blob: d9690a31e8f3c449ff3b4b723833ec7f349258ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstddef>
#include <memory>
#include <base/functional/callback.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_refptr.h>
#include <dbus/bus.h>
#include <featured/feature_library.h>
#include <featured/fake_platform_features.h>
namespace cryptohome {
// Control switch value for migrating existing vaultkeyset users to AuthFactor
// and USS.
inline constexpr struct VariationsFeature
kCrOSLateBootMigrateToUserSecretStash = {
.name = "CrOSLateBootMigrateToUserSecretStash",
// Control switch value for creating new PIN with the timebase backoff for
// passwordless login.
inline constexpr struct VariationsFeature kCrOSLateBootEnableModernPin = {
.name = "CrOSLateBootEnableModernPin",
// Control switch value for migrating existing users to modern pin.
inline constexpr struct VariationsFeature kCrOSLateBootMigrateToModernPin = {
.name = "CrOSLateBootMigrateToModernPin",
// Features is a class which is a wrapper around PlatformFeatureInterface, which
// can also be configured for testing.
class Features {
// ActiveFeature is an enum that defines active features that are being rolled
// out via finch in cryptohome.
enum ActiveFeature {
// Feature to enable migration of existing VaultKeysets to AUthFactor and
// USS.
// Platform feature library can only initialized with a bus instance.
explicit Features(scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus> bus,
Features(const Features&) = delete;
Features& operator=(const Features&) = delete;
~Features() = default;
// Fetches the value from the finch server using the feature library.
bool IsFeatureEnabled(ActiveFeature active_feature) const;
feature::PlatformFeaturesInterface* feature_lib_;
// Thin wrapper around a Features object that is asynchronously initialized.
// Because the standard Features object depends on D-Bus, it can't generally be
// initialized at program startup. This makes it difficult to use in other
// objects constructed at start up time. The wrapper simplifies this by
// providing an object that checks if the wrapped instance is available yet, and
// falls back to the default value if it is not.
class AsyncInitFeatures {
// Construct a wrapper around a callback that will return null until the
// Features object is available.
explicit AsyncInitFeatures(base::RepeatingCallback<Features*()> getter);
// Construct a wrapper around a pre-existing features object that always
// exists. This seems redundant (why wrap the object at all?) but is helpful
// when testing uses that normally need to be wrapped but don't need to be
// wrapped in test.
explicit AsyncInitFeatures(Features& features);
AsyncInitFeatures(const AsyncInitFeatures&) = delete;
AsyncInitFeatures& operator=(const AsyncInitFeatures&) = delete;
// Provides the same value as Features::IsFeatureEnabled if it is available,
// otherwise provides the default value for the feature.
bool IsFeatureEnabled(Features::ActiveFeature active_feature) const;
base::RepeatingCallback<Features*()> getter_;
// Helper function used by production and fake code.
const VariationsFeature& GetVariationFeatureFor(
Features::ActiveFeature active_feature);
} // namespace cryptohome