blob: 6231a7940c762bd5219357d02e389b2974b56156 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "authpolicy/path_service.h"
#include <utility>
#include <base/logging.h>
namespace authpolicy {
namespace {
// Base directories.
const char kAuthPolicyTempDir[] = "/tmp/authpolicyd";
const char kAuthPolicyStateDir[] = "/var/lib/authpolicyd";
// Relative Samba directories.
const char kSambaDir[] = "/samba";
const char kLockDir[] = "/lock";
const char kCacheDir[] = "/cache";
const char kStateDir[] = "/state";
const char kPrivateDir[] = "/private";
const char kGpoCacheDir[] = "/gpo_cache";
// Configuration files.
const char kConfigPath[] = "/config.dat";
const char kKrb5ConfPath[] = "/krb5.conf";
const char kSmbConfPath[] = "/smb.conf";
// Machine keytab.
const char kMachineKeyTabPath[] = "/krb5_machine.keytab";
// Debug flags.
const char kDebugFlagsPath[] = "/etc/authpolicyd_flags";
// kinit trace logs.
const char kKrb5TracePath[] = "/krb5_trace";
// Executable paths.
const char kKInitPath[] = "/usr/bin/kinit";
const char kNetPath[] = "/usr/bin/net";
const char kParserPath[] = "/usr/sbin/authpolicy_parser";
const char kSmbClientPath[] = "/usr/bin/smbclient";
// Seccomp filters.
const char kKInitSeccompFilter[] =
const char kNetAdsSeccompFilter[] =
const char kParserSeccompFilter[] =
const char kSmbClientSeccompFilter[] =
} // namespace
PathService::PathService() : PathService(true) {
PathService::PathService(bool initialize) {
if (initialize)
PathService::~PathService() {
void PathService::Initialize() {
// Set paths. Note: Won't override paths that are already set by a more
// derived version of this method.
Insert(Path::TEMP_DIR, kAuthPolicyTempDir);
Insert(Path::STATE_DIR, kAuthPolicyStateDir);
const std::string& temp_dir = Get(Path::TEMP_DIR);
const std::string& state_dir = Get(Path::STATE_DIR);
Insert(Path::SAMBA_DIR, temp_dir + kSambaDir);
Insert(Path::SAMBA_LOCK_DIR, temp_dir + kSambaDir + kLockDir);
Insert(Path::SAMBA_CACHE_DIR, temp_dir + kSambaDir + kCacheDir);
Insert(Path::SAMBA_STATE_DIR, temp_dir + kSambaDir + kStateDir);
Insert(Path::SAMBA_PRIVATE_DIR, temp_dir + kSambaDir + kPrivateDir);
Insert(Path::GPO_LOCAL_DIR, temp_dir + kSambaDir + kCacheDir + kGpoCacheDir);
Insert(Path::CONFIG_DAT, state_dir + kConfigPath);
Insert(Path::KRB5_CONF, temp_dir + kKrb5ConfPath);
Insert(Path::SMB_CONF, temp_dir + kSmbConfPath);
const std::string& samba_dir = Get(Path::SAMBA_DIR);
Insert(Path::MACHINE_KT_STATE, state_dir + kMachineKeyTabPath);
Insert(Path::MACHINE_KT_TEMP, samba_dir + kMachineKeyTabPath);
Insert(Path::KINIT, kKInitPath);
Insert(Path::NET, kNetPath);
Insert(Path::PARSER, kParserPath);
Insert(Path::SMBCLIENT, kSmbClientPath);
Insert(Path::KINIT_SECCOMP, kKInitSeccompFilter);
Insert(Path::NET_ADS_SECCOMP, kNetAdsSeccompFilter);
Insert(Path::PARSER_SECCOMP, kParserSeccompFilter);
Insert(Path::SMBCLIENT_SECCOMP, kSmbClientSeccompFilter);
Insert(Path::DEBUG_FLAGS, kDebugFlagsPath);
Insert(Path::KRB5_TRACE, temp_dir + kKrb5TracePath);
const std::string& PathService::Get(Path path_key) const {
auto iter = paths_.find(path_key);
DCHECK(iter != paths_.end());
return iter->second;
void PathService::Insert(Path path_key, const std::string& path) {
paths_.insert(std::make_pair(path_key, path));
} // namespace authpolicy