blob: 4d45bc8d7918eda6fdb7587552a32350b8164088 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "smbfs/inode_map.h"
#include <utility>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/stl_util.h>
namespace smbfs {
struct InodeMap::Entry {
Entry(ino_t inode, const base::FilePath& path) : inode(inode), path(path) {}
~Entry() = default;
uint64_t refcount = 1;
ino_t inode;
base::FilePath path;
InodeMap::InodeMap(ino_t root_inode)
: root_inode_(root_inode), seq_num_(root_inode + 1) {
// Insert an entry for the root inode.
std::unique_ptr<Entry> entry =
std::make_unique<Entry>(root_inode, base::FilePath("/"));
files_.emplace("/", entry.get());
inodes_.emplace(root_inode, std::move(entry));
InodeMap::~InodeMap() = default;
ino_t InodeMap::IncInodeRef(const base::FilePath& path) {
const auto it = files_.find(path.value());
if (it != files_.end()) {
Entry* entry = it->second;
return entry->inode;
DCHECK(!base::ContainsKey(inodes_, seq_num_));
ino_t inode = seq_num_++;
CHECK(inode) << "Inode wrap around";
std::unique_ptr<Entry> entry = std::make_unique<Entry>(inode, path);
files_.emplace(path.value(), entry.get());
inodes_.emplace(inode, std::move(entry));
return inode;
base::FilePath InodeMap::GetPath(ino_t inode) const {
const auto it = inodes_.find(inode);
if (it == inodes_.end()) {
return {};
return it->second->path;
bool InodeMap::Forget(ino_t inode, uint64_t forget_count) {
if (inode == root_inode_) {
// Ignore the root inode.
return false;
const auto it = inodes_.find(inode);
CHECK(it != inodes_.end());
Entry* entry = it->second.get();
CHECK_GE(entry->refcount, forget_count);
entry->refcount -= forget_count;
if (entry->refcount > 0) {
return false;
size_t removed = files_.erase(entry->path.value());
DCHECK_EQ(removed, 1);
return true;
} // namespace smbfs