blob: 9f237af6632f1f96411bdca4704aeb80bbf2f084 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
option cc_enable_arenas = true;
// This file defines services that will be running in the host that will be used
// by the container.
package vm_tools.container;
import "common.proto";
// Request protobuf for notifying host that a container has started up.
message ContainerStartupInfo {
// The security token the container was given.
string token = 1;
// Request protobuf for notifying host that a container is shutting down.
message ContainerShutdownInfo {
// The security token the container was given.
string token = 1;
// Corresponds to a .desktop file from the Desktop Entry Spec:
message Application {
// A "localestring". Entries with a provided locale should set the |locale|
// field to the value inside the [] and default entries should leave it empty.
message LocalizedString {
message StringWithLocale {
string locale = 1;
string value = 2;
repeated StringWithLocale values = 1;
// This is the 'key' for the application and used in other requests such as
// launching the application or retrieving its icon.
string desktop_file_id = 1;
// These fields map directly to keys from the Desktop Entry spec.
LocalizedString name = 2;
LocalizedString comment = 3;
repeated string mime_types = 4;
bool no_display = 5;
string startup_wm_class = 6;
bool startup_notify = 7;
// Request protobuf for notifying the host of our list of installed
// applications.
message UpdateApplicationListRequest {
// The security token the container was given.
string token = 1;
// The list of all the installed applications.
repeated Application application = 2;
// Request protobuf for opening a URL in the host.
message OpenUrlRequest {
// The URL to open.
string url = 1;
// Service that is notified of events from a container.
service ContainerListener {
// Called by each container when it starts up to indicate that it is ready to
// handle incoming requests.
rpc ContainerReady(ContainerStartupInfo) returns (EmptyMessage);
// Called by each container before it shuts down to indicate it should no
// longer be sent incoming requests.
rpc ContainerShutdown(ContainerShutdownInfo) returns (EmptyMessage);
// Called by a container to update the list of applications installed within
// the container.
rpc UpdateApplicationList(UpdateApplicationListRequest)
returns (EmptyMessage);
// Called by a container to open the specified URL with the browser in the
// host.
rpc OpenUrl(OpenUrlRequest) returns (EmptyMessage);