blob: 31bf5ff8bf0bf11060a2f73653b4625b52c896e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::gpu_freq_scaling::amd_device::{
amd_sustained_mode_cleanup, amd_sustained_mode_init, create_amd_device_config,
use anyhow::{bail, Result};
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use std::sync::Mutex;
static VC_MODE: Lazy<Mutex<bool>> = Lazy::new(|| Mutex::new(false));
pub fn disable_vc_mode() -> Result<()> {
match VC_MODE.lock() {
Ok(mut vc_mode) => {
if *vc_mode {
if let Ok(dev) = create_amd_device_config() {
match amd_sustained_mode_cleanup(&dev) {
Ok(_) => *vc_mode = false,
Err(_) => bail!("failed to clean amd sustained mode"),
Err(_) => bail!("failed to vc mutex"),
pub fn enable_vc_mode() -> Result<()> {
match VC_MODE.lock() {
Ok(mut vc_mode) => {
if !*vc_mode {
if let Ok(dev) = create_amd_device_config() {
match amd_sustained_mode_init(&dev) {
Ok(_) => *vc_mode = true,
Err(_) => bail!("failed to init amd sustained mode"),
Err(_) => bail!("failed to vc mutex"),
pub mod intel_device {
use crate::{
common::{self, GameMode},
use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result};
use log::{info, warn};
use regex::Regex;
use std::{
fs::{self, File},
io::{BufRead, BufReader},
// Device path for cpuinfo.
const CPUINFO_PATH: &str = "proc/cpuinfo";
// Device path for GPU card.
const GPU0_DEVICE_PATH: &str = "sys/class/drm/card0";
// Expected GPU freq for cometlake. Used for filtering check.
const EXPECTED_GPU_MAX_FREQ: u64 = 1000;
// Guard range when reclocking. max > min + guard.
pub struct IntelGpuDeviceConfig {
min_freq_path: PathBuf,
max_freq_path: PathBuf,
turbo_freq_path: PathBuf,
// pub(crate) for sanity unit testing
/// `power_liit_thr` is a table of tuple containing a power_limit_0 value and
/// a max_gpu_freq. Any power_limit that falls within index i and i+1
/// gets mapped to max_gpu_freq i. If power limit exceeds index 0, gpu_max_freq
/// gets mapped to index 0. Any power_limit below the defined table min will be
/// mapped to the lowest max_gpu_freq.
pub(crate) power_limit_thr: Vec<(u64, u64)>,
polling_interval_ms: u64,
struct GpuStats {
min_freq: u64,
max_freq: u64,
// Turbo freq is not manually controlled. MAX == TURBO initially.
_turbo_freq: u64,
/// Function to check if device has Intel cpu.
/// # Return
/// Boolean denoting if device has Intel CPU.
pub fn is_intel_device(root: PathBuf) -> bool {
if let Ok(reader) = File::open(root.join(CPUINFO_PATH))
.context("Couldn't read cpuinfo")
for line in reader.lines().flatten() {
// Only check CPU0 and fail early.
// TODO: integrate with ``
if line.starts_with("vendor_id") {
return line.ends_with("GenuineIntel");
/// Creates a thread that periodically checks for changes in power_limit and adjusts
/// the GPU frequency accordingly.
/// # Arguments
/// * `polling_interval_ms` - How often to check if tuning should be re-adjusted
pub fn run_active_gpu_tuning(polling_interval_ms: u64) -> Result<()> {
run_active_gpu_tuning_impl(PathBuf::from("/"), polling_interval_ms)
/// TODO: remove pub. Separate amd and intel unit tests into their own module so
/// they have access to private functions. Leave this `pub` for now.
pub(crate) fn run_active_gpu_tuning_impl(
root: PathBuf,
polling_interval_ms: u64,
) -> Result<()> {
static TUNING_RUNNING: Mutex<bool> = Mutex::new(false);
if let Ok(mut running) = TUNING_RUNNING.lock() {
if *running {
// Not an error case since set_game_mode called periodically.
// Prevent new thread from spawning.
info!("Tuning thread already running, ignoring new request");
} else {
let gpu_dev = IntelGpuDeviceConfig::new(root.to_owned(), polling_interval_ms)?;
let cpu_dev = DeviceCpuStatus::new(root)?;
*running = true;
thread::spawn(move || {
info!("Created GPU tuning thread with {polling_interval_ms}ms interval");
match gpu_dev.adjust_gpu_frequency(&cpu_dev) {
Ok(_) => info!("GPU tuning thread ended successfully"),
Err(e) => {
warn!("GPU tuning thread ended prematurely: {:?}", e);
if gpu_dev.tuning_cleanup().is_err() {
warn!("GPU tuning thread cleanup failed");
if let Ok(mut running) = TUNING_RUNNING.lock() {
*running = false;
} else {
warn!("GPU Tuning thread Mutex poisoned, unable to reset flag");
} else {
warn!("GPU Tuning thread Mutex poisoned, ignoring run request");
impl IntelGpuDeviceConfig {
/// Create a new Intel GPU device object which can be used to set system tuning parameters.
/// # Arguments
/// * `root` - root path of device. Used for using relative paths for testing. Should
/// always be '/' for device.
/// * `polling_interval_ms` - How often to check if tuning should be re-adjusted.
/// # Return
/// New Intel GPU device object.
pub fn new(root: PathBuf, polling_interval_ms: u64) -> Result<IntelGpuDeviceConfig> {
if !is_intel_device(root.to_owned())
|| !IntelGpuDeviceConfig::is_supported_device(root.to_owned())
bail!("Not a supported intel device");
let gpu_dev = IntelGpuDeviceConfig {
min_freq_path: root.join(GPU0_DEVICE_PATH).join("gt_min_freq_mhz"),
max_freq_path: root.join(GPU0_DEVICE_PATH).join("gt_max_freq_mhz"),
turbo_freq_path: root.join(GPU0_DEVICE_PATH).join("gt_boost_freq_mhz"),
power_limit_thr: vec![
(14500000, 900),
(13500000, 800),
(12500000, 700),
(10000000, 650),
// Don't attempt to tune if tuning table isn't calibrated for device or another
// process has already modified the max_freq.
if gpu_dev.get_gpu_stats()?.max_freq != EXPECTED_GPU_MAX_FREQ {
bail!("Expected GPU max frequency does not match. Aborting dynamic tuning.");
// This function will only filter in 10th gen (Cometlake CPUs). The current tuning
// table is only valid for Intel cometlake deives using a core i3/i5/i7 processors.
fn is_supported_device(root: PathBuf) -> bool {
if let Ok(reader) = File::open(root.join(CPUINFO_PATH))
.context("Couldn't read cpuinfo")
for line in reader.lines().flatten() {
// Only check CPU0 and fail early.
if line.starts_with(r"model name") {
// Regex will only match 10th gen intel i3, i5, i7
// Intel CPU naming convention can be found here:
// ``
if let Ok(re) = Regex::new(r".*Intel.* i(3|5|7)-10.*") {
return re.is_match(&line);
return false;
fn get_gpu_stats(&self) -> Result<GpuStats> {
Ok(GpuStats {
min_freq: common::read_file_to_u64(&self.min_freq_path)?,
max_freq: common::read_file_to_u64(&self.max_freq_path)?,
_turbo_freq: common::read_file_to_u64(&self.turbo_freq_path)?,
fn set_gpu_max_freq(&self, val: u64) -> Result<()> {
Ok(fs::write(&self.max_freq_path, val.to_string())?)
fn set_gpu_turbo_freq(&self, val: u64) -> Result<()> {
Ok(fs::write(&self.turbo_freq_path, val.to_string())?)
/// Function to check the power limit and adjust GPU frequency range.
/// Function will first check if there any power_limit changes since
/// the last poll. If there are changes, it then checks if the power_limit range
/// has moved to a new bucket, which would require adjusting the GPU
/// max and turbo frequency. Buckets are ranges of power_limit values
/// that map to a specific max_gpu_freq.
/// # Arguments
/// * `cpu_dev` - CpuDevice object for reading power limit.
fn adjust_gpu_frequency(&self, cpu_dev: &DeviceCpuStatus) -> Result<()> {
let mut last_pl_val = cpu_dev.get_pl0_curr()?;
let mut prev_bucket_index = self.get_pl_bucket_index(last_pl_val);
while common::get_game_mode()? == GameMode::Borealis {
let current_pl = cpu_dev.get_pl0_curr()?;
if current_pl == last_pl_val {
// No change in powerlimit since last check, no action needed.
let current_bucket_index = self.get_pl_bucket_index(current_pl);
// Only change GPU freq if PL0 changed and we moved to a new bucket.
if current_bucket_index != prev_bucket_index {
info!("power_limit_0 changed: {} -> {}", last_pl_val, current_pl);
"pl0 bucket changed {} -> {}",
prev_bucket_index, current_bucket_index
if let Some(requested_bucket) = self.power_limit_thr.get(current_bucket_index) {
let gpu_stats = self.get_gpu_stats()?;
let requested_gpu_freq = requested_bucket.1;
// This block will assign a new GPU max if needed. Leave a 200MHz buffer
if requested_gpu_freq
> (gpu_stats.min_freq + GPU_FREQUENCY_GUARD_BUFFER_MHZ)
&& requested_gpu_freq != gpu_stats.max_freq
info!("Setting GPU max to {}", requested_gpu_freq);
// For the initial version, gpu_max = turbo.
} else {
warn!("Did not change GPU frequency to {requested_gpu_freq}");
last_pl_val = current_pl;
prev_bucket_index = current_bucket_index;
// This function returns the index of the vector power_limit_thr where this given
// power_limit (pl0_val) falls.
fn get_pl_bucket_index(&self, pl0_val: u64) -> usize {
for (i, &(pl_thr, _)) in self.power_limit_thr.iter().enumerate() {
if i == 0 && pl0_val >= pl_thr {
// Requested pl0 is bigger than max supported. Use max.
return 0;
} else if i == self.power_limit_thr.len() - 1 {
// Didn't fall into any previous bucket. Use min.
return self.power_limit_thr.len() - 1;
} else if i > 0 && pl0_val > pl_thr {
return i;
// Default is unthrottled (error case)
pub fn tuning_cleanup(&self) -> Result<()> {
info!("Active Gpu Tuning STOP requested");
// Swallow any potential errors when resetting.
let gpu_max_default = self.power_limit_thr.first().unwrap_or(&(1000, 1000)).1;
/// Mod for util functions to handle AMD devices.
pub mod amd_device {
// TODO: removeme once other todos addressed.
use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result};
use glob::glob;
use libchromeos::sys::{error, info};
use std::fs;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
pub struct AmdDeviceConfig {
/// Device path gpu mode control (auto/manual).
gpu_mode_path: PathBuf,
/// Device path for setting system clock.
sclk_mode_path: PathBuf,
/// Device path for setting min and max clock.
clk_voltage_path: PathBuf,
/// Device path for cpuinfo.
const CPUINFO_PATH: &str = "/proc/cpuinfo";
// Device node to manage GPU frequency range.
const AMDGPU_DPM_FORCE_PERFORMANCE_LEVEL: &str = "power_dpm_force_performance_level";
const AMDGPU_PP_DPM_SCLK: &str = "pp_dpm_sclk";
const AMDGPU_PP_OD_CLK_VOLTAGE: &str = "pp_od_clk_voltage";
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
enum AmdGpuMode {
/// Auto mode ignores any system clock values.
/// Manual mode will use any selected system clock value. If a system clock wasn't explicitly selected, the system will use the last selected value or boot time default.
impl AmdDeviceConfig {
/// Creates a new AMD device object which can be used to set system tuning parameters.
/// # Arguments
/// * `gpu_mode_path` - sysfs path for setting auto/manual control of AMD gpu.
/// This will typically be at
/// _/sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_dpm_force_performance_level_.
/// * `sclk_mode_path` - sysfs path for setting system clock options of AMD gpu.
/// This will typically be at _/sys/class/drm/card0/device/pp_dpm_sclk_.
/// * `clk_voltage_path` - sysfs path for setting system clock range of AMD gpu.
/// This will typically be at _/sys/class/drm/card0/device/pp_od_clvk_voltage_.
/// # Return
/// New AMD device object.
pub fn new(
gpu_mode_path: &str,
sclk_mode_path: &str,
clk_voltage_path: &str,
) -> AmdDeviceConfig {
AmdDeviceConfig {
gpu_mode_path: PathBuf::from(gpu_mode_path),
sclk_mode_path: PathBuf::from(sclk_mode_path),
clk_voltage_path: PathBuf::from(clk_voltage_path),
/// Static function to check if device has a supported AMD GPU.
/// # Return
/// Boolean denoting if device has a supported AMD GPU.
pub fn is_amd_device(&self) -> bool {
return Path::new(&self.gpu_mode_path).exists()
&& Path::new(&self.sclk_mode_path).exists()
&& Path::new(&self.clk_voltage_path).exists();
/// Returns array of available sclk modes and the current selection.
/// # Return
/// Tuple with (`Vector of available system clks`, `currently selected system clk`).
fn get_sclk_modes(&self) -> Result<(Vec<u32>, u32)> {
let reader = File::open(PathBuf::from(&self.sclk_mode_path))
.context("Couldn't read sclk config")?;
// Processing split out for unit testing.
pub fn parse_sclk<R: BufRead>(&self, reader: R) -> Result<(Vec<u32>, u32)> {
let mut sclks: Vec<u32> = vec![];
let mut selected = 0;
// Sample sclk file:
// 0: 200Mhz
// 1: 700Mhz *
// 2: 1400Mhz
for line in reader.lines() {
let line = line?;
let tokens: Vec<&str> = line.split_whitespace().collect();
if tokens.len() > 1 {
if tokens[1].ends_with("Mhz") {
} else {
bail!("Could not parse sclk.");
// Selected frequency is denoted by '*', which adds a 3rd token
if tokens.len() == 3 && tokens[2] == "*" {
selected = tokens[0].trim_end_matches(':').parse::<u32>()?;
if sclks.is_empty() {
bail!("No sys clk options found.");
Ok((sclks, selected))
/// Sets GPU mode on device (auto or manual).
fn set_gpu_mode(&self, mode: AmdGpuMode) -> Result<()> {
let mode_str = if mode == AmdGpuMode::Auto {
} else {
fs::write(&self.gpu_mode_path, mode_str)?;
/// Sets system clock to requested mode and changes GPU control to manual.
/// # Arguments
/// * `req_mode` - requested GPU system clock. This will be an integer mapping to available sclk options.
fn set_sclk_mode(&self, req_mode: u32) -> Result<()> {
// Bounds check before trying to set sclk
let (sclk_modes, selected) = self.get_sclk_modes()?;
if req_mode < sclk_modes.len() as u32 && req_mode != selected {
fs::write(&self.sclk_mode_path, req_mode.to_string())?;
fn set_clk_voltage_mode(&self, min: u32, max: u32) -> Result<()> {
let min_str = format!("s 0 {}\n", min);
let max_str = format!("s 1 {}\n", max);
// setting the minimum frequency
fs::write(&self.clk_voltage_path, min_str)?;
// setting the maximum frequency
fs::write(&self.clk_voltage_path, max_str)?;
// committing the changes
fs::write(&self.clk_voltage_path, "c\n")?;
pub fn set_min_frequency(&self, val: u32) -> Result<()> {
let (sclk_modes, _) = self.get_sclk_modes()?;
let min = sclk_modes[0];
let max = sclk_modes[sclk_modes.len() - 1];
if val < min {
error!("Invalid minimum clk voltage");
let min_freq = if val > max { max } else { val };
self.set_clk_voltage_mode(min_freq, max)
fn find_amd_dev_dir() -> Option<PathBuf> {
let entries = match glob("/sys/class/drm/card*/device/power_dpm_force_performance_level") {
Ok(entries) => entries,
Err(_) => return None,
for entry in entries.flatten() {
if let Some(dir) = entry.parent() {
return Some(dir.to_path_buf());
/// Function to create device
/// # Return
/// an AMD Device object that can be used to interface with the device.
pub fn create_amd_device_config() -> Result<AmdDeviceConfig> {
// TODO: add support for multi-GPU.
let amd_dev_dir = find_amd_dev_dir().context("No AMD device detected")?;
let concat_and_get_string = |file_name: &str| {
return amd_dev_dir.join(file_name).display().to_string();
let gpu_mode_str = concat_and_get_string(AMDGPU_DPM_FORCE_PERFORMANCE_LEVEL);
let sclk_mode_str = concat_and_get_string(AMDGPU_PP_DPM_SCLK);
let clk_voltage_str = concat_and_get_string(AMDGPU_PP_OD_CLK_VOLTAGE);
/// Init function to setup device, perform validity check, and set GPU
/// control to manual if applicable.
/// # Arguments
/// * `dev` - AMD Device object.
pub fn amd_sustained_mode_init(dev: &AmdDeviceConfig) -> Result<()> {
if AmdDeviceConfig::is_amd_device(dev) {
info!("Setting sclk for supported AMD device");
} else {
info!("not amd device");
/// Cleanup function to return GPU to _auto_ mode if applicable. Will force to auto sclk regardless of initial state or intermediate changes.
/// # Arguments
/// * `dev` - AMD Device object.
pub fn amd_sustained_mode_cleanup(dev: &AmdDeviceConfig) -> Result<()> {
if AmdDeviceConfig::is_amd_device(dev) {
info!("Resetting GPU mode to `AUTO`");
} else {
info!("not amd device");
mod tests {
use std::{path::PathBuf, thread, time::Duration};
use tempfile::tempdir;
use super::{intel_device::IntelGpuDeviceConfig, *};
use crate::test_utils::tests::*;
use crate::{
common, cpu_scaling::DeviceCpuStatus, gpu_freq_scaling::amd_device::AmdDeviceConfig,
fn test_intel_malformed_root() {
let _ = IntelGpuDeviceConfig::new(PathBuf::from("/bad_root"), 100).is_err();
fn test_intel_device_filter() {
let tmp_root = tempdir().unwrap();
let root = tmp_root.path();
// Wrong CPU
"Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-10110U CPU @ 2.10GHz",
assert!(IntelGpuDeviceConfig::new(PathBuf::from(root), 100).is_err());
// Wrong model
"Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-11110U CPU @ 2.10GHz",
assert!(IntelGpuDeviceConfig::new(PathBuf::from(root), 100).is_err());
// Supported model
"Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-10110U CPU @ 2.10GHz",
assert!(IntelGpuDeviceConfig::new(PathBuf::from(root), 100).is_ok());
fn test_intel_tuning_table_ordering() {
let tmp_root = tempdir().unwrap();
let root = tmp_root.path();
"Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-10110U CPU @ 2.10GHz",
let mock_gpu = IntelGpuDeviceConfig::new(PathBuf::from(root), 100).unwrap();
let mut last_pl_thr: u64 = 0;
for (i, &(pl_thr, _)) in mock_gpu.power_limit_thr.iter().enumerate() {
if i == 0 {
last_pl_thr = pl_thr;
assert!(last_pl_thr > pl_thr);
last_pl_thr = pl_thr;
/// TODO: static atomicBool for thread duplication is persisting
/// in unit test. Fix before re-enabling
fn test_intel_dynamic_gpu_adjust() {
const POLLING_DELAY_MS: u64 = 4;
let tmp_root = tempdir().unwrap();
let root = tmp_root.path();
let power_manager = MockPowerPreferencesManager {};
assert!(common::get_game_mode().unwrap() == common::GameMode::Off);
assert!(common::get_game_mode().unwrap() == common::GameMode::Borealis);
"Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-10110U CPU @ 2.10GHz",
assert!(IntelGpuDeviceConfig::new(PathBuf::from(root), POLLING_DELAY_MS).is_ok());
assert!(get_intel_gpu_max(root) == 1000);
assert!(get_intel_gpu_boost(root) == 1000);
write_mock_pl0(root, 15000000).unwrap();
// Sanitize CPU object creation (used internally in GPU object)
let mock_cpu_dev_res = DeviceCpuStatus::new(PathBuf::from(root));
intel_device::run_active_gpu_tuning_impl(root.to_path_buf(), POLLING_DELAY_MS).unwrap();
// Initial sleep to latch init values
// Check GPU clock down
write_mock_pl0(root, 12000000).unwrap();
assert!(get_intel_gpu_max(root) == 650);
assert!(get_intel_gpu_boost(root) == 650);
// Check same bucket, pl0 change
write_mock_pl0(root, 11000000).unwrap();
assert!(get_intel_gpu_max(root) == 650);
assert!(get_intel_gpu_boost(root) == 650);
// Check PL0 out of range (high)
write_mock_pl0(root, 18000000).unwrap();
assert!(get_intel_gpu_max(root) == 1000);
assert!(get_intel_gpu_boost(root) == 1000);
// Check PL0 out of range (low)
write_mock_pl0(root, 8000000).unwrap();
assert!(get_intel_gpu_max(root) == 650);
assert!(get_intel_gpu_boost(root) == 650);
// Check GPU clock up
write_mock_pl0(root, 14000000).unwrap();
assert!(get_intel_gpu_max(root) == 800);
assert!(get_intel_gpu_boost(root) == 800);
// Check frequency reset on game mode off
common::set_game_mode(&power_manager, common::GameMode::Off, root.to_path_buf()).unwrap();
assert!(get_intel_gpu_max(root) == 1000);
assert!(get_intel_gpu_boost(root) == 1000);
fn test_amd_parse_sclk_valid() {
let dev: AmdDeviceConfig = AmdDeviceConfig::new("mock_file", "mock_sclk", "mock_voltage");
// trailing space is intentional, reflects sysfs output.
let mock_sclk = r#"
0: 200Mhz
1: 700Mhz *
2: 1400Mhz "#;
let (sclk, sel) = dev.parse_sclk(mock_sclk.as_bytes()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(1, sel);
assert_eq!(3, sclk.len());
assert_eq!(200, sclk[0]);
assert_eq!(700, sclk[1]);
assert_eq!(1400, sclk[2]);
fn test_amd_parse_sclk_invalid() {
let dev: AmdDeviceConfig = AmdDeviceConfig::new("mock_file", "mock_sclk", "mock_voltage");
// trailing space is intentional, reflects sysfs output.
let mock_sclk = r#"
0: nonint
1: 700Mhz *
2: 1400Mhz "#;
assert!(dev.parse_sclk("0: 1400 ".to_string().as_bytes()).is_err());
assert!(dev.parse_sclk("0: 1400 *".to_string().as_bytes()).is_err());
.parse_sclk("x: nonint *".to_string().as_bytes())