blob: 046e353eccc50b7a3c46eb855ba93e3fd68111fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_ptr.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <base/timer/timer.h>
#include "power_manager/powerd/system/backlight_interface.h"
namespace power_manager {
class Clock;
namespace system {
// Controls a panel or keyboard backlight via sysfs.
class InternalBacklight : public BacklightInterface {
// Base names of backlight files within sysfs directories.
static const char kBrightnessFilename[];
static const char kMaxBrightnessFilename[];
static const char kActualBrightnessFilename[];
static const char kResumeBrightnessFilename[];
virtual ~InternalBacklight();
// Initialize the backlight object.
// The |base_path| specifies the directory to look for backlights. The
// |pattern| is a glob pattern to help find the right backlight.
// Expected values for parameters look like:
// base: "/sys/class/backlight", pattern: "*"
// base: "/sys/class/leds", pattern: "*:kbd_backlight"
// On success, return true; otherwise return false.
bool Init(const base::FilePath& base_path,
const base::FilePath::StringType& pattern);
bool transition_timer_is_running() const {
return transition_timer_.IsRunning();
base::TimeTicks transition_timer_start_time() const {
return transition_timer_start_time_;
Clock* clock() { return clock_.get(); }
// Calls HandleTransitionTimeout() as if |transition_timer_| had fired
// and returns true if the timer is still running afterward and false if it
// isn't.
bool TriggerTransitionTimeoutForTesting();
// Overridden from BacklightInterface:
int64_t GetMaxBrightnessLevel() override;
int64_t GetCurrentBrightnessLevel() override;
bool SetBrightnessLevel(int64_t level, base::TimeDelta interval) override;
bool SetResumeBrightnessLevel(int64_t level) override;
bool TransitionInProgress() const override;
// Sets the brightness level appropriately for the current point in the
// transition. When the transition is done, stops |transition_timer_|.
void HandleTransitionTimeout();
// Cancels |transition_timeout_id_| if set.
void CancelTransition();
scoped_ptr<Clock> clock_;
// Paths to the actual_brightness, brightness, max_brightness and
// resume_brightness files under /sys/class/backlight.
base::FilePath actual_brightness_path_;
base::FilePath brightness_path_;
base::FilePath max_brightness_path_;
base::FilePath resume_brightness_path_;
// Cached maximum and last-set brightness levels.
int64_t max_brightness_level_;
int64_t current_brightness_level_;
// Calls HandleTransitionTimeout().
base::RepeatingTimer<InternalBacklight> transition_timer_;
// Time at which |transition_timer_| was last started. Used for testing.
base::TimeTicks transition_timer_start_time_;
// Times at which the current transition started and is scheduled to end.
base::TimeTicks transition_start_time_;
base::TimeTicks transition_end_time_;
// Start and end brightness level for the current transition.
int64_t transition_start_level_;
int64_t transition_end_level_;
} // namespace system
} // namespace power_manager