blob: 98b7e5a9f916b99f688656ddd5922346744a39ae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstddef>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <base/time/clock.h>
#include <base/time/tick_clock.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <base/timer/wall_clock_timer.h>
#include <base/unguessable_token.h>
#include <cryptohome/proto_bindings/auth_factor.pb.h>
#include <cryptohome/proto_bindings/UserDataAuth.pb.h>
#include <libstorage/platform/platform.h>
#include "cryptohome/auth_session.h"
#include "cryptohome/error/cryptohome_error.h"
#include "cryptohome/username.h"
namespace cryptohome {
class InUseAuthSession;
class BoundAuthSession;
using AuthSessionExpiringCallBack =
class AuthSessionManager {
// The default timeout duration for sessions.
static constexpr base::TimeDelta kAuthTimeout = base::Minutes(5);
static constexpr base::TimeDelta kAuthTimeoutWarning = base::Minutes(1);
// Construct a session manager that will use the given backing APIs to create
// new AuthSession objects.
explicit AuthSessionManager(AuthSession::BackingApis backing_apis);
AuthSessionManager(AuthSessionManager&) = delete;
AuthSessionManager& operator=(AuthSessionManager&) = delete;
// Creates new auth session for account_id with the specified flags and
// intent. Returns the token for the newly created session.
base::UnguessableToken CreateAuthSession(const Username& account_id,
uint32_t flags,
AuthIntent auth_intent);
// Allow for the explicit control over the AuthSession parameters. This should
// generally only be used in testing.
base::UnguessableToken CreateAuthSession(
AuthSession::Params auth_session_params);
// Removes existing auth session with token. Returns false if there's no auth
// session with this token.
bool RemoveAuthSession(const base::UnguessableToken& token);
// Overload for remove to avoid deserialization client side.
bool RemoveAuthSession(const std::string& serialized_token);
// Removes all of the auth sessions for a specific user, or for all users.
// This is generally intended for use with by destructive APIs for Remove or
// Unmount operations that will invalidate all state for one or all users.
void RemoveUserAuthSessions(const ObfuscatedUsername& username);
void RemoveAllAuthSessions();
// Finds existing auth session with token and invoke |callback| with the auth
// session. If the auth session is available or doesn't exist, the callback is
// invoked immediately. If the auth session exists but is currently active,
// |callback| will be invoked when the auth session becomes available
// (released from active usage).
void RunWhenAvailable(const base::UnguessableToken& token,
base::OnceCallback<void(InUseAuthSession)> callback);
// Overload to avoid deserialization on client side.
void RunWhenAvailable(const std::string& serialized_token,
base::OnceCallback<void(InUseAuthSession)> callback);
friend class InUseAuthSession;
friend class BoundAuthSession;
// Represents an instance of pending work scheduled for an auth session. If
// the work object is destroyed before it has been executed then the work
// callback will be called with an error.
class PendingWork {
using Callback = base::OnceCallback<void(InUseAuthSession)>;
PendingWork(base::UnguessableToken session_token, Callback work_callback);
// Pending work objects can be moved but not copied, because the underlying
// work callback cannot be copied. A moved-from work object is considered to
// be in a null state and can only be assigned to or destroyed.
PendingWork(const PendingWork&) = delete;
PendingWork& operator=(const PendingWork&) = delete;
PendingWork(PendingWork&& other);
PendingWork& operator=(PendingWork&& other);
const base::UnguessableToken& session_token() const {
return session_token_;
// Execute the pending work against the given session. Attempting to run
// this work twice is a CHECK failure.
void Run(InUseAuthSession session) &&;
// Token that identifies the session this work is targeted to.
base::UnguessableToken session_token_;
// The work callback. Once the callback is executed this will be cleared.
std::optional<Callback> work_callback_;
// Add a new session. Implements the common portion of the CreateAuthSession
// calls, after the session has successfully been created.
base::UnguessableToken AddAuthSession(
std::unique_ptr<AuthSession> auth_session);
// Starts/Restarts/Stops the expiration timer based on the current contents of
// the expiration map.
void ResetExpirationTimer();
// Move AuthSession to expiring soon when the session has less than 1 minute
// of expiration.
void MoveAuthSessionsToExpiringSoon();
// Callback registered with sessions to catch authentication. This will set
// the session to timeout in kAuthTimeout.
void SessionOnAuthCallback(const base::UnguessableToken& token);
// Checks the expriring soon auth session map to update time for the auth
// session with |token|.
void CheckExpiringSoonMap(const base::UnguessableToken& token);
// Callback to flush any expired sessions in the expiration map.
void ExpireAuthSessions();
// Run as the destructor for InUseAuthSession, signaling that any active dbus
// calls that referenced the AuthSession have now finished.
void MarkNotInUse(std::unique_ptr<AuthSession> session);
// The underlying backing APIs used to construct new sessions.
AuthSession::BackingApis backing_apis_;
// Map of session tokens to the session user.
std::map<base::UnguessableToken, ObfuscatedUsername> token_to_user_;
// For each user, stores all of their sessions as well as a work queue.
struct UserAuthSessions {
// All of the auth sessions for this user. If one of the sessions is in
// active use then it will still have an entry in this map but the value
// will be nullptr with the ownership being held by an InUseAuthSession.
std::map<base::UnguessableToken, std::unique_ptr<AuthSession>>
// A queue of pending work for the session.
std::queue<PendingWork> work_queue;
// Populated with the token of the currently in use session if that session
// is removed while it is in use.
std::optional<base::UnguessableToken> zombie_session;
std::map<ObfuscatedUsername, UserAuthSessions> user_auth_sessions_;
// Timer infrastructure used to track sessions for expiration. This is done by
// using a map of expiration time -> token to keep track of when sessions
// along with a timer which will be triggered whenever at least one of this
// sessions is ready to be moved to expiring soon state. The timer is
// triggered for whichever of the maps needs it first.
// Note that this needs to be a multimap because you can have multiple
// sessions that are set to expire at the exact same time.
std::multimap<base::Time, base::UnguessableToken> expiration_map_;
std::multimap<base::Time, base::UnguessableToken>
const base::Clock* clock_;
base::WallClockTimer expiration_timer_;
// The repeating callback to send AuthSessionExpiringSignal.
AuthSessionExpiringCallBack auth_session_expiring_callback_;
// The last member, to invalidate weak references first on destruction.
base::WeakPtrFactory<AuthSessionManager> weak_factory_{this};
// The InUseAuthSession class is a wrapper around AuthSession that indicates
// that a managed session is currently "in use". This wrapper receives ownership
// of the session from the session manager when it is constructed, and then it
// returns ownership back when it is destroyed.
// Conceptually, this is similar to a smart pointer but instead of signalling "I
// own this session" it signals "I am using this session". Destroying the InUse
// object signals that you are no longer using the session and makes it
// available for use by others, rather than terminating the session.
// Normally the implementation of a dbus operation will use RunWhenAvailable to
// schedule work (via a callback) against the session when it is not busy. The
// callback will be given an InUseAuthSession which it can do work against and
// then release upon completion to make the session available again for other
// callbacks and operations.
// This object behaves similarly to a StatusOk<AuthSession>. It can have a
// not-OK status (via AuthSessionStatus()) to indicate that there is not a valid
// underlying AuthSession object, and it provides dereference operators (* and
// ->) for accessing said object when it IS valid.
class InUseAuthSession {
InUseAuthSession(InUseAuthSession&& auth_session);
InUseAuthSession& operator=(InUseAuthSession&& auth_session);
// Pointer operators. Note that the references and pointers to the AuthSession
// returned by these are only guaranteed to be valid so long as the
// InUseAuthSession that they came from is live.
AuthSession& operator*() { return *session_; }
const AuthSession& operator*() const { return *session_; }
AuthSession* operator->() { return session_.get(); }
const AuthSession* operator->() const { return session_.get(); }
AuthSession* Get() { return session_.get(); }
const AuthSession* Get() const { return session_.get(); }
// Indicates the status of the in-use object. This is set to not-OK when the
// object does not contain a valid underlying session.
CryptohomeStatus AuthSessionStatus() const;
// The remaining lifetime of this session before it is expired. Note that it
// is possible for this to return zero; even in that case the session is not
// actually considered to be expired until the session is deleted.
base::TimeDelta GetRemainingTime() const;
// Extends the timer for the AuthSession by specified duration. Note that this
// can fail, in which case a not-OK status will returned.
CryptohomeStatus ExtendTimeout(base::TimeDelta extension);
// Convert the in-use object into a bound one for use in a callback. Note that
// it is only safe to use this if the functions being used with a callback
// check AuthSessionStatus again once they execute, as a formerly valid in-use
// object may have been timed out.
std::unique_ptr<BoundAuthSession> BindForCallback() &&;
// Explicitly release the session. Useful when you want to terminate usage of
// a session early before the InUseAuthSession object will go out of scope.
// This is equivalent to overwriting the object with a default value but it
// makes the intent more explicit.
void Release() &&;
// Extends the timer for the AuthSession by specified duration. Note that this
// can fail, in which case a not-OK status will returned. This function is
// specifically for the expiring soon map.
CryptohomeStatus ExtendExpiringSoonTimeout(base::TimeDelta extension);
friend class AuthSessionManager;
friend class BoundAuthSession;
InUseAuthSession(AuthSessionManager& manager,
std::unique_ptr<AuthSession> session);
AuthSessionManager* manager_;
std::unique_ptr<AuthSession> session_;
// Wrapper class that can be used to more safely bind an in-use AuthSession to a
// callback. Note that in general functions should not accept this object
// directly as a parameter; it will get automatically constructed by
// BindForCallback and will automatically be unwrapped back into an
// InUseAuthSession when the callback is called.
// Motivations for this class:
// While in theory you could just bind an InUseAuthSession object directly to a
// callback as it is a moveable object, this can be dangerous because an in-use
// object blocks all subsequent session operations for a user and so if the
// callback is never called then that user will be blocked "forever".
// This problem could happen with any InUseAuthSession object but is much less
// likely when it is only being used as a local variable. Local variables will
// be destroyed when the scope is exited and in practice "this function never
// returns" bugs are less common than "this async event never happens".
// This object provides some safety by setting a timeout which will release the
// session if it is blocking any other operations. This ensures that a session
// bound to a callback will not block a user indefinitely.
class BoundAuthSession {
// The timeouts used by the session.
static constexpr base::TimeDelta kTimeout = base::Minutes(1);
static constexpr base::TimeDelta kShortTimeout = base::Seconds(10);
explicit BoundAuthSession(InUseAuthSession auth_session);
// Bound sessions are explicitly not movable because they need to register
// a callback against themselves for timeout and moving them around would
// break that. To actually bind a bound session into a callback you need to
// also wrap it in a unique_ptr.
BoundAuthSession(BoundAuthSession&) = delete;
BoundAuthSession& operator=(BoundAuthSession&) = delete;
// Return the in use session. The callers must check the returned object for
// validity before using the session.
InUseAuthSession Take() &&;
// If the session being in use is blocking any work, release it back to the
// manager. Otherwise reset the timeout timer to check again later.
void ReleaseSessionIfBlocking();
// Schedule a release-if-blocking check in the given time delta. The caller
// must ensure that the session is OK before calling this.
void ScheduleReleaseCheck(base::TimeDelta delay);
InUseAuthSession session_;
base::WallClockTimer timeout_timer_;
} // namespace cryptohome
namespace base {
// Add a always-fails unwrap template for InUseAuthSession. Normally these are
// supposed used to unwrap wrapping/ptr types, but here we use this as a trick
// to fail compilation if anyone tries to bind an in-use object to a callback.
template <>
struct BindUnwrapTraits<cryptohome::InUseAuthSession> {
template <typename T>
static T Unwrap(T o) {
static_assert(false, "InUseAuthSession is not safe to bind to callbacks");
return o;
// When a callback bound to a BoundAuthSession is called, convert the bound
// value into an InUseAuthSession for the receiver.
template <>
struct BindUnwrapTraits<std::unique_ptr<cryptohome::BoundAuthSession>> {
static cryptohome::InUseAuthSession Unwrap(
std::unique_ptr<cryptohome::BoundAuthSession> o) {
return std::move(*o).Take();
} // namespace base