blob: 81efee53c5d10e5dcfc11b089159b4de5cf1f88f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Module for the representation of symbols.
ebnf_cc parse trees are composed of BaseSymbol nodes. Each BaseSymbol node is a
parse subtree, in which leaf nodes are exclusively of type Token. BaseSymbol
child classes represent various syntactical constructs of the target language,
which corresponds to EBNF rules, and a populated parse tree is simply an
instantiation of the top-level BaseSymbol child class.
import logging
class SymbolException(Exception):
"""Exception class representing an unexpected symbol or lack of symbol."""
class BaseSymbol(object):
"""Base symbol class.
Provides the methods needed to consume tokens from the token list. The
following methods can be placed in the __init__ methods of child classes in
order to correctly parse the symbol:
* add
* add_optional
* add_token
* add_token_optional
_stream = None
_depth = 0
_LOG_TAB = ' '
def __init__(self):
self._children = []
self._curr_index = 0
def set_token_stream(stream):
"""Sets the token stream to read tokens from.
Note that this method may be called from child classes, and that all
child classes will read tokens from the same stream. This allows for a
very readable symbol specification, which makes the generated parser
code easier to debug.
BaseSymbol._stream = stream
def add(self, symbol_class):
"""Adds a child symbol of type symbol_class.
Will throw a SymbolException if the tokens in the token stream cannot
be parsed to form a symbol_class.
return True
def add_optional(self, symbol_class):
"""Attempts to add a child symbol of type symbol_class.
Note: The current implementation does NOT backtrack the token stream
when an unexpected token is found. Thus parsing will not work in the
case where some tokens are pulled from the token string prior to finding
an unexpected token. Most EBNF specifications can be modified to avoid
this scenario, but future work should fix this behavior.
True if the symbol was added. False otherwise.
except SymbolException:
# TODO( Add token backtracking functionality
return False
return True
def add_token(self, token_str):
"""Pulls token_str from the token stream and add as a child symbol.
SymbolException: token stream has been exhausted, or the next token in
the token stream does not match token_str.
return True
def add_token_optional(self, token_str):
"""Attempts to add token_str as a child symbol.
True if the next token in the token stream is token_str. Else False.
except SymbolException:
return False
return True
def get_next(self, next_type=None):
Traverse parse tree for the next node of the specified type.
This call updates the current location of the parse tree to that the
returned node. If no node is found that matches the specified type, the
method will return None, as will all subsequent calls.
if self._curr_index < len(self._children):
if (next_type and
isinstance(self._children[self._curr_index], next_type)):
self._curr_index += 1
return self._children[self._curr_index - 1]
next_obj = self._children[self._curr_index].get_next(next_type)
if next_obj is None:
self._curr_index += 1
return self.get_next(next_type)
return next_obj
return None
def _current_token():
token = BaseSymbol._stream.current_token()
if token is None:
raise SymbolException('Expected a token, but the token stream was '
return token
def _advance_token():
return BaseSymbol._stream.advance_token()
def _push_depth():
"""Increments indentation for debug logging."""
BaseSymbol._depth += 1
def _pop_depth():
"""Decrements indentation for debug logging."""
BaseSymbol._depth -= 1
def _get_depth():
"""Gets indentation for debug logging."""
return BaseSymbol._depth
def __repr__(self):
"""Gets string representation of sub-parse tree node."""
s = '%s:\n' % type(self).__name__
for child in self._children:
child_str = '%s' % child
s += '\n'.join([
'%s%s' % (self._LOG_TAB, x) for x in child_str.splitlines()
]) + '\n'
return s
class Token(BaseSymbol):
"""Symbol class representing a specific token."""
def __init__(self, token_str):
super(Token, self).__init__()
if self._current_token() != token_str:
raise SymbolException('Expected token "%s", but found "%s".' %
(token_str, self._current_token()))
self._str = token_str
def get_next(self, next_type=None):
if next_type is None and self._curr_index == 0:
self._curr_index = 1
return self._str
return None
def __repr__(self):
return 'Token(%s)' % self._str