blob: 3c257dc0c6566ae4bd93bb598d757414ea8de544 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <array>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <base/sys_byteorder.h>
#include "u2fd/tpm_vendor_cmd.h"
namespace {
// All TPM extension commands use this struct for input and output. Any other
// data follows immediately after. All values are big-endian over the wire.
struct TpmCmdHeader {
uint16_t tag; // TPM_ST_NO_SESSIONS
uint32_t size; // including this header
uint32_t code; // Command out, Response back.
uint16_t subcommand_code; // Additional command/response codes
} __attribute__((packed));
// TPMv2 Spec mandates that vendor-specific command codes have bit 29 set,
// while bits 15-0 indicate the command. All other bits should be zero. We
// define one of those 16-bit command values for Cr50 purposes, and use the
// subcommand_code in struct TpmCmdHeader to further distinguish the desired
// operation.
const uint32_t kTpmCcVendorBit = 0x20000000;
// Vendor-specific command codes
const uint32_t kTpmCcVendorCr50 = 0x0000;
// Cr50 vendor-specific subcommand codes. 16 bits available.
// TODO(louiscollard): Replace this with constants from cr50 header.
const uint16_t kVendorCcU2fApdu = 27;
const uint16_t kVendorCcU2fGenerate = 44;
const uint16_t kVendorCcU2fSign = 45;
const uint16_t kVendorCcU2fAttest = 46;
} // namespace
namespace u2f {
TpmVendorCommandProxy::TpmVendorCommandProxy() {}
TpmVendorCommandProxy::~TpmVendorCommandProxy() {}
uint32_t TpmVendorCommandProxy::VendorCommand(uint16_t cc,
const std::string& input,
std::string* output) {
// Pack up the header and the input
TpmCmdHeader header;
header.tag = base::HostToNet16(trunks::TPM_ST_NO_SESSIONS);
header.size = base::HostToNet32(sizeof(header) + input.size());
header.code = base::HostToNet32(kTpmCcVendorBit | kTpmCcVendorCr50);
header.subcommand_code = base::HostToNet16(cc);
std::string command(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&header), sizeof(header));
command += input;
// Send the command, get the response
VLOG(2) << "Out(" << command.size()
<< "): " << base::HexEncode(, command.size());
std::string response = SendCommandAndWait(command);
VLOG(2) << "In(" << response.size()
<< "): " << base::HexEncode(, response.size());
if (response.size() < sizeof(header)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "TPM response was too short!";
return -1;
// Unpack the response header and any output
memcpy(&header,, sizeof(header));
header.size = base::NetToHost32(header.size);
header.code = base::NetToHost32(header.code);
// Error of some sort?
if (header.code) {
if ((header.code & kVendorRcErr) == kVendorRcErr) {
LOG(WARNING) << "TPM error code 0x" << std::hex << header.code;
// Pass back any reply beyond the header
*output = response.substr(sizeof(header));
return header.code;
namespace {
template <typename Request>
std::string RequestToString(const Request& req) {
return std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&req), sizeof(req));
template <>
std::string RequestToString(const U2F_ATTEST_REQ& req) {
return std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&req), 2 + req.dataLen);
} // namespace
template <typename Request, typename Response>
uint32_t TpmVendorCommandProxy::VendorCommandStruct(uint16_t cc,
const Request& input,
Response* output) {
std::string output_str;
uint32_t resp_code = VendorCommand(cc, RequestToString(input), &output_str);
if (resp_code == 0) {
if (output_str.size() == sizeof(*output)) {
memcpy(output,, sizeof(*output));
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid response size for successful vendor command, "
<< "expected: " << sizeof(*output)
<< ", actual: " << output_str.size();
return kVendorRcInvalidResponse;
return resp_code;
uint32_t TpmVendorCommandProxy::SetU2fVendorMode(uint8_t mode) {
std::string vendor_mode(5, 0);
std::string rmode;
const uint8_t kCmdU2fVendorMode = 0xbf;
const uint8_t kP1SetMode = 0x1;
const uint8_t kU2fExtended = 3;
// build the command U2F_VENDOR_MODE:
// CLA INS P1 P2 Le
// 00 bf 01 md 00
vendor_mode[1] = kCmdU2fVendorMode;
vendor_mode[2] = kP1SetMode;
vendor_mode[3] = mode;
int rc = SendU2fApdu(vendor_mode, &rmode);
if (!rc) {
// remove the 16-bit status code at the end
VLOG(1) << "current mode " << static_cast<int>(rmode[0]);
// record the individual attestation certificate if the extension is on.
if (rmode[0] == kU2fExtended && VLOG_IS_ON(1))
return rc;
uint32_t TpmVendorCommandProxy::GetU2fVersion(std::string* version_out) {
std::string ping(8, 0);
std::string ver;
// build the command U2F_VERSION:
// CLA INS P1 P2 Le
// 00 03 00 00 00
ping[1] = 0x03;
int rc = SendU2fApdu(ping, &ver);
if (!rc) {
// remove the 16-bit status code at the end
*version_out = ver.substr(0, ver.length() - sizeof(uint16_t));
VLOG(1) << "version " << *version_out;
return rc;
void TpmVendorCommandProxy::GetVendorSysInfo(std::string* sysinfo_out) {
std::string sysinfo_apdu(2, 0);
std::string info_blob;
constexpr uint8_t kCmdG2fSysInfo = 0x11;
constexpr int kG2fSysInfoVersionOffset = 0;
constexpr int kG2fSysInfoVersionLen = 3;
sysinfo_apdu[1] = kCmdG2fSysInfo;
int rc = SendU2fApdu(sysinfo_apdu, &info_blob);
if (rc ||
info_blob.length() < kG2fSysInfoVersionOffset + kG2fSysInfoVersionLen) {
VLOG(1) << "No system info available from the firmware";
LOG(INFO) << "System info: FW version "
<< static_cast<int>(info_blob[kG2fSysInfoVersionOffset]) << "."
<< static_cast<int>(info_blob[kG2fSysInfoVersionOffset + 1]) << "."
<< static_cast<int>(info_blob[kG2fSysInfoVersionOffset + 2]);
// Vendor system information blob definition.
constexpr int kVendorSysInfoLen = 43;
constexpr int kVendorSysInfoIdOffset = 0;
constexpr char kVendorPlatformId[] = "hg_int00";
constexpr int kVendorSysInfoFwEpochOffset = 8;
constexpr uint8_t kVendorFwEpoch = 0x03;
constexpr int kVendorSysInfoAppletVersionOffset = 11;
std::string sysinfo(kVendorSysInfoLen, 0);
sysinfo.replace(kVendorSysInfoIdOffset, sizeof(kVendorPlatformId) - 1,
kVendorSysInfoFwEpochOffset, kG2fSysInfoVersionLen,
info_blob.substr(kG2fSysInfoVersionOffset, kG2fSysInfoVersionLen));
kVendorSysInfoAppletVersionOffset, kG2fSysInfoVersionLen,
info_blob.substr(kG2fSysInfoVersionOffset, kG2fSysInfoVersionLen));
sysinfo[kVendorSysInfoFwEpochOffset] = kVendorFwEpoch;
*sysinfo_out = sysinfo;
uint32_t TpmVendorCommandProxy::SendU2fApdu(const std::string& req,
std::string* resp_out) {
return VendorCommand(kVendorCcU2fApdu, req, resp_out);
uint32_t TpmVendorCommandProxy::SendU2fGenerate(const U2F_GENERATE_REQ& req,
U2F_GENERATE_RESP* resp_out) {
return VendorCommandStruct(kVendorCcU2fGenerate, req, resp_out);
uint32_t TpmVendorCommandProxy::SendU2fSign(const U2F_SIGN_REQ& req,
U2F_SIGN_RESP* resp_out) {
return VendorCommandStruct(kVendorCcU2fSign, req, resp_out);
uint32_t TpmVendorCommandProxy::SendU2fAttest(const U2F_ATTEST_REQ& req,
U2F_ATTEST_RESP* resp_out) {
return VendorCommandStruct(kVendorCcU2fAttest, req, resp_out);
uint32_t TpmVendorCommandProxy::GetG2fCertificate(std::string* cert_out) {
constexpr std::array<uint8_t, 0x23> kCertRequest{
0x80, 0x02, // TPM_ST_SESSIONS
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x23, // size
0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x4e, // TPM_CC_NV_READ
0x01, 0x3f, 0xff, 0x02, // authHandle : TPMI_RH_NV_AUTH
0x01, 0x3f, 0xff, 0x02, // nvIndex : TPMI_RH_NV_INDEX
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09, // authorizationSize : UINT32
0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09, // sessionHandle : empty password
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // nonce, sessionAttributes, hmac
0x01, 0x3b, // nvSize : UINT16
0x00, 0x00 // nvOffset : UINT16
constexpr std::array<uint8_t, 16> kExpectedCertResponseHeader{
0x80, 0x02, // TPM_ST_SESSIONS
0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x50, // responseSize
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // responseCode : TPM_RC_SUCCESS
0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x3d, // parameterSize
0x01, 0x3b, // TPM2B_MAX_NV_BUFFER : size
constexpr int kCertSize = 0x013b;
constexpr int kTpmResponseHeaderSize = 10;
constexpr int kExpectedCertResponseSize = 0x0150;
std::string req(kCertRequest.begin(), kCertRequest.end());
VLOG(2) << "Out(" << req.size()
<< "): " << base::HexEncode(, req.size());
std::string resp = SendCommandAndWait(req);
VLOG(2) << "In(" << resp.size()
<< "): " << base::HexEncode(, resp.size());
if (resp.size() < kTpmResponseHeaderSize) {
return kVendorRcInvalidResponse;
// TODO(louiscollard): This, in a less horrible way.
if (resp.size() != kExpectedCertResponseSize ||, 16,
kExpectedCertResponseHeader.end())) != 0) {
return base::NetToHost32(
*reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(&[6]));
*cert_out = resp.substr(kExpectedCertResponseHeader.size(), kCertSize);
return 0;
void TpmVendorCommandProxy::LogIndividualCertificate() {
std::string cert;
uint32_t cert_status = GetG2fCertificate(&cert);
if (cert_status) {
VLOG(1) << "Failed to retrieve G2F certificate: " << std::hex
<< cert_status;
} else {
VLOG(1) << "Certificate: " << base::HexEncode(, cert.size());
} // namespace u2f