blob: 65fab3e0d03865d4fb6e88d353932564b3e4b0a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <vboot/tlcl.h>
namespace mount_encrypted {
class TlclStub {
struct NvramSpaceData {
uint32_t attributes = 0;
std::vector<uint8_t> policy;
std::vector<uint8_t> contents;
bool write_locked = false;
bool read_locked = false;
TlclStub(const TlclStub&) = delete;
TlclStub& operator=(const TlclStub&) = delete;
// Get the space data for |index|.
NvramSpaceData* GetSpace(uint32_t index);
// Put the TPM into owned state with the specified owner auth secret.
void SetOwned(const std::vector<uint8_t>& owner_auth);
// Returns the ownership flag.
bool IsOwned();
// Clear the TPM owner.
void Clear();
// Reset the TPM (i.e. what happens at reboot).
void Reset();
// Configure a PCR to contain the specified value.
void SetPCRValue(uint32_t index, const uint8_t value[TPM_PCR_DIGEST]);
// Returns the emulated dictionary attack counter.
int GetDictionaryAttackCounter();
// This is used to obtain the current stub instance for servicing Tlcl calls.
// Do not call directly in tests, but construct your own TlclStub instance
// which will then be returned by Get().
static TlclStub* Get();
// Service functions to handle Tlcl invocations follow.
uint32_t GetOwnership(uint8_t* owned);
uint32_t GetRandom(uint8_t* data, uint32_t length, uint32_t* size);
uint32_t DefineSpace(uint32_t index, uint32_t perm, uint32_t size);
uint32_t DefineSpaceEx(const uint8_t* owner_auth,
uint32_t owner_auth_size,
uint32_t index,
uint32_t perm,
uint32_t size,
const void* auth_policy,
uint32_t auth_policy_size);
uint32_t GetPermissions(uint32_t index, uint32_t* permissions);
uint32_t GetSpaceInfo(uint32_t index,
uint32_t* permissions,
uint32_t* size,
void* auth_policy,
uint32_t* auth_policy_size);
uint32_t Write(uint32_t index, const void* data, uint32_t length);
uint32_t Read(uint32_t index, void* data, uint32_t length);
uint32_t WriteLock(uint32_t index);
uint32_t ReadLock(uint32_t index);
uint32_t PCRRead(uint32_t index, void* data, uint32_t length);
uint32_t GetVersion(uint32_t* vendor,
uint64_t* firmware_version,
uint8_t* vendor_specific_buf,
size_t* vendor_specific_buf_size);
uint32_t IFXFieldUpgradeInfo(TPM_IFX_FIELDUPGRADEINFO* info);
#if !USE_TPM2
uint32_t ReadPubek(uint32_t* public_exponent,
uint8_t* modulus,
uint32_t* modulus_size);
uint32_t TakeOwnership(uint8_t enc_owner_auth[TPM_RSA_2048_LEN],
uint8_t enc_srk_auth[TPM_RSA_2048_LEN],
uint8_t owner_auth[TPM_AUTH_DATA_LEN]);
uint32_t CreateDelegationFamily(uint8_t family_label);
uint32_t ReadDelegationFamilyTable(TPM_FAMILY_TABLE_ENTRY* table,
uint32_t* table_size);
#endif // !USE_TPM2
bool is_owned() const { return !owner_auth_.empty(); }
template <typename Action>
uint32_t WithSpace(uint32_t index, Action action);
std::vector<uint8_t> owner_auth_;
std::map<uint32_t, NvramSpaceData> nvram_spaces_;
std::map<uint32_t, uint8_t[TPM_PCR_DIGEST]> pcr_values_;
#if !USE_TPM2
uint32_t delegation_family_id_ = 0;
std::vector<TPM_FAMILY_TABLE_ENTRY> delegation_family_table_;
#endif // !USE_TPM2
// The emulated dictionary attack counter.
int dictionary_attack_counter_ = 0;
// The static instance pointer return by Get(). Points at the most recently
// constructed TlclStub instance.
static TlclStub* g_instance;
} // namespace mount_encrypted