blob: c7e32c765d0f0e179bcea20f1f31e3604efc5264 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "trunks/tpm_generated.h"
namespace trunks {
class AuthorizationDelegate;
// PolicySession is an interface for managing policy backed sessions for
// authorization and parameter encryption.
class PolicySession {
PolicySession() {}
PolicySession(const PolicySession&) = delete;
PolicySession& operator=(const PolicySession&) = delete;
virtual ~PolicySession() {}
// Returns an authorization delegate for this session. Ownership of the
// delegate pointer is retained by the session.
virtual AuthorizationDelegate* GetDelegate() = 0;
// Starts a session which is bound to |bind_entity| with
// |bind_authorization_value|. Encryption is enabled if |enable_encryption| is
// true. Salting is done if |salted| is true. The session remains active until
// this object is destroyed or another session is started with a call to
// Start*Session.
virtual TPM_RC StartBoundSession(TPMI_DH_ENTITY bind_entity,
const std::string& bind_authorization_value,
bool salted,
bool enable_encryption) = 0;
// Starts an unbound session. Salting is done if |salted| is true. Encryption
// is enabled if |enable_encryption| is true. The session remains active until
// this object is destroyed or another session is started with a call to
// Start*Session.
virtual TPM_RC StartUnboundSession(bool salted, bool enable_encryption) = 0;
// This method is used to get the current PolicyDigest of the PolicySession.
virtual TPM_RC GetDigest(std::string* digest) = 0;
// This method is used to construct a complex policy. It takes a list
// of policy digests. After the command is executed, the policy represented
// by this session is the OR of the provided policies.
virtual TPM_RC PolicyOR(const std::vector<std::string>& digests) = 0;
// This method binds the PolicySession to a provided PCR map. If the empty
// string is provided for all the values of the map, the PolicySession is
// bound to the current PCR values.
virtual TPM_RC PolicyPCR(const std::map<uint32_t, std::string>& pcr_map) = 0;
// This method binds the PolicySession to a specified CommandCode.
// Once called, this Session can only be used to authorize actions on the
// provided CommandCode.
virtual TPM_RC PolicyCommandCode(TPM_CC command_code) = 0;
// This method includes a secret-based authorization to the PolicySession
// with the following parameters:
// |auth_entity| - handle of the entity providing authorization.
// |auth_entity_name| - name of the entity providing authorization.
// |nonce| - policy nonce for the session (can be empty string).
// |cp_hash| - digest of the command parameters to which this authorization
// is limited (empty string, if not limited).
// |policy_ref| - reference to a policy relating to the authorization
// (can be empty string).
// |expiration| - relative time in seconds when authorization will expire
// (0 if never expires).
// |delegate| - authorization delegate for |auth_entity|.
virtual TPM_RC PolicySecret(TPMI_DH_ENTITY auth_entity,
const std::string& auth_entity_name,
const std::string& nonce,
const std::string& cp_hash,
const std::string& policy_ref,
int32_t expiration,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate) = 0;
// This method includes a signature-based authorization to the PolicySession
// with the following parameters:
// |auth_entity| - handle of the entity providing authorization (that is, of
// the public key entity).
// |auth_entity_name| - name of the entity providing authorization.
// |nonce| - policy nonce for the session (can be empty string).
// |cp_hash| - digest of the command parameters to which this authorization
// is limited (empty string, if not limited).
// |policy_ref| - reference to a policy relating to the authorization
// (can be empty string).
// |expiration| - relative time in seconds when authorization will expire
// (0 if never expires).
// |signature| - signature object that specifies signing algorithm parameters
// and (for non-trial sessions) the contents of the signature.
// |delegate| - authorization delegate for |auth_entity|.
virtual TPM_RC PolicySigned(TPMI_DH_ENTITY auth_entity,
const std::string& auth_entity_name,
const std::string& nonce,
const std::string& cp_hash,
const std::string& policy_ref,
int32_t expiration,
const trunks::TPMT_SIGNATURE& signature,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate) = 0;
// This method specifies that Authorization Values need to be included in
// HMAC computation done by the AuthorizationDelegate.
virtual TPM_RC PolicyAuthValue() = 0;
// Reset a policy session to its original state.
virtual TPM_RC PolicyRestart() = 0;
// Sets the current entity authorization value. This can be safely called
// while the session is active and subsequent commands will use the value.
virtual void SetEntityAuthorizationValue(const std::string& value) = 0;
// This method includes a signature-based authorization to the PolicySession
// with the following parameters:
// |auth_entity| - handle of the entity providing authorization (that is, of
// the public key entity).
// |auth_entity_name| - name of the entity providing authorization.
// |auth_data| - Authenticator Data
// |auth_data_descr| - Descriptors of auth_data.
// It is an array of (UINT16 offset, UINT16 size) tuples,
// which points the part of auth_data for auth hash.
// |signature| - signature object that specifies signing algorithm parameters
// and (for non-trial sessions) the contents of the signature.
// |delegate| - authorization delegate for |auth_entity|.
virtual TPM_RC PolicyFidoSigned(
TPMI_DH_ENTITY auth_entity,
const std::string& auth_entity_name,
const std::string& auth_data,
const std::vector<FIDO_DATA_RANGE>& auth_data_descr,
const TPMT_SIGNATURE& signature,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate) = 0;
// This method binds the PolicySession to a provided NV index based on the
// given |offset|, |operand| and |operation|.
virtual TPM_RC PolicyNV(uint32_t index,
uint32_t offset,
bool using_owner_authorization,
TPM2B_OPERAND operand,
TPM_EO operation,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate) = 0;
} // namespace trunks