blob: 8433ef801cdbd838d848d9c02b2f0e865aa8bee1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <base/functional/callback.h>
namespace bootlockbox {
enum class SpaceState {
kSpaceNormal = 0,
kSpaceError = 1, // General errors.
kSpaceUninitialized = 2, // Space is uninitialized.
kSpaceUndefined = 3, // Space is not defined.
kSpaceWriteLocked = 4, // Space is write locked.
kSpaceNeedPowerwash = 5, // Space needs powerwash to define.
class HwsecSpace {
virtual ~HwsecSpace() = default;
// This method defines a non-volatile storage area in Hwsec for bootlocboxd.
virtual SpaceState DefineSpace() = 0;
// This method writes |digest| to nvram space for bootlockboxd
virtual bool WriteSpace(const std::string& digest) = 0;
// Read nv space to nvram_data. If space is defined and initialized,
// digest contains the digest and returns true. Otherwise, returns false and
// |state| contains the error information.
virtual SpaceState ReadSpace(std::string* digest) = 0;
// Lock the bootlockbox space for writing.
virtual bool LockSpace() = 0;
// Register the callback that would be called when Hwsec ownership had been
// taken.
virtual void RegisterOwnershipTakenCallback(base::OnceClosure callback) = 0;
} // namespace bootlockbox