std::string& share_path);
FRIEND_TEST(SmbFilesystemTest, MakeStatModeBits);
FRIEND_TEST(SmbFilesystemTest, MakeStatModeBitsFromDOSAttributes);
// Cache stat information when listing directories to reduce unnecessary
// network requests.
struct StatCacheItem {
struct stat inode_stat;
base::Time expires_at;
// Filesystem implementations that execute on |samba_thread_|.
void StatFsInternal(std::unique_ptr<StatFsRequest> request, fuse_ino_t inode);
void LookupInternal(std::unique_ptr<EntryRequest> request,
fuse_ino_t parent_inode,
const std::string& name);
void ForgetInternal(fuse_ino_t inode, uint64_t count);
void GetAttrInternal(std::unique_ptr<AttrRequest> request, fuse_ino_t inode);
void SetAttrInternal(std::unique_ptr<AttrRequest> request,
fuse_ino_t inode,
base::Optional<uint64_t> file_handle,
const struct stat& attr,
int to_set);
void OpenInternal(std::unique_ptr<OpenRequest> request,
fuse_ino_t inode,
int flags);
void CreateInternal(std::unique_ptr<CreateRequest> request,
fuse_ino_t parent_inode,
const std::string& name,
mode_t mode,
int flags);
void ReadInternal(std::unique_ptr<BufRequest> request,
fuse_ino_t inode,
uint64_t file_handle,
size_t size,
off_t offset);
void WriteInternal(std::unique_ptr<WriteRequest> request,
fuse_ino_t inode,
uint64_t file_handle,
const std::vector<char>& buf,
off_t offset);
void ReleaseInternal(std::unique_ptr<SimpleRequest> request,
fuse_ino_t inode,
uint64_t file_handle);
void RenameInternal(std::unique_ptr<SimpleRequest> request,
fuse_ino_t old_parent_inode,
const std::string& old_name,
fuse_ino_t new_parent_inode,
const std::string& new_name);
void UnlinkInternal(std::unique_ptr<SimpleRequest> request,
fuse_ino_t parent_inode,
const std::string& name);
void OpenDirInternal(std::unique_ptr<OpenRequest> request,
fuse_ino_t inode,
int flags);
void ReadDirInternal(std::unique_ptr<DirentryRequest> request,
fuse_ino_t inode,
uint64_t file_handle,
off_t offset);
void ReleaseDirInternal(std::unique_ptr<SimpleRequest> request,
fuse_ino_t inode,
uint64_t file_handle);
void MkDirInternal(std::unique_ptr<EntryRequest> request,
fuse_ino_t parent_inode,
const std::string& name,
mode_t mode);
void RmDirinternal(std::unique_ptr<SimpleRequest> request,
fuse_ino_t parent_inode,
const std::string& name);
// Constructs a sanitised stat struct for sending as a response.
struct stat MakeStat(ino_t inode, const struct stat& in_stat) const;
// Clear / propagate permission bits appropriately (
mode_t MakeStatModeBits(mode_t in_mode) const;
// Constructs mode (type and permission) bits for stat from DOS attributes.
mode_t MakeStatModeBitsFromDOSAttributes(uint16_t attrs) const;
// Constructs a share file path suitable for passing to libsmbclient from the
// given absolute file path.
std::string MakeShareFilePath(const base::FilePath& path) const;
// Construct a share file path from the |inode|. |inode| must be a valid inode
// number.
std::string ShareFilePathFromInode(ino_t inode) const;
// Registers an open file and returns a handle to that file. Always returns a
// non-zero handle.
uint64_t AddOpenFile(SMBCFILE* file);
// Removes |handle| from the open file table.
void RemoveOpenFile(uint64_t handle);
// Returns the open file referred to by |handle|. Returns nullptr if |handle|
// does not exist.
SMBCFILE* LookupOpenFile(uint64_t handle) const;
// Callback function for obtaining authentication credentials. Set by calling
// smbc_setFunctionAuthDataWithContext() and called from libsmbclient.
static void GetUserAuth(SMBCCTX* context,
const char* server,
const char* share,
char* workgroup,
int workgroup_len,
char* username,
int username_len,
char* password,
int password_len);
// Cache a stat structure. |inode_stat.st_ino| is used as the key.
void AddCachedInodeStat(const struct stat& inode_stat);
// Remove the cached stat structure for |inode|.
void EraseCachedInodeStat(ino_t inode);
// Lookup the cached stat structure for |inode|. Returns true on cache hit or
// false on a miss.
bool GetCachedInodeStat(ino_t inode, struct stat* out_stat);
const std::string share_path_;
const uid_t uid_ = 0;
const gid_t gid_ = 0;
const std::unique_ptr<SmbCredential> credentials_;
base::Thread samba_thread_;
InodeMap inode_map_{FUSE_ROOT_ID};
std::unique_ptr<SmbFsImpl> smbfs_impl_;
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, SMBCFILE*> open_files_;
uint64_t open_files_seq_ = 1;
mutable base::Lock lock_;
std::string resolved_share_path_ = share_path_;
// Cache stat information during ReadDir() to speed up subsequent access.
base::HashingMRUCache<ino_t, StatCacheItem> stat_cache_;
SMBCCTX* context_ = nullptr;
smbc_close_fn smbc_close_ctx_ = nullptr;
smbc_closedir_fn smbc_closedir_ctx_ = nullptr;
smbc_ftruncate_fn smbc_ftruncate_ctx_ = nullptr;
smbc_lseek_fn smbc_lseek_ctx_ = nullptr;
smbc_lseekdir_fn smbc_lseekdir_ctx_ = nullptr;
smbc_mkdir_fn smbc_mkdir_ctx_ = nullptr;
smbc_open_fn smbc_open_ctx_ = nullptr;
smbc_opendir_fn smbc_opendir_ctx_ = nullptr;
smbc_read_fn smbc_read_ctx_ = nullptr;
smbc_readdir_fn smbc_readdir_ctx_ = nullptr;
// TODO( This should be swapped out for
// smbc_readdirplus2_fn when Samba is updated to 4.12.
smbc_readdirplus_fn smbc_readdirplus_ctx_ = nullptr;
smbc_rename_fn smbc_rename_ctx_ = nullptr;
smbc_rmdir_fn smbc_rmdir_ctx_ = nullptr;
smbc_stat_fn smbc_stat_ctx_ = nullptr;
smbc_statvfs_fn smbc_statvfs_ctx_ = nullptr;
smbc_telldir_fn smbc_telldir_ctx_ = nullptr;
smbc_unlink_fn smbc_unlink_ctx_ = nullptr;
smbc_write_fn smbc_write_ctx_ = nullptr;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, SmbFilesystem::ConnectError error);
} // namespace smbfs