blob: c4e2185e2a2af13592b72ed611486344a716cc35 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "trunks/command_transceiver.h"
#include "trunks/trunks_export.h"
#if defined SPI_OVER_FTDI
#include "trunks/ftdi/mpsse.h"
namespace trunks {
// TrunksFtdiSpi is a CommandTransceiver implementation that forwards all
// commands to the SPI over FTDI interface directly to a TPM chip.
class TRUNKS_EXPORT TrunksFtdiSpi : public CommandTransceiver {
TrunksFtdiSpi() : mpsse_(NULL), locality_(0) {}
TrunksFtdiSpi(const TrunksFtdiSpi&) = delete;
TrunksFtdiSpi& operator=(const TrunksFtdiSpi&) = delete;
~TrunksFtdiSpi() override;
// CommandTransceiver methods.
bool Init() override;
void SendCommand(const std::string& command,
const ResponseCallback& callback) override;
std::string SendCommandAndWait(const std::string& command) override;
struct mpsse_context* mpsse_;
unsigned locality_; // Set at initialization.
// Read a TPM register into the passed in buffer, where 'bytes' the width of
// the register. Return true on success, false on failure.
bool FtdiReadReg(unsigned reg_number, size_t bytes, void* buffer);
// Write a TPM register from the passed in buffer, where 'bytes' the width of
// the register. Return true on success, false on failure.
bool FtdiWriteReg(unsigned reg_number, size_t bytes, const void* buffer);
// Generate a proper SPI frame for read/write transaction, read_write set to
// true for read transactions, the size of the transaction is passed as
// 'bytes', addr is the internal TPM address space address (accounting for
// locality).
// Note that this function is expected to be called when the SPI bus is idle
// (CS deasserted), and will assert the CS before transmitting.
void StartTransaction(bool read_write, size_t bytes, unsigned addr);
// TPM Status Register is going to be accessed a lot, let's have dedicated
// accessors for it,
bool ReadTpmSts(uint32_t* status);
bool WriteTpmSts(uint32_t status);
// Poll status register until the required value is read or the timeout
// expires.
bool WaitForStatus(uint32_t statusMask,
uint32_t statusExpected,
int timeout_ms = 10000);
// Retrieve current value of the burst count field.
size_t GetBurstCount(void);
} // namespace trunks
#else // SPI_OVER_FTDI ^^^^ defined vvvvv NOT defined
namespace trunks {
// A plug to support compilations on platforms where FTDI SPI interface is not
// available.
class TRUNKS_EXPORT TrunksFtdiSpi : public CommandTransceiver {
TrunksFtdiSpi() {}
~TrunksFtdiSpi() {}
bool Init() { return false; }
void SendCommand(const std::string& command, ResponseCallback callback) {}
std::string SendCommandAndWait(const std::string& command) {
return std::string("");
} // namespace trunks
#endif // SPI_OVER_FTDI ^^^^ NOT defined