blob: 19e24adaa6ae589b79f6890ce7d836cc8410f3f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "attestation/common/attestation_interface.h"
#include "cryptohome/service.h"
namespace cryptohome {
// ServiceDistributed
// Represents a Service where attestation functionality is implemented
// in a separated attestationd daemon.
class ServiceDistributed : public Service {
virtual ~ServiceDistributed();
void AttestationInitialize() override;
void AttestationInitializeTpm() override;
void AttestationInitializeTpmComplete() override;
void AttestationGetTpmStatus(GetTpmStatusReply* reply) override;
bool AttestationGetDelegateCredentials(
brillo::SecureBlob* blob,
brillo::SecureBlob* secret,
bool* has_reset_lock_permissions) override;
gboolean TpmIsAttestationPrepared(gboolean* OUT_prepared,
GError** error) override;
gboolean TpmVerifyAttestationData(gboolean is_cros_core,
gboolean* OUT_verified,
GError** error) override;
gboolean TpmVerifyEK(gboolean is_cros_core,
gboolean* OUT_verified,
GError** error) override;
gboolean TpmAttestationCreateEnrollRequest(gint pca_type,
GArray** OUT_pca_request,
GError** error) override;
gboolean AsyncTpmAttestationCreateEnrollRequest(gint pca_type,
gint* OUT_async_id,
GError** error) override;
gboolean TpmAttestationEnroll(gint pca_type,
GArray* pca_response,
gboolean* OUT_success,
GError** error) override;
gboolean AsyncTpmAttestationEnroll(gint pca_type,
GArray* pca_response,
gint* OUT_async_id,
GError** error) override;
gboolean TpmAttestationCreateCertRequest(gint pca_type,
gint certificate_profile,
gchar* username,
gchar* request_origin,
GArray** OUT_pca_request,
GError** error) override;
gboolean AsyncTpmAttestationCreateCertRequest(gint pca_type,
gint certificate_profile,
gchar* username,
gchar* request_origin,
gint* OUT_async_id,
GError** error) override;
gboolean TpmAttestationFinishCertRequest(GArray* pca_response,
gboolean is_user_specific,
gchar* username,
gchar* key_name,
GArray** OUT_cert,
gboolean* OUT_success,
GError** error) override;
gboolean AsyncTpmAttestationFinishCertRequest(GArray* pca_response,
gboolean is_user_specific,
gchar* username,
gchar* key_name,
gint* OUT_async_id,
GError** error) override;
gboolean TpmIsAttestationEnrolled(gboolean* OUT_is_enrolled,
GError** error) override;
gboolean TpmAttestationDoesKeyExist(gboolean is_user_specific,
gchar* username,
gchar* key_name,
gboolean* OUT_exists,
GError** error) override;
gboolean TpmAttestationGetCertificate(gboolean is_user_specific,
gchar* username,
gchar* key_name,
GArray** OUT_certificate,
gboolean* OUT_success,
GError** error) override;
gboolean TpmAttestationGetPublicKey(gboolean is_user_specific,
gchar* username,
gchar* key_name,
GArray** OUT_public_key,
gboolean* OUT_success,
GError** error) override;
gboolean TpmAttestationRegisterKey(gboolean is_user_specific,
gchar* username,
gchar* key_name,
gint* OUT_async_id,
GError** error) override;
gboolean TpmAttestationSignEnterpriseChallenge(
gboolean is_user_specific,
gchar* username,
gchar* key_name,
gchar* domain,
GArray* device_id,
gboolean include_signed_public_key,
GArray* challenge,
gint* OUT_async_id,
GError** error) override;
gboolean TpmAttestationSignEnterpriseVaChallenge(
gint va_type,
gboolean is_user_specific,
gchar* username,
gchar* key_name,
gchar* domain,
GArray* device_id,
gboolean include_signed_public_key,
GArray* challenge,
gint* OUT_async_id,
GError** error) override;
gboolean TpmAttestationSignSimpleChallenge(gboolean is_user_specific,
gchar* username,
gchar* key_name,
GArray* challenge,
gint* OUT_async_id,
GError** error) override;
gboolean TpmAttestationGetKeyPayload(gboolean is_user_specific,
gchar* username,
gchar* key_name,
GArray** OUT_payload,
gboolean* OUT_success,
GError** error) override;
gboolean TpmAttestationSetKeyPayload(gboolean is_user_specific,
gchar* username,
gchar* key_name,
GArray* payload,
gboolean* OUT_success,
GError** error) override;
gboolean TpmAttestationDeleteKeys(gboolean is_user_specific,
gchar* username,
gchar* key_prefix,
gboolean* OUT_success,
GError** error) override;
gboolean TpmAttestationGetEK(gchar** ek_info,
gboolean* OUT_success,
GError** error) override;
gboolean TpmAttestationResetIdentity(gchar* reset_token,
GArray** OUT_reset_request,
gboolean* OUT_success,
GError** error) override;
gboolean GetEndorsementInfo(const GArray* request,
DBusGMethodInvocation* context) override;
gboolean InitializeCastKey(const GArray* request,
DBusGMethodInvocation* context) override;
// A helper function which maps an integer to a valid CertificateProfile.
static attestation::CertificateProfile GetProfile(int profile_value);
// Send GetKeyInfoRequest to attestationd and wait for reply.
bool GetKeyInfo(gboolean is_user_specific,
gchar* username,
gchar* key_name,
attestation::GetKeyInfoReply* key_info);
// Prepare interface to attestationd, if not prepared yet.
// Can be called multiple times.
// Starts attestation_thread_ and initializes interface.
bool PrepareInterface();
// Get a unique async_id for use in async dbus methods.
static int AllocateAsyncId();
// Post a method on the attestation_thread_.
template <typename MethodType>
bool Post(const MethodType& method);
// Post a method on the attestation_thread and wait for its completion.
template <typename MethodType>
bool PostAndWait(const MethodType& method);
// Send request to attestationd and wait for reply.
// Request is sent from attestation_thread_.
template <typename ReplyProtoType, typename MethodType>
bool SendRequestAndWait(const MethodType& method,
ReplyProtoType* reply_proto);
// A helper function which maps an integer to a valid ACAType.
static gboolean ConvertPCATypeToACAType(gint pca_type,
attestation::ACAType* aca_type,
GError** error);
// Helper methods that fill GError where an error
// is returned directly from the original handler.
static void ReportErrorFromStatus(GError** error,
attestation::AttestationStatus status);
static void ReportSendFailure(GError** error);
static void ReportUnsupportedPCAType(GError** error, int pca_type);
attestation::AttestationInterface* attestation_interface_;
// Callbacks processing different replies.
// Called from attestation_thread_.
// Process replies that contain only status.
// Sends event with proper async_id.
template <typename ReplyProtoType>
void ProcessStatusReply(int async_id, const ReplyProtoType& reply);
// Process replies that contain status and some binary data.
// The binary data is retrieved from the reply using func().
// Sends event with proper async_id.
template <typename ReplyProtoType>
void ProcessDataReply(const std::string& (ReplyProtoType::*func)() const,
int async_id,
const ReplyProtoType& reply);
// Process GetEndorsementInfoReply.
void ProcessGetEndorsementInfoReply(
DBusGMethodInvocation* context,
const attestation::GetEndorsementInfoReply& reply);
// Tasks executed by attestation_thread_ to process
// async requests.
void DoGetEndorsementInfo(const brillo::SecureBlob& request_array,
DBusGMethodInvocation* context);
void DoInitializeCastKey(const brillo::SecureBlob& request_array,
DBusGMethodInvocation* context);
// Does PCR0 contain the value that indicates the verified mode.
bool IsVerifiedModeMeasured();
base::WeakPtr<ServiceDistributed> GetWeakPtr();
// Message loop thread servicing dbus communications with attestationd.
base::Thread attestation_thread_{"attestation_thread"};
// Declared last, so that weak pointers are destroyed first.
base::WeakPtrFactory<ServiceDistributed> weak_factory_;
} // namespace cryptohome