blob: 98edaf0cc9746fa523515d25a43592f2a3c7b365 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/check.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/location.h>
#include <base/task/single_thread_task_runner.h>
#include <base/threading/platform_thread.h>
#include <base/threading/thread.h>
#include <base/unguessable_token.h>
#include <brillo/secure_blob.h>
#include <cryptohome/proto_bindings/UserDataAuth.pb.h>
#include <dbus/bus.h>
#include <featured/feature_library.h>
#include <libhwsec/factory/factory.h>
#include <libhwsec/frontend/cryptohome/frontend.h>
#include <libhwsec/frontend/pinweaver/frontend.h>
#include <libhwsec/frontend/recovery_crypto/frontend.h>
#include <libhwsec-foundation/status/status_chain_or.h>
#include "cryptohome/auth_blocks/auth_block_utility.h"
#include "cryptohome/auth_blocks/biometrics_auth_block_service.h"
#include "cryptohome/auth_blocks/fp_service.h"
#include "cryptohome/auth_factor/auth_factor_manager.h"
#include "cryptohome/auth_factor/types/manager.h"
#include "cryptohome/auth_session.h"
#include "cryptohome/auth_session_manager.h"
#include "cryptohome/challenge_credentials/challenge_credentials_helper.h"
#include "cryptohome/cleanup/low_disk_space_handler.h"
#include "cryptohome/crypto.h"
#include "cryptohome/error/cryptohome_error.h"
#include "cryptohome/features.h"
#include "cryptohome/fingerprint_manager.h"
#include "cryptohome/firmware_management_parameters.h"
#include "cryptohome/install_attributes.h"
#include "cryptohome/key_challenge_service_factory.h"
#include "cryptohome/key_challenge_service_factory_impl.h"
#include "cryptohome/keyset_management.h"
#include "cryptohome/pkcs11/pkcs11_token_factory.h"
#include "cryptohome/pkcs11_init.h"
#include "cryptohome/platform.h"
#include "cryptohome/storage/arc_disk_quota.h"
#include "cryptohome/storage/cryptohome_vault_factory.h"
#include "cryptohome/storage/homedirs.h"
#include "cryptohome/storage/mount_factory.h"
#include "cryptohome/user_secret_stash/storage.h"
#include "cryptohome/user_secret_stash/user_metadata.h"
#include "cryptohome/user_session/user_session.h"
#include "cryptohome/user_session/user_session_factory.h"
#include "cryptohome/user_session/user_session_map.h"
#include "cryptohome/username.h"
namespace cryptohome {
class UserDataAuth {
struct MountArgs {
// Whether to create the vault if it is missing.
bool create_if_missing = false;
// Whether the mount has to be ephemeral.
bool is_ephemeral = false;
// When creating a new cryptohome from scratch, use ecryptfs.
bool create_as_ecryptfs = false;
// Forces dircrypto, i.e., makes it an error to mount ecryptfs.
bool force_dircrypto = false;
// Enables version 2 fscrypt interface.
bool enable_dircrypto_v2 = false;
// Mount the existing ecryptfs vault to a temporary location while setting
// up a new dircrypto directory.
bool to_migrate_from_ecryptfs = false;
// Note that this function must be called from the thread that created this
// object, so that |origin_task_runner_| is initialized correctly.
// Initialization can optionally specify the mount thread but but this
// normally only done in testing. If |mount_thread_bus| is null then the
// initialization will create one itself which is how it is usually done in
// non-test usage.
bool Initialize(scoped_refptr<::dbus::Bus> mount_thread_bus);
// =============== Mount Related Public DBus API ===============
// Methods below are used directly by the DBus interface
// If username is empty, returns true if any mount is mounted, otherwise,
// returns true if the mount associated with the given |username| is mounted.
// For |is_ephemeral_out|, if no username is given, then is_ephemeral_out is
// set to true when any mount is ephemeral. Otherwise, is_ephemeral_out is set
// to true when the mount associated with the given |username| is mounted in
// an ephemeral manner. If nullptr is passed in for is_ephemeral_out, then it
// won't be touched. Ephemeral mount means that the content of the mount is
// cleared once the user logs out.
bool IsMounted(const Username& username = Username(),
bool* is_ephemeral_out = nullptr);
// Calling this function will unmount all mounted cryptohomes. It'll return
// a reply without error if all mounts are cleanly unmounted.
// Note: This must only be called on mount thread
user_data_auth::UnmountReply Unmount();
// Calling this method will kick start the migration to Dircrypto format (from
// eCryptfs). |request| contains the account whose cryptohome to migrate, and
// what whether minimal migration is to be performed. See definition of
// message StartMigrateToDircryptoRequest for more information on minimal
// migration. |progress_callback| is a callback that will be called whenever
// there's progress update from the migration, or if the migration
// completes/fails.
void StartMigrateToDircrypto(
const user_data_auth::StartMigrateToDircryptoRequest& request,
Mount::MigrationCallback progress_callback);
// Determine if the account specified by |account| needs to do Dircrypto
// migration. Returns CRYPTOHOME_ERROR_NOT_SET if the query is successful, and
// the result is stored in |result| (true for migration needed). Otherwise, an
// error code is returned and result is in an undefined state.
user_data_auth::CryptohomeErrorCode NeedsDircryptoMigration(
const AccountIdentifier& account, bool* result);
// Return the size of the user's home directory in number of bytes. If the
// |account| given is non-existent, then 0 is returned.
// Negative values are reserved for future cases whereby we need to do some
// form of error reporting.
int64_t GetAccountDiskUsage(const AccountIdentifier& account);
// =============== Mount Related Public Utilities ===============
// Called during initialization (and on mount events) to ensure old mounts
// are marked for unmount when possible by the kernel. Returns true if any
// mounts were stale and not cleaned up (because of open files).
// Note: This must only be called on mount thread
// Parameters
// - force: if true, unmounts all existing shadow mounts.
// if false, unmounts shadows mounts with no open files.
bool CleanUpStaleMounts(bool force);
// Ensures the cryptohome keys had been loaded.
void EnsureCryptohomeKeys();
// Set the |force_ecryptfs_| variable, if true, all mounts will use eCryptfs
// for encryption. If eCryptfs is not used, then dircrypto (the ext4
// directory encryption mechanism) is used. Note that this is usually used in
// main() because there's a command line switch for selecting dircrypto or
// eCryptfs.
void set_force_ecryptfs(bool force_ecryptfs) {
force_ecryptfs_ = force_ecryptfs;
// Enable version 2 of fscrypt interface.
void set_fscrypt_v2(bool enable_v2) { fscrypt_v2_ = enable_v2; }
// Enable creating LVM volumes for applications.
void set_enable_application_containers(bool value) {
enable_application_containers_ = value;
// Set the |legacy_mount_| variable. For more information on legacy_mount_,
// see comment of Mount::MountLegacyHome(). Note that this is usually used in
// main() because there's a command line switch for selecting this.
void set_legacy_mount(bool legacy) { legacy_mount_ = legacy; }
// Set |bind_mount_downloads_|. The variable is passed to Mount to define
// whether the Downloads/ directory shall be bind mounted.
void set_bind_mount_downloads(bool bind) { bind_mount_downloads_ = bind; }
// Set thresholds for automatic disk cleanup.
void set_cleanup_threshold(uint64_t cleanup_threshold);
void set_aggressive_cleanup_threshold(uint64_t aggressive_cleanup_threshold);
void set_critical_cleanup_threshold(uint64_t critical_cleanup_threshold);
void set_target_free_space(uint64_t target_free_space);
// Set the AuthFactorStatusUpdate callback which is called by the DBUS
// adaptor.
void SetAuthFactorStatusUpdateCallback(
const AuthFactorStatusUpdateCallback& callback);
// Set the |low_disk_space_callback_| variable. This is usually called by the
// DBus adaptor.
void SetLowDiskSpaceCallback(
const base::RepeatingCallback<void(uint64_t)>& callback);
// Set the FingerprintScanResult callback. This is usually called by the
// DBus adaptor.
void SetFingerprintScanResultCallback(
const base::RepeatingCallback<
void(user_data_auth::FingerprintScanResult)>& callback);
// Set the PrepareAuthFactorProgress callback. This is usually called by the
// DBus adaptor.
void SetPrepareAuthFactorProgressCallback(
const base::RepeatingCallback<
void(user_data_auth::PrepareAuthFactorProgress)>& callback);
// List the keys stored in |homedirs_|.
// See definition of ListKeysReply for what is returned.
user_data_auth::ListKeysReply ListKeys(
const user_data_auth::ListKeysRequest& request);
// Remove the cryptohome (user's home directory) specified in
// |request.identifier|. See definition of RemoveReply for what is returned.
user_data_auth::RemoveReply Remove(
const user_data_auth::RemoveRequest& request);
// Reset the application container specified in the request for the user
// identified by authsession id.
user_data_auth::ResetApplicationContainerReply ResetApplicationContainer(
const user_data_auth::ResetApplicationContainerRequest& request);
// Return true if we support low entropy credential.
bool IsLowEntropyCredentialSupported();
// =============== ARC Quota Related Public Methods ===============
// Return true is ARC Disk Quota is supported, false otherwise.
bool IsArcQuotaSupported();
// Return the current disk usage for an android uid (a shifted uid) in bytes.
// Will return a negative number if the request fails. See
// cryptohome/arc_disk_quota.h for more details.
int64_t GetCurrentSpaceForArcUid(uid_t android_uid);
// Return the current disk usage for an android gid (a shifted gid) in bytes.
// Will return a negative number if the request fails. See
// cryptohome/arc_disk_quota.h for more details.
int64_t GetCurrentSpaceForArcGid(uid_t android_gid);
// Return the current disk usage for an android project id in bytes.
// Will return a negative number if the request fails. See
// cryptohome/arc_disk_quota.h for more details.
int64_t GetCurrentSpaceForArcProjectId(int project_id);
// Sets the project ID of a media_rw_data_file.
// See cryptohome/arc_disk_quota.h for more details.
bool SetMediaRWDataFileProjectId(int project_id, int fd, int* out_error);
// Sets the project inheritance flag of a media_rw_data_file.
// See cryptohome/arc_disk_quota.h for more details.
bool SetMediaRWDataFileProjectInheritanceFlag(bool enable,
int fd,
int* out_error);
// =============== PKCS#11 Related Public Methods ===============
// Returns true if and only if PKCS#11 tokens are ready for all mounts.
bool Pkcs11IsTpmTokenReady();
// Return the information regarding a token. If username is empty, then system
// token's information is given. Otherwise, the corresponding user token
// information is given. Note that this function doesn't check if the given
// username is valid or not. If a non-existent user is given, then the result
// is undefined.
// Note that if this method fails to get the slot associated with the token,
// then -1 will be supplied for slot.
user_data_auth::TpmTokenInfo Pkcs11GetTpmTokenInfo(const Username& username);
// Calling this method will remove PKCS#11 tokens on all mounts.
// Note that this should only be called from mount thread.
void Pkcs11Terminate();
// Calling this method will restore all the tokens to chaps.
// Note that this should only be called from mount thread.
void Pkcs11RestoreTpmTokens();
// =============== Install Attributes Related Public Methods ===============
// Retrieve the key value pair in install attributes with the key of |name|,
// and return its value in |data_out|. Returns true if and only if the key
// value pair is successfully retrieved. If false is returned, then
// |data_out|'s content is undefined.
bool InstallAttributesGet(const std::string& name,
std::vector<uint8_t>* data_out);
// Insert the key value pair (name, data) into install attributes. Return true
// if and only if the key value pair is successfully inserted.
bool InstallAttributesSet(const std::string& name,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& data);
// Finalize the install attributes. Return true if and only if the install
// attributes is finalized.
bool InstallAttributesFinalize();
// Get the number of key value pair stored in install attributes.
int InstallAttributesCount();
// Return true if and only if the attribute storage is securely stored, that
// is, if the system TPM/Lockbox is being used.
bool InstallAttributesIsSecure();
// Return the current status of the install attributes.
InstallAttributes::Status InstallAttributesGetStatus();
// Convert the InstallAttributes::Status enum to
// user_data_auth::InstallAttributesState protobuf enum.
static user_data_auth::InstallAttributesState
InstallAttributesStatusToProtoEnum(InstallAttributes::Status status);
// =============== Install Attributes Related Utilities ===============
// Return true if this device is enterprise owned.
bool IsEnterpriseOwned() {
return enterprise_owned_;
// ============= WebAuthn Related Public Methods ==============
// TODO(b/184393647): This api is not currently used because secret
// enforcement in the WebAuthn flow haven't been implemented yet. After
// implemented, u2fd calls this api to retrieve the WebAuthn secret to use in
// the sign command.
user_data_auth::GetWebAuthnSecretReply GetWebAuthnSecret(
const user_data_auth::GetWebAuthnSecretRequest& request);
user_data_auth::GetWebAuthnSecretHashReply GetWebAuthnSecretHash(
const user_data_auth::GetWebAuthnSecretHashRequest& request);
// ============= Hibernate Secret Public Methods ==============
user_data_auth::GetHibernateSecretReply GetHibernateSecret(
const user_data_auth::GetHibernateSecretRequest& request);
// Retrieves information on what encryption features are in use in cryptohome,
// such as Intel Keylocker. This allows other services such as hiberate
// manager to determine treatments needed for when these features are enabled.
user_data_auth::GetEncryptionInfoReply GetEncryptionInfo(
const user_data_auth::GetEncryptionInfoRequest& request);
// ========= Firmware Management Parameters Related Public Methods =========
// Retrieve the firmware management parameters. Returns
// CRYPTOHOME_ERROR_NOT_SET if successful, and in that case, |fwmp| will be
// filled with the firmware management parameters. Otherwise, an error code is
// returned and |fwmp|'s content is undefined.
user_data_auth::CryptohomeErrorCode GetFirmwareManagementParameters(
user_data_auth::FirmwareManagementParameters* fwmp);
// Set the firmware management parameters to the value given in |fwmp|.
// Returns CRYPTOHOME_ERROR_NOT_SET if the operation is successful, and other
// error code if it failed.
user_data_auth::CryptohomeErrorCode SetFirmwareManagementParameters(
const user_data_auth::FirmwareManagementParameters& fwmp);
// Remove the firmware management parameters, that is, undefine its NVRAM
// space (if defined). Return true if and only if the firmware management
// parameters are gone
bool RemoveFirmwareManagementParameters();
// =============== Miscellaneous Public APIs ===============
// Retrieve the current system salt. This method call is always successful.
// Note that this should never be called before Initialize() is successful,
// otherwise an assertion will fail.
const brillo::SecureBlob& GetSystemSalt();
// Update the current user activity timestamp for all mounts. time_shift_sec
// is the time, expressed in number of seconds since the last user activity.
// For instance, if the unix timestamp now is x, if this value is 5, then the
// last user activity happened at x-5 unix timestamp.
// This method will return true if the update is successful for all mounts.
// Note that negative |time_shift_sec| values are reserved and should not be
// used.
bool UpdateCurrentUserActivityTimestamp(int time_shift_sec);
// Calling this method will prevent another user from logging in later by
// extending PCR, causing PCR-bound VKKs to be inaccessible. This is used by
// ARC++. |account_id| contains the user that we'll lock to before reboot.
user_data_auth::CryptohomeErrorCode LockToSingleUserMountUntilReboot(
const AccountIdentifier& account_id);
// Retrieve the RSU Device ID, return true if and only if |rsu_device_id| is
// set to the RSU Device ID.
bool GetRsuDeviceId(std::string* rsu_device_id);
// Return true iff powerwash is required. i.e. cannot unseal with user auth.
bool RequiresPowerwash();
// Returns true if and only if the loaded device policy specifies an owner
// user.
bool OwnerUserExists();
// =============== Miscellaneous ===============
// This will be called after hwsec is ready.
// Note: This can only be called on mount thread.
void HwsecReadyCallback(hwsec::Status status);
// ================= Threading Utilities ==================
// Returns true if we are currently running on the origin thread
bool IsOnOriginThread() const {
// Note that this function should not solely rely on |origin_task_runner_|
// because it may be unavailable when this function is first called by
// UserDataAuth::Initialize()
if (origin_task_runner_) {
return origin_task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence();
return base::PlatformThread::CurrentId() == origin_thread_id_;
// Returns true if we are currently running on the mount thread
bool IsOnMountThread() const {
if (mount_task_runner_) {
return mount_task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence();
// GetThreadId blocks if the thread is not started yet.
return mount_thread_->IsRunning() &&
base::PlatformThread::CurrentId() == mount_thread_->GetThreadId();
// DCHECK if we are running on the origin thread. Will have no effect
// in production.
void AssertOnOriginThread() const { DCHECK(IsOnOriginThread()); }
// DCHECK if we are running on the mount thread. Will have no effect
// in production.
void AssertOnMountThread() const { DCHECK(IsOnMountThread()); }
// Post Task to origin thread. For the caller, from_here is usually FROM_HERE
// macro, while task is a callback function to be posted. Will return true if
// the task may be run sometime in the future, false if it will definitely not
// run. Specify |delay| if you want the task to be deferred for |delay| amount
// of time.
bool PostTaskToOriginThread(const base::Location& from_here,
base::OnceClosure task,
const base::TimeDelta& delay = base::TimeDelta());
// Post Task to mount thread. For the caller, from_here is usually FROM_HERE
// macro, while task is a callback function to be posted. Will return true if
// the task may be run sometime in the future, false if it will definitely not
// run. Specify |delay| if you want the task to be deferred for |delay| amount
// of time.
bool PostTaskToMountThread(const base::Location& from_here,
base::OnceClosure task,
const base::TimeDelta& delay = base::TimeDelta());
// ================= Testing Utilities ==================
// Note that all functions below in this section should only be used for unit
// testing purpose only.
// Override |crypto_| for testing purpose
void set_crypto(Crypto* crypto) { crypto_ = crypto; }
// Override |keyset_management_| for testing purpose
void set_keyset_management(KeysetManagement* value) {
keyset_management_ = value;
// Override |keyset_management_| for testing purpose
void set_auth_block_utility(AuthBlockUtility* value) {
auth_block_utility_ = value;
// Override |auth_factor_driver_manager_| for testing purpose
void set_auth_factor_driver_manager_for_testing(
AuthFactorDriverManager* value) {
auth_factor_driver_manager_ = value;
// Override |auth_factor_manager_| for testing purpose
void set_auth_factor_manager_for_testing(AuthFactorManager* value) {
auth_factor_manager_ = value;
// Override |user_secret_stash_storage_| for testing purpose
void set_user_secret_stash_storage_for_testing(
UserSecretStashStorage* value) {
user_secret_stash_storage_ = value;
void set_user_session_map_for_testing(UserSessionMap* user_session_map) {
sessions_ = user_session_map;
// Override |auth_session_manager_| for testing purpose
void set_auth_session_manager(AuthSessionManager* value) {
auth_session_manager_ = value;
void set_user_activity_timestamp_manager(
UserOldestActivityTimestampManager* user_activity_timestamp_manager) {
user_activity_timestamp_manager_ = user_activity_timestamp_manager;
// Override |vault_factory_| for testing purpose
void set_vault_factory_for_testing(CryptohomeVaultFactory* vault_factory) {
vault_factory_ = vault_factory;
// Override |homedirs_| for testing purpose
void set_homedirs(HomeDirs* homedirs) { homedirs_ = homedirs; }
// Override |hwsec_factory_| for testing purpose
void set_hwsec_factory(hwsec::Factory* hwsec_factory) {
hwsec_factory_ = hwsec_factory;
// Override |hwsec_| for testing purpose
void set_hwsec(const hwsec::CryptohomeFrontend* hwsec) { hwsec_ = hwsec; }
// Override |pinweaver_| for testing purpose
void set_pinweaver(const hwsec::PinWeaverFrontend* pinweaver) {
pinweaver_ = pinweaver;
// Override |recovery_crypto| for testing purpose
void set_recovery_crypto(
const hwsec::RecoveryCryptoFrontend* recovery_crypto) {
recovery_crypto_ = recovery_crypto;
// Override |cryptohome_keys_manager_| for testing purpose
void set_cryptohome_keys_manager(
CryptohomeKeysManager* cryptohome_keys_manager) {
cryptohome_keys_manager_ = cryptohome_keys_manager;
// Override |platform_| for testing purpose
void set_platform(Platform* platform) { platform_ = platform; }
// override |chaps_client_| for testing purpose
void set_chaps_client(chaps::TokenManagerClient* chaps_client) {
chaps_client_ = chaps_client;
// Override |install_attrs_| for testing purpose
void set_install_attrs(InstallAttributes* install_attrs) {
install_attrs_ = install_attrs;
// Override |arc_disk_quota_| for testing purpose
void set_arc_disk_quota(ArcDiskQuota* arc_disk_quota) {
arc_disk_quota_ = arc_disk_quota;
// Override |pkcs11_init_| for testing purpose
void set_pkcs11_init(Pkcs11Init* pkcs11_init) { pkcs11_init_ = pkcs11_init; }
// Override |pkcs11_token_factory_| for testing purpose
void set_pkcs11_token_factory(Pkcs11TokenFactory* pkcs11_token_factory) {
pkcs11_token_factory_ = pkcs11_token_factory;
// Override |firmware_management_parameters_| for testing purpose
void set_firmware_management_parameters(FirmwareManagementParameters* fwmp) {
firmware_management_parameters_ = fwmp;
// Override |fingerprint_manager_| for testing purpose
void set_fingerprint_manager(FingerprintManager* fingerprint_manager) {
fingerprint_manager_ = fingerprint_manager;
// Override |biometrics_service_| for testing purpose
void set_biometrics_service(BiometricsAuthBlockService* biometrics_service) {
biometrics_service_ = biometrics_service;
// Override |mount_factory_| for testing purpose
void set_mount_factory_for_testing(MountFactory* mount_factory) {
mount_factory_ = mount_factory;
// Override |user_session_factory_| for testing purpose
void set_user_session_factory(UserSessionFactory* user_session_factory) {
user_session_factory_ = user_session_factory;
// Override |challenge_credentials_helper_| for testing purpose
void set_challenge_credentials_helper(
ChallengeCredentialsHelper* challenge_credentials_helper) {
challenge_credentials_helper_ = challenge_credentials_helper;
// Override |key_challenge_service_factory_| for testing purpose
void set_key_challenge_service_factory(
KeyChallengeServiceFactory* key_challenge_service_factory) {
key_challenge_service_factory_ = key_challenge_service_factory;
// Override |origin_task_runner_| for testing purpose
void set_origin_task_runner(
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> origin_task_runner) {
origin_task_runner_ = origin_task_runner;
// Override |mount_task_runner_| for testing purpose
void set_mount_task_runner(
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> mount_task_runner) {
mount_task_runner_ = mount_task_runner;
// Override |low_disk_space_handler_| for testing purpose
void set_low_disk_space_handler(LowDiskSpaceHandler* low_disk_space_handler) {
low_disk_space_handler_ = low_disk_space_handler;
void set_features(Features* features) { features_ = features; }
// Retrieve the session associated with the given user, for testing purpose
// only.
UserSession* FindUserSessionForTest(const Username& username) {
return sessions_->Find(username);
// Associate a particular session object |session| with the username
// |username| for testing purpose
bool AddUserSessionForTest(const Username& username,
std::unique_ptr<UserSession> session) {
return sessions_->Add(username, std::move(session));
void StartAuthSession(
user_data_auth::StartAuthSessionRequest request,
base::OnceCallback<void(const user_data_auth::StartAuthSessionReply&)>
void InvalidateAuthSession(
user_data_auth::InvalidateAuthSessionRequest request,
void(const user_data_auth::InvalidateAuthSessionReply&)> on_done);
void ExtendAuthSession(
user_data_auth::ExtendAuthSessionRequest request,
base::OnceCallback<void(const user_data_auth::ExtendAuthSessionReply&)>
void PrepareGuestVault(
user_data_auth::PrepareGuestVaultRequest request,
base::OnceCallback<void(const user_data_auth::PrepareGuestVaultReply&)>
void PrepareEphemeralVault(
user_data_auth::PrepareEphemeralVaultRequest request,
void(const user_data_auth::PrepareEphemeralVaultReply&)> on_done);
void PreparePersistentVault(
user_data_auth::PreparePersistentVaultRequest request,
void(const user_data_auth::PreparePersistentVaultReply&)> on_done);
void PrepareVaultForMigration(
user_data_auth::PrepareVaultForMigrationRequest request,
void(const user_data_auth::PrepareVaultForMigrationReply&)> on_done);
void CreatePersistentUser(
user_data_auth::CreatePersistentUserRequest request,
base::OnceCallback<void(const user_data_auth::CreatePersistentUserReply&)>
void AddAuthFactor(
user_data_auth::AddAuthFactorRequest request,
base::OnceCallback<void(const user_data_auth::AddAuthFactorReply&)>
void AuthenticateAuthFactor(
user_data_auth::AuthenticateAuthFactorRequest request,
void(const user_data_auth::AuthenticateAuthFactorReply&)> on_done);
void UpdateAuthFactor(
user_data_auth::UpdateAuthFactorRequest request,
base::OnceCallback<void(const user_data_auth::UpdateAuthFactorReply&)>
void UpdateAuthFactorMetadata(
user_data_auth::UpdateAuthFactorMetadataRequest request,
void(const user_data_auth::UpdateAuthFactorMetadataReply&)> on_done);
void RemoveAuthFactor(
user_data_auth::RemoveAuthFactorRequest request,
base::OnceCallback<void(const user_data_auth::RemoveAuthFactorReply&)>
void ListAuthFactors(
user_data_auth::ListAuthFactorsRequest request,
base::OnceCallback<void(const user_data_auth::ListAuthFactorsReply&)>
void GetAuthFactorExtendedInfo(
user_data_auth::GetAuthFactorExtendedInfoRequest request,
void(const user_data_auth::GetAuthFactorExtendedInfoReply&)> on_done);
void PrepareAuthFactor(
user_data_auth::PrepareAuthFactorRequest request,
base::OnceCallback<void(const user_data_auth::PrepareAuthFactorReply&)>
void TerminateAuthFactor(
user_data_auth::TerminateAuthFactorRequest request,
base::OnceCallback<void(const user_data_auth::TerminateAuthFactorReply&)>
void GetAuthSessionStatus(
user_data_auth::GetAuthSessionStatusRequest request,
base::OnceCallback<void(const user_data_auth::GetAuthSessionStatusReply&)>
void GetRecoveryRequest(
user_data_auth::GetRecoveryRequestRequest request,
base::OnceCallback<void(const user_data_auth::GetRecoveryRequestReply&)>
void CreateVaultKeyset(
user_data_auth::CreateVaultKeysetRequest request,
base::OnceCallback<void(const user_data_auth::CreateVaultKeysetReply&)>
// base::Thread subclass so we can implement CleanUp.
class MountThread : public base::Thread {
explicit MountThread(const std::string& name, UserDataAuth* uda)
: base::Thread(name), uda_(uda) {
MountThread(const MountThread&) = delete;
MountThread& operator=(const MountThread&) = delete;
~MountThread() override { Stop(); }
void CleanUp() override { uda_->ShutdownTask(); }
UserDataAuth* const uda_;
// Shutdown to be run on the worker thread.
void ShutdownTask();
// This create a dbus connection whose origin thread is UserDataAuth's mount
// thread.
void CreateMountThreadDBus();
// =============== Mount Related Utilities ===============
// Filters out active mounts from |mounts|, populating |active_mounts| set.
// If |include_busy_mount| is false, then stale mounts with open files and
// mount points connected to children of the mount source will be treated as
// active mount, and be moved from |mounts| to |active_mounts|. Otherwise, all
// stale mounts are included in |mounts|. Returns true if |include_busy_mount|
// is true and there's at least one stale mount with open file(s) and treated
// as active mount during the process.
bool FilterActiveMounts(
std::multimap<const base::FilePath, const base::FilePath>* mounts,
std::multimap<const base::FilePath, const base::FilePath>* active_mounts,
bool include_busy_mount);
// Populates |mounts| with ephemeral cryptohome mount points.
void GetEphemeralLoopDevicesMounts(
std::multimap<const base::FilePath, const base::FilePath>* mounts);
// Unload any user pkcs11 tokens _not_ belonging to one of the mounts in
// |exclude|. This is used to clean up any stale loaded tokens after a
// cryptohome crash.
// Note that system tokens are not affected.
bool UnloadPkcs11Tokens(const std::vector<base::FilePath>& exclude);
// Safely empties the UserSessionMap and may requests unmounting.
// Note: This must only be called on mount thread
bool RemoveAllMounts();
// Returns either an existing or a newly created UserSession, if not present.
UserSession* GetOrCreateUserSession(const Username& username);
// Removes an inactive user session.
void RemoveInactiveUserSession(const Username& username);
// Called on Mount Thread, initializes the challenge_credentials_helper_
// and the key_challenge_service_factory_.
void InitForChallengeResponseAuth();
void GetAuthSessionStatusImpl(
AuthSession* auth_session,
user_data_auth::GetAuthSessionStatusReply& reply);
// ================ Fingerprint Auth Related Methods ==================
// Called on Mount thread. This creates a dbus proxy for Biometrics Daemon
// and connects to signals.
void CreateFingerprintManager();
// OnFingerprintScanResult will be called on every received fingerprint
// scan result. It will forward results to
// |fingerprint_scan_result_callback_|.
void OnFingerprintScanResult(user_data_auth::FingerprintScanResult result);
// OnFingerprintEnrollProgress will be called on every received
// AuthEnrollmentProgress. It will forward results to
// |prepare_auth_factor_progress_callback_|.
void OnFingerprintEnrollProgress(
user_data_auth::AuthEnrollmentProgress result);
// OnFingerprintAuthProgress will be called on every received
// AuthScanDone. It will forward results to
// |prepare_auth_factor_progress_callback_|.
void OnFingerprintAuthProgress(user_data_auth::AuthScanDone result);
// Called on Mount thread. This creates a biometrics service that connects
// to the biometrics daemon and connect to signals.
void CreateBiometricsService();
// =============== PKCS#11 Related Utilities ===============
// This initializes the PKCS#11 for a particular mount. Note that this is
// used mostly internally, by Mount related functions to bring up the PKCS#11
// functionalities after mounting.
void InitializePkcs11(UserSession* mount);
// =============== Install Attributes Related Utilities ===============
// Set whether this device is enterprise owned. Calling this method will have
// effect on all currently mounted mounts. This can only be called on
// mount_thread_.
void SetEnterpriseOwned(bool enterprise_owned);
// Detect whether this device is enterprise owned, and call
// SetEnterpriseOwned(). This can only be called on origin thread.
void DetectEnterpriseOwnership();
// Call this method to initialize the install attributes functionality. This
// can only be called on origin thread.
void InitializeInstallAttributes();
// =============== Stateful Recovery related Helpers ===============
// Ensures BootLockbox is finalized;
void EnsureBootLockboxFinalized();
// =============== Auth Session Related Helpers ===============
// The method takes serialized auth session id and returns an authenticated
// auth session associated with the id. If the session is missing or not
// authenticated, an error status is returned. The returned pointer is owner
// by |auth_session_manager|.
CryptohomeStatusOr<InUseAuthSession> GetAuthenticatedAuthSession(
const std::string& auth_session_id);
// Returns sanitized username for an existing auth session or an empty string
// if the session wasn't found.
ObfuscatedUsername SanitizedUserNameForSession(
const std::string& auth_session_id);
// Returns a reference to the user session, if the session is mountable. The
// session is mountable if it is not already mounted, and the guest is not
// mounted. If user session object doesn't exist, this method will create
// one.
CryptohomeStatusOr<UserSession*> GetMountableUserSession(
AuthSession* auth_session);
// Pre-mount hook specifies operations that need to be executed before doing
// mount. Eventually those actions should be triggered outside of mount code.
// Not applicable to guest user.
void PreMountHook(const ObfuscatedUsername& obfuscated_username);
// Post-mount hook specifies operations that need to be executed after doing
// mount. Eventually those actions should be triggered outside of mount code.
// Not applicable to guest user.
void PostMountHook(UserSession* user_session, const MountStatus& error);
// Converts the Dbus value for encryption type into internal representation.
EncryptedContainerType DbusEncryptionTypeToContainerType(
user_data_auth::VaultEncryptionType type);
// The following methods are implementations for the DBus endpoints of the
// new API. They are split from the actual end-points to simplify unit
// testing. The E2E test of the calls is done in tast.
CryptohomeStatus PrepareGuestVaultImpl();
CryptohomeStatus PrepareEphemeralVaultImpl(
const std::string& auth_session_id);
CryptohomeStatus PreparePersistentVaultImpl(
const std::string& auth_session_id,
const CryptohomeVault::Options& vault_options);
CryptohomeStatus CreatePersistentUserImpl(const std::string& auth_session_id);
// =============== Feature Experiment Related Methods ===============
// Called on Mount thread. This initializes feature library and sets it's
// value in AuthSession manager.
void InitializeFeatureLibrary();
// Called on Mount thread. This returns the feature library, or null if it has
// not yet been initialized.
Features* GetFeatures();
// =============== PinWeaver Related Methods ===============
// Called on Mount thread. Pairing secret (Pk) is established once per
// powerwash cycle after the device first boots. An ECDH protocol is used
// between biometrics AuthStacks and GSC to establish Pk. This function blocks
// future Pk establishment attempts made by biometrics AuthStacks, as we
// considered device state becoming more vulnerable after entering user
// session. For example, an attacker can try to send EC commands to FPMCU and
// send vendor commands to GSC to complete a person-in-the-middle attack on
// the ECDH protocol used for Pk establishment.
void BlockPkEstablishment();
// =============== Threading Related Variables ===============
// The task runner that belongs to the thread that created this UserDataAuth
// object. Currently, this is required to be the same as the dbus thread's
// task runner.
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> origin_task_runner_;
// The thread ID of the thread that created this UserDataAuth object.
// Currently, this is required to be th esame as the dbus thread's task
// runner.
base::PlatformThreadId origin_thread_id_;
// The thread for performing long running, or mount related operations
std::unique_ptr<MountThread> mount_thread_;
// The task runner that belongs to the mount thread.
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> mount_task_runner_;
// =============== Basic Utilities Related Variables ===============
// The system salt that is used for obfuscating the username
brillo::SecureBlob system_salt_;
// The default hwsec factory object.
std::unique_ptr<hwsec::Factory> default_hwsec_factory_;
// The object to generate the other frontends.
hwsec::Factory* hwsec_factory_;
// The default object for accessing the HWSec related functions.
std::unique_ptr<const hwsec::CryptohomeFrontend> default_hwsec_;
// The object for accessing the HWSec related functions.
const hwsec::CryptohomeFrontend* hwsec_;
// The default object for accessing the pinweaver related functions.
std::unique_ptr<const hwsec::PinWeaverFrontend> default_pinweaver_;
// The object for accessing the pinweaver related functions.
const hwsec::PinWeaverFrontend* pinweaver_;
// The default object for accessing the recovery crypto related functions.
std::unique_ptr<const hwsec::RecoveryCryptoFrontend> default_recovery_crypto_;
// The object for accessing the recovery crypto related functions.
const hwsec::RecoveryCryptoFrontend* recovery_crypto_;
// The default cryptohome key loader object
std::unique_ptr<CryptohomeKeysManager> default_cryptohome_keys_manager_;
// The cryptohome key loader object
CryptohomeKeysManager* cryptohome_keys_manager_;
// The default platform object for accessing platform related functionalities
std::unique_ptr<Platform> default_platform_;
// The actual platform object used by this class, usually set to
// default_platform_, but can be overridden for testing
Platform* platform_;
// The default crypto object for performing cryptographic operations
std::unique_ptr<Crypto> default_crypto_;
// The actual crypto object used by this class, usually set to
// default_crypto_, but can be overridden for testing
Crypto* crypto_;
// The default token manager client for accessing chapsd's PKCS#11 interface
std::unique_ptr<chaps::TokenManagerClient> default_chaps_client_;
// The actual token manager client used by this class, usually set to
// default_chaps_client_, but can be overridden for testing.
chaps::TokenManagerClient* chaps_client_;
// A dbus connection, this is used by any code in this class that needs access
// to the system DBus and accesses it on the mount thread. Such as when
// creating an instance of KeyChallengeService.
scoped_refptr<::dbus::Bus> mount_thread_bus_;
// The default PKCS#11 init object that is used to supply some PKCS#11 related
// information.
std::unique_ptr<Pkcs11Init> default_pkcs11_init_;
// The actual PKCS#11 init object that is used by this class, but can be
// overridden for testing.
Pkcs11Init* pkcs11_init_;
// The default factory for Pkcs11Token objects.
std::unique_ptr<Pkcs11TokenFactory> default_pkcs11_token_factory_;
// The actual factory for Pkcs11TokenObjects.
Pkcs11TokenFactory* pkcs11_token_factory_;
// The default Firmware Management Parameters object for accessing any
// Firmware Management Parameters related functionalities.
// The actual Firmware Management Parameters object that is used by this
// class, but can be overridden for testing.
FirmwareManagementParameters* firmware_management_parameters_;
// The default Fingerprint Manager object for fingerprint authentication.
std::unique_ptr<FingerprintManager> default_fingerprint_manager_;
// The actual Fingerprint Manager object that is used by this class, but
// can be overridden for testing.
FingerprintManager* fingerprint_manager_;
// The fingerprint service object that wraps the fingerprint manager for auth
// block usage.
std::unique_ptr<FingerprintAuthBlockService> fingerprint_service_;
// The default Biometrics Service object for biometrics authentication.
std::unique_ptr<BiometricsAuthBlockService> default_biometrics_service_;
// The actual Biometrics Service object that is used by this class, but
// can be overridden for testing.
BiometricsAuthBlockService* biometrics_service_;
// =============== Install Attributes Related Variables ===============
// The default install attributes object, for accessing install attributes
// related functionality.
std::unique_ptr<InstallAttributes> default_install_attrs_;
// The actual install attributes object used by this class, usually set to
// |default_install_attrs_|, but can be overridden for testing. This object
// should only be accessed on the origin thread.
InstallAttributes* install_attrs_;
// Whether this device is an enterprise owned device. Write access should only
// happen on mount thread.
bool enterprise_owned_;
// =============== Mount Related Variables ===============
// This holds a timestamp for each user that is the time that the user was
// active.
// Usually points to |default_user_activity_timestamp_manager_|, but can be
// overridden for testing.
UserOldestActivityTimestampManager* user_activity_timestamp_manager_ =
std::unique_ptr<CryptohomeVaultFactory> default_vault_factory_;
// Usually points to |default_vault_factory_|, but can be overridden for
// testing.
CryptohomeVaultFactory* vault_factory_ = nullptr;
// The homedirs_ object in normal operation
std::unique_ptr<HomeDirs> default_homedirs_;
// This holds the object that records informations about the homedirs.
// This is usually set to default_homedirs_, but can be overridden for
// testing.
// This is to be accessed from the mount thread only because there's no
// guarantee on thread safety of the HomeDirs object.
HomeDirs* homedirs_;
// The keyset_management_ object in normal operation.
std::unique_ptr<KeysetManagement> default_keyset_management_;
// This holds the object that records information about the
// keyset_management. This is usually set to default_keyset_management_, but
// can be overridden for testing. This is to be accessed from the mount thread
// only because there's no guarantee on thread safety of the HomeDirs object.
KeysetManagement* keyset_management_;
// Default challenge credential helper utility object. This object is required
// for doing a challenge response style login, and is only lazily created when
// mounting a mount that requires challenge response login type is performed.
// Actual challenge credential helper utility object used by this class.
// Usually set to |default_challenge_credentials_helper_|, but can be
// overridden for testing.
ChallengeCredentialsHelper* challenge_credentials_helper_ = nullptr;
bool challenge_credentials_helper_initialized_ = false;
// The repeating callback to send FingerprintScanResult signal.
// The repeating callback to send PrepareAuthFactorProgress signal.
// The object used to instantiate AuthBlocks.
std::unique_ptr<AuthBlockUtility> default_auth_block_utility_;
// This holds the object that records information about the
// auth_block_utility. This is usually set to default_auth_block_utility_, but
// can be overridden for testing. This is to be accessed from the mount thread
// only because there's no guarantee on thread safety of the HomeDirs object.
AuthBlockUtility* auth_block_utility_;
// Manager of the auth factor drivers.
std::unique_ptr<AuthFactorDriverManager> default_auth_factor_driver_manager_;
// Usually set to |default_auth_factor_manager_|, but can be overridden for
// tests.
AuthFactorDriverManager* auth_factor_driver_manager_ = nullptr;
// Manager of auth factor files.
std::unique_ptr<AuthFactorManager> default_auth_factor_manager_;
// Usually set to |default_auth_factor_manager_|, but can be overridden for
// tests.
AuthFactorManager* auth_factor_manager_ = nullptr;
// User secret stash storage helper.
std::unique_ptr<UserSecretStashStorage> default_user_secret_stash_storage_;
// Usually set to |default_user_secret_stash_storage_|, but can be overridden
// for tests.
UserSecretStashStorage* user_secret_stash_storage_ = nullptr;
// User metadata helper, wrapped around the USS storage.
std::unique_ptr<UserMetadataReader> user_metadata_reader_;
// Records the UserSession objects associated with each username.
// This and its content should only be accessed from the mount thread.
UserSessionMap default_sessions_;
// Usually points to |default_sessions_|, but can be overridden for tests.
UserSessionMap* sessions_ = &default_sessions_;
// Manager for auth session objects.
std::unique_ptr<AuthSessionManager> default_auth_session_manager_;
// Usually set to default_auth_session_manager_, but can be overridden for
// tests.
AuthSessionManager* auth_session_manager_;
// The low_disk_space_handler_ object in normal operation
std::unique_ptr<LowDiskSpaceHandler> default_low_disk_space_handler_;
// This holds the object that checks for low disk space and performs disk
// cleanup.
// This is to be accessed from the mount thread only because there's no
// guarantee on thread safety of the HomeDirs object.
LowDiskSpaceHandler* low_disk_space_handler_;
// TODO(dlunev): This three variables are a hack to pass cleanup parameters
// from main to the actual object. The reason it is done like this is that
// the object is created in UserDataAuth::Initialize, which is called from the
// daemonization function, but they are attempted to be set from the main,
// before the daemonization. Once is gone, we shall refactor the
// whole initialization process of UserDataAuth to avoid such hacks.
uint64_t disk_cleanup_threshold_;
uint64_t disk_cleanup_aggressive_threshold_;
uint64_t disk_cleanup_critical_threshold_;
uint64_t disk_cleanup_target_free_space_;
// Factory for creating |Mount| objects.
std::unique_ptr<MountFactory> default_mount_factory_;
// This usually points to |default_mount_factory_|, but can be overridden in
// tests.
MountFactory* mount_factory_ = nullptr;
// The default user session factory instance that can be used by this class to
// create UserSession object.
std::unique_ptr<UserSessionFactory> default_user_session_factory_;
// The user session factory instance that can be overridden for tests.
UserSessionFactory* user_session_factory_;
// This holds the salt that is used to derive the passkey for public mounts.
brillo::SecureBlob public_mount_salt_;
// Default factory of key challenge services. This object is required for
// doing a challenge response style login.
KeyChallengeServiceFactoryImpl default_key_challenge_service_factory_;
// Actual factory of key challenge services that is used by this class.
// Usually set to |default_key_challenge_service_factory_|, but can be
// overridden for testing.
KeyChallengeServiceFactory* key_challenge_service_factory_ =
// Guest user's username.
Username guest_user_;
// Force the use of eCryptfs. If eCryptfs is not used, then dircrypto (the
// ext4 directory encryption) is used.
bool force_ecryptfs_;
// Force v2 version for fscrypt interface.
bool fscrypt_v2_;
// Enable creation of LVM volumes for applications.
bool enable_application_containers_;
// Whether we are using legacy mount. See Mount::MountLegacyHome()'s comment
// for more information.
bool legacy_mount_;
// Whether Downloads/ should be bind mounted.
bool bind_mount_downloads_;
// This value is fetched from feature flag
bool migrate_to_user_secret_stash_;
// The default ARC Disk Quota object. This is used to provide Quota related
// information function for ARC.
std::unique_ptr<ArcDiskQuota> default_arc_disk_quota_;
// The actual ARC Disk Quota object used by this class. Usually set to
// default_arc_disk_quota_, but can be overridden for testing.
ArcDiskQuota* arc_disk_quota_;
// A counter to count the number of parallel tasks on mount thread.
// Recorded when a requests comes in. Counts of 1 will not reported.
std::atomic<int> parallel_task_count_ = 0;
// Flag to cache the status of whether Pk establishment is blocked
// successfully, so we don't have to do this multiple times.
bool pk_establishment_blocked_ = false;
// Feature library to fetch enabled feature on Finch.
std::unique_ptr<Features> default_features_;
// This holds the object that checks for feature enabled.
Features* features_;
AsyncInitFeatures async_init_features_;
friend class AuthSessionTestWithKeysetManagement;
friend class UserDataAuthTestTasked;
FRIEND_TEST(UserDataAuthTest, Unmount_AllDespiteFailures);
FRIEND_TEST(UserDataAuthTest, InitializePkcs11Unmounted);
friend class UserDataAuthExTest;
FRIEND_TEST(UserDataAuthTest, CleanUpStale_FilledMap_NoOpenFiles_ShadowOnly);
FRIEND_TEST(UserDataAuthExTest, ExtendAuthSession);
FRIEND_TEST(UserDataAuthExTest, ExtendUnAuthenticatedAuthSessionFail);
FRIEND_TEST(UserDataAuthExTest, CheckTimeoutTimerSetAfterAuthentication);
FRIEND_TEST(UserDataAuthExTest, InvalidateAuthSession);
FRIEND_TEST(UserDataAuthExTest, MountUnauthenticatedAuthSession);
FRIEND_TEST(UserDataAuthExTest, RemoveValidityWithAuthSession);
FRIEND_TEST(UserDataAuthExTest, StartAuthSession);
FRIEND_TEST(UserDataAuthExTest, StartAuthSessionUnusableClobber);
friend class AuthSessionInterfaceTestBase;
friend class AuthSessionInterfaceTest;
friend class AuthSessionInterfaceMockAuthTest;
} // namespace cryptohome