blob: 89b66a35b37e54c3cfbf6a8cc4def7c92a20ade2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "shill/error.h"
#include <utility>
#include <base/check.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <brillo/errors/error.h>
#include <brillo/errors/error_codes.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/service_constants.h>
#include "shill/logging.h"
namespace shill {
namespace {
struct Info {
const char* dbus_result; // Error type name
const char* message; // Default error type message
const Info kInfos[Error::kNumErrors] = {
{kErrorResultSuccess, "Success (no error)"},
{kErrorResultFailure, "Operation failed (no other information)"},
{kErrorResultAlreadyConnected, "Already connected"},
{kErrorResultAlreadyExists, "Already exists"},
{kErrorResultIllegalOperation, "Illegal operation"},
{kErrorResultIncorrectPin, "Incorrect PIN"},
{kErrorResultInProgress, "In progress"},
{kErrorResultInternalError, "Internal error"},
{kErrorResultInvalidApn, "Invalid APN"},
{kErrorResultInvalidArguments, "Invalid arguments"},
{kErrorResultInvalidNetworkName, "Invalid network name"},
{kErrorResultInvalidPassphrase, "Invalid passphrase"},
{kErrorResultInvalidProperty, "Invalid property"},
{kErrorResultNoCarrier, "No carrier"},
{kErrorResultNotConnected, "Not connected"},
{kErrorResultNotFound, "Not found"},
{kErrorResultNotImplemented, "Not implemented"},
{kErrorResultNotOnHomeNetwork, "Not on home network"},
{kErrorResultNotRegistered, "Not registered"},
{kErrorResultNotSupported, "Not supported"},
{kErrorResultOperationAborted, "Operation aborted"},
{kErrorResultOperationTimeout, "Operation timeout"},
{kErrorResultPassphraseRequired, "Passphrase required"},
{kErrorResultPermissionDenied, "Permission denied"},
{kErrorResultPinBlocked, "SIM PIN is blocked"},
{kErrorResultPinRequired, "SIM PIN is required"},
{kErrorResultTechnologyNotAvailable, "Technology not available"},
{kErrorResultWepNotSupported, "WEP not supported"},
{kErrorResultWrongState, "Wrong state"},
{kErrorResultInternalError, "Internal error"},
} // namespace
Error::Error() {
Error::Error(Type type) {
Error::Error(Type type, std::string_view message) {
Populate(type, message);
Error::Error(Type type,
std::string_view message,
std::string_view detailed_error_type) {
Populate(type, message, detailed_error_type);
Error::Error(Type type,
std::string_view message,
const base::Location& location) {
Populate(type, message, location);
Error::Error(const Error&) = default;
Error& Error::operator=(const Error&) = default;
Error::~Error() = default;
void Error::Populate(Type type) {
Populate(type, GetDefaultMessage(type));
void Error::Populate(Type type, std::string_view message) {
CHECK(type < kNumErrors) << "Error type out of range: " << type;
type_ = type;
message_ = message;
void Error::Populate(Type type,
std::string_view message,
std::string_view detailed_error_type) {
CHECK(type < kNumErrors) << "Error type out of range: " << type;
type_ = type;
message_ = message;
detailed_error_type_ = detailed_error_type;
void Error::Populate(Type type,
std::string_view message,
const base::Location& location) {
CHECK(type < kNumErrors) << "Error type out of range: " << type;
type_ = type;
message_ = message;
location_ = location;
void Error::Log() const {
LogMessage(location_, type_, message_);
void Error::Reset() {
bool Error::ToChromeosError(brillo::ErrorPtr* error) const {
if (IsFailure()) {
brillo::Error::AddTo(error, location_, brillo::errors::dbus::kDomain,
kInfos[type_].dbus_result, message_);
return true;
return false;
bool Error::ToChromeosErrorNoLog(brillo::ErrorPtr* error) const {
if (IsFailure()) {
if (error) {
*error = brillo::Error::CreateNoLog(
location_, brillo::errors::dbus::kDomain, kInfos[type_].dbus_result,
message_, std::move(*error));
return true;
return false;
bool Error::ToDetailedError(brillo::ErrorPtr* error) const {
if (IsFailure()) {
brillo::Error::AddTo(error, location_, brillo::errors::shill::kDomain,
detailed_error_type_, detailed_message_);
return true;
return false;
bool Error::ToDetailedErrorNoLog(brillo::ErrorPtr* error) const {
if (IsFailure()) {
if (error) {
*error = brillo::Error::CreateNoLog(
location_, brillo::errors::shill::kDomain, detailed_error_type_,
detailed_message_, std::move(*error));
return true;
return false;
// static
std::string Error::GetDBusResult(Type type) {
CHECK(type < kNumErrors) << "Error type out of range: " << type;
return kInfos[type].dbus_result;
// static
std::string Error::GetDefaultMessage(Type type) {
CHECK(type < kNumErrors) << "Error type out of range: " << type;
return kInfos[type].message;
// static
void Error::LogMessage(const base::Location& from_here,
Type type,
std::string_view message) {
// Since Chrome OS devices do not support certain features, errors returning
// kNotSupported when those features are requested are expected and should be
// logged as a WARNING. Prefer using the more specific kNotImplemented error
// for missing functionality that should be implemented.
if (type == Error::kNotSupported) {
LOG(WARNING) << GetLocationAsString(from_here) << message;
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << GetLocationAsString(from_here) << message;
// static
void Error::PopulateAndLog(const base::Location& from_here,
Error* error,
Type type,
std::string_view message) {
LogMessage(from_here, type, message);
if (error) {
error->Populate(type, message, from_here);
// static
std::string Error::GetLocationAsString(const base::Location& location) {
if (!location.has_source_info())
return "";
const std::string file_name =
return "[" + file_name + "(" + std::to_string(location.line_number()) +
")]: ";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const Error& error) {
stream << error.GetDBusResult(error.type()) << ": " << error.message();
return stream;
} // namespace shill