blob: 44b766537237d0b475d7aa2283d2e04a011beaf5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <hardware/camera3.h>
#include <base/single_thread_task_runner.h>
#include <base/threading/thread.h>
#include <base/timer/elapsed_timer.h>
#include "common/vendor_tag_manager.h"
#include "cros-camera/camera_metrics.h"
#include "cros-camera/future.h"
#include "hal_adapter/reprocess_effect/reprocess_effect_manager.h"
#include "mojo/camera3.mojom.h"
#include "mojo/camera_common.mojom.h"
namespace cros {
class CameraDeviceAdapter;
class CameraModuleDelegate;
class CameraModuleCallbacksDelegate;
class VendorTagOpsDelegate;
class CameraHalAdapter;
struct CameraModuleCallbacksAux : camera_module_callbacks_t {
int module_id;
CameraHalAdapter* adapter;
class CameraHalAdapter {
explicit CameraHalAdapter(std::vector<camera_module_t*> camera_modules);
virtual ~CameraHalAdapter();
// Starts the camera HAL adapter. This method must be called before calling
// any other methods.
bool Start();
// Creates the CameraModule Mojo connection from |camera_module_request|.
void OpenCameraHal(mojom::CameraModuleRequest camera_module_request);
// Callback interface for CameraModuleDelegate.
// These methods are callbacks for |module_delegate_| and are executed on
// the mojo IPC handler thread in |module_delegate_|.
virtual int32_t OpenDevice(int32_t camera_id,
mojom::Camera3DeviceOpsRequest device_ops_request);
virtual int32_t GetNumberOfCameras();
virtual int32_t GetCameraInfo(int32_t camera_id,
mojom::CameraInfoPtr* camera_info);
int32_t SetCallbacks(mojom::CameraModuleCallbacksPtr callbacks);
virtual int32_t SetTorchMode(int32_t camera_id, bool enabled);
int32_t Init();
void GetVendorTagOps(mojom::VendorTagOpsRequest vendor_tag_ops_request);
// A callback for the camera devices opened in OpenDevice(). Used to run
// CloseDevice() on the same thread that OpenDevice() runs on.
void CloseDeviceCallback(
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner,
int32_t camera_id);
// Convert the unified external |camera_id| into the corresponding camera
// module and its internal id. Returns (nullptr, 0) if not found.
std::pair<camera_module_t*, int> GetInternalModuleAndId(int camera_id);
// Initialize all underlying camera HALs on |camera_module_thread_| and
// build the mapping table for camera id.
virtual void StartOnThread(base::Callback<void(bool)> callback);
virtual void NotifyCameraDeviceStatusChange(
CameraModuleCallbacksDelegate* delegate,
int camera_id,
camera_device_status_t status);
virtual void NotifyTorchModeStatusChange(
CameraModuleCallbacksDelegate* delegate,
int camera_id,
torch_mode_status_t status);
// The static methods implement camera_module_callbacks_t, which will delegate
// to the corresponding instance methods.
static void camera_device_status_change(
const camera_module_callbacks_t* callbacks,
int camera_id,
int new_status);
static void torch_mode_status_change(
const camera_module_callbacks_t* callbacks,
const char* camera_id,
int new_status);
void CameraDeviceStatusChange(const CameraModuleCallbacksAux* callbacks,
int camera_id,
camera_device_status_t new_status);
void TorchModeStatusChange(const CameraModuleCallbacksAux* callbacks,
int camera_id,
torch_mode_status_t new_status);
// Send the latest status to the newly connected client.
void SendLatestStatus(int callbacks_id);
// Convert the |module_id| and its corresponding internal |camera_id| into the
// unified external camera id. Returns -1 if not found.
int GetExternalId(int module_id, int camera_id);
// Clean up the camera device specified by |camera_id| in |device_adapters_|.
void CloseDevice(int32_t camera_id);
void ResetModuleDelegateOnThread(uint32_t module_id);
void ResetCallbacksDelegateOnThread(uint32_t callbacks_id);
void ResetVendorTagOpsDelegateOnThread(uint32_t vendor_tag_ops_id);
// The handles to the camera HALs dlopen()/dlsym()'d on process start.
std::vector<camera_module_t*> camera_modules_;
// The thread that all camera module functions operate on.
base::Thread camera_module_thread_;
// The thread that all the Mojo communication of camera module callbacks
// operate on.
base::Thread camera_module_callbacks_thread_;
// The number of built-in cameras.
int num_builtin_cameras_;
// The next id for newly plugged external camera, which is starting from
// |num_builtin_cameras_|.
int next_external_camera_id_;
// The mapping tables of internal/external |camera_id|.
// (external camera id) <=> (module id, internal camera id)
std::map<int, std::pair<int, int>> camera_id_map_;
std::vector<std::map<int, int>> camera_id_inverse_map_;
// We need to keep the status for each camera to send up-to-date information
// for newly connected client so everyone is in sync.
// (external camera id) <=> (latest status)
std::map<int, camera_device_status_t> device_status_map_;
std::map<int, camera_device_status_t> default_device_status_map_;
std::map<int, torch_mode_status_t> torch_mode_status_map_;
std::map<int, torch_mode_status_t> default_torch_mode_status_map_;
// The callback structs with auxiliary metadata for converting |camera_id|
// per camera module.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CameraModuleCallbacksAux>> callbacks_auxs_;
// The delegates that handle the CameraModule mojo IPC. The key of the map is
// got from |module_id_|.
std::map<uint32_t, std::unique_ptr<CameraModuleDelegate>> module_delegates_;
// The delegates that handle the VendorTagOps mojo IPC. The key of the map is
// got from |vendor_tag_ops_id_|.
std::map<uint32_t, std::unique_ptr<VendorTagOpsDelegate>>
// The delegate that handles the CameraModuleCallbacks mojo IPC. The key of
// the map is got from |callbacks_id_|.
std::map<uint32_t, std::unique_ptr<CameraModuleCallbacksDelegate>>
// Protects |module_delegates_|.
base::Lock module_delegates_lock_;
// Protects |callbacks_delegates_|.
base::Lock callbacks_delegates_lock_;
// Strictly increasing integers used as the key for new CameraModuleDelegate,
// CameraModuleCallbacksDelegate and VendorTagOpsDelegate instances in
// |module_delegates_|, |callback_delegates_| and |vendor_tag_ops_delegates_|.
uint32_t module_id_;
uint32_t callbacks_id_;
uint32_t vendor_tag_ops_id_;
// The handles to the opened camera devices. |device_adapters_| is accessed
// only in OpenDevice(), CloseDevice() and CameraDeviceStatusChange(). In
// order to do lock-free access to |device_adapters_|, we run all of them on
// the same thread (i.e. the mojo IPC handler thread in |module_delegate_|).
std::map<int32_t, std::unique_ptr<CameraDeviceAdapter>> device_adapters_;
// The vendor tag manager.
VendorTagManager vendor_tag_manager_;
// The reprocess effect manager.
ReprocessEffectManager reprocess_effect_manager_;
// The map of session start time.
std::map<int, base::ElapsedTimer> session_timer_map_;
// Metrics for camera service.
std::unique_ptr<CameraMetrics> camera_metrics_;
} // namespace cros