blob: 772de99c4bb59b1fac8c20c9e3a30bba96eae59c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include "fides/blob_ref.h"
namespace fides {
class LockedSettingsContainer;
class LockedVersionComponent;
class SettingsService;
// A delegate interface for implementing behavior specific to a configuration
// source type. Subclasses implement specific logic for different approaches to
// key management, e.g. device owner keys.
class SourceDelegate {
virtual ~SourceDelegate() = default;
// Validates a version stamp component signed by the source.
virtual bool ValidateVersionComponent(
const LockedVersionComponent& component) const = 0;
// Validates a blob.
virtual bool ValidateContainer(
const LockedSettingsContainer& container) const = 0;
// A trivial SourceDelegate implementation that fails all validation operations.
class DummySourceDelegate : public SourceDelegate {
DummySourceDelegate() = default;
virtual ~DummySourceDelegate() = default;
// SourceDelegate:
bool ValidateVersionComponent(
const LockedVersionComponent& component) const override;
bool ValidateContainer(
const LockedSettingsContainer& container) const override;
// A function type to create source delegates. Returns |nullptr| in case the
// source configuration in |settings| are invalid.
using SourceDelegateFactoryFunction =
const std::string& source_id,
const SettingsService& settings)>;
// This class implements a type-based source delegate factory function registry.
// Subordinate factory functions can be registered to service delegate creation
// requests for a specified type.
// Note that SourceDelegateFactory is not copyable, but can be wrapped in a
// std::reference for use as a SourceDelegateFactoryFunction.
class SourceDelegateFactory {
SourceDelegateFactory() = default;
// Creates a delegate for the given source ID. Looks up the delegate type in
// |settings|, finds the corresponding factory function, creates a delegate
// and returns it. |nullptr| will be returned if there is no suitable factory
// function registered or the factory failed to create a delegate.
std::unique_ptr<SourceDelegate> operator()(
const std::string& source_id,
const SettingsService& settings) const;
// Register a new factory function to service
void RegisterFunction(const std::string& type,
const SourceDelegateFactoryFunction& factory);
// Maps type identifiers to the corresponding factories.
std::map<std::string, SourceDelegateFactoryFunction> function_map_;
} // namespace fides