blob: 19f9796e20c760f5d5388372b201926205d24bf0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module ash.heartd.mojom;
// Control interface exposed by heartd. Chrome can use this interface to control
// the behavior of heartd.
// NextMinVersion: 0, NextIndex: 3
interface HeartdControl {
// Enable the heartd daemon to perform normal reboot action, this asks the
// powerd to reboot the device through D-Bus.
// Enable the heartd daemon to perform force reboot action, this is done by
// using /proc/sysrq-trigger.
// Execute action immediately.
RunAction@2(ActionType action) => (bool success);
// Heartbeat service interface exposed by heartd. Clients can use this interface
// to register the service and send heartbeat to heartd.
// NextMinVersion: 0, NextIndex: 1
interface HeartbeatService {
// Each ServiceName can only register one heartbeat service. We reject second
// registration by dropping the `Pacemaker` mojo connection directly.
// After registration, heartd starts to verify the heartbeat consistency. So
// clients are expected to send heartbeat once registered. If the mojo
// connection of `Pacemaker` is dropped by the clients before calling
// `StopMonitor`, we assume that something bad happens and will treat it as
// one missing heartbeat when verification.
ServiceName name,
HeartbeatServiceArgument argument,
pending_receiver<Pacemaker> receiver) => (bool success);
struct HeartbeatServiceArgument {
// The actions to be taken when the heartbeat is missing.
array<Action> actions@0;
// For every verification, we check if there is at least one heartbeat in the
// past `verification_window_seconds`. It's recommended to set it to a little
// larger than the heartbeat rate. The minimum value of this is 70 (The min
// heartbeat rate is 60s + buffer time 10s). Client is better to consider the
// buffer time since their process may not be real time or high priority.
uint32 verification_window_seconds@1;
struct Action {
// How many heartbeat consecutive verification failures are required to
// perform `action`.
uint8 failure_count@0;
// The action to perform when failure count is equal to `failure_count`.
ActionType action@1;
// SendHeartbeat can either be successful or rate limited depending on how many
// reboots have happened. The HeartbeatResponse Enum takes care of proper
// replies.
enum HeartbeatResponse {
kSuccess = 0,
// Pacemaker interface. Clients hold the remote and use this to send heartbeat
// or stop the service.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 2
interface Pacemaker {
// Clients have to call this method periodically to indicate they are alive.
// Please call this at most once in a minute to minimize power consumption.
SendHeartbeat@0() => (HeartbeatResponse response);
// After calling this method, heartd will do the necessary clean up. Clients
// can drop the connection safely after the callback is invoked.
StopMonitor@1() => ();
// Adding new service needs a security review. Please reach out to the heartd
// service owner as early as possible.
enum ServiceName {
[Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 0,
kKiosk = 1,
enum ActionType {
[Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 0,
// No operation.
kNoOperation = 1,
kNormalReboot = 2,
kForceReboot = 3,
// Call `sync` to sync data to disk.
kSyncData = 4,