blob: 9e5ca5d7397574984bce62d4be2463fd0b830ff7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <dbus/bus.h>
#include <dbus/message.h>
#include "bluetooth/common/runtime_flags.h"
#include "bluetooth/dispatcher/service_watcher.h"
namespace bluetooth {
// This class handles suspend/resume events and takes the necessary actions
// to pause or unpause discovery.
class SuspendManager {
// Bluez's D-Bus object path representing the Bluetooth adapter.
static const char kBluetoothAdapterObjectPath[];
explicit SuspendManager(scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus> bus);
// Initializes the D-Bus operations.
void Init();
// Called when the power manager is initially available or restarted.
void HandlePowerManagerAvailableOrRestarted(bool available);
// Called when SuspendImminentSignal is received from power manager.
void HandleSuspendImminentSignal(dbus::Signal* signal);
// Called when SuspendDoneSignal is received from power manager.
void HandleSuspendDoneSignal(dbus::Signal* signal);
// Called when power manager's RegisterSuspendDelay method returns.
void OnSuspendDelayRegistered(dbus::Response* response);
// Called when power manager's RegisterSuspendDelay method returns an error.
void OnSuspendDelayRegisteredError(dbus::ErrorResponse* response);
// Called when BlueZ and NewBlue HandleSuspendImminent/
// HandleSuspendDone method returns.
void OnSuspendImminentHandled(dbus::Response* response);
void OnSuspendDoneHandled(dbus::Response* response);
// Initiates call to BlueZ or NewBlue HandleSuspendImminent/HandleSuspendDone.
// These methods may or may not make the call to BlueZ depending on whether
// there is a BlueZ HandleSuspendImminent/HandleSuspendDone call in progress.
void HandleSuspendImminent(int new_suspend_id);
void HandleSuspendDone();
// Keeps the D-Bus connection. Mock/fake D-Bus can be injected through
// constructor for unit testing without actual D-Bus IPC.
scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus> bus_;
// Proxy to power manager D-Bus service.
dbus::ObjectProxy* power_manager_dbus_proxy_ = nullptr;
// Proxy to dispatcher D-Bus service.
dbus::ObjectProxy* bluez_dbus_proxy_ = nullptr;
// If non-zero, that means we have registered a delay with power manager and
// this variable keeps the delay id returned by power manager for later call
// to HandleSuspendReadiness.
// TODO(sonnysasaka): Migrate this to base::Optional when it's available.
int suspend_delay_id_ = 0;
// If non-zero, that means we are currently in a suspend imminent state and
// this variable keeps its suspend id to be passed back to later
// HandleSuspendReadiness.
// TODO(sonnysasaka): Migrate this to base::Optional when it's available.
int suspend_id_ = 0;
// True if there is an in-progress BlueZ/NewBlue suspension call.
// There can't be more than one call at a time. This flag is needed to
// decide whether we can make the call immediately or "queued" after
// the in-progress D-Bus call completes.
bool is_suspend_operation_in_progress_ = false;
// Watches powerd service availability.
std::unique_ptr<ServiceWatcher> service_watcher_;
// Keeps track of flags
std::unique_ptr<RuntimeFlags> flags_;
// Must come last so that weak pointers will be invalidated before other
// members are destroyed.
base::WeakPtrFactory<SuspendManager> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace bluetooth