blob: 28b22aa4208d86e2f7337ea272e617bb78f535fe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "cryptohome/auth_factor/auth_factor_metadata.h"
#include "cryptohome/auth_factor/auth_factor_type.h"
#include "cryptohome/error/cryptohome_error.h"
#include "cryptohome/key_objects.h"
namespace cryptohome {
// General credential verifier interface. Supports both synchronous and
// asynchronous verification. Note that most uses of this should not implement
// this interface directly, and instead should implement one of the "async" or
// "sync" subclasses.
class CredentialVerifier {
CredentialVerifier(AuthFactorType auth_factor_type,
std::string auth_factor_label,
AuthFactorMetadata auth_factor_metadata)
: auth_factor_type_(auth_factor_type),
auth_factor_metadata_(std::move(auth_factor_metadata)) {}
CredentialVerifier(const CredentialVerifier&) = delete;
CredentialVerifier& operator=(const CredentialVerifier&) = delete;
virtual ~CredentialVerifier() = default;
// Accessors for the properties of the factor the verifier was created for.
AuthFactorType auth_factor_type() const { return auth_factor_type_; }
const std::string& auth_factor_label() const { return auth_factor_label_; }
const AuthFactorMetadata& auth_factor_metadata() const {
return auth_factor_metadata_;
// Verifies an input against the verifier's internal credentials.
// This function comes in both synchronous and asynchronous forms. The async
// form will return through the Status callback, while the synchronous form
// will just return a yes/no boolean directly.
// If a verifier can be implemented synchronously without blocking, then both
// versions of Verify will work. If the verifier cannot be implemented
// synchronously, then only the async version will function normally; the sync
// version will always return false.
virtual bool Verify(const AuthInput& input) const = 0;
virtual void Verify(const AuthInput& input,
StatusCallback callback) const = 0;
const AuthFactorType auth_factor_type_;
const std::string auth_factor_label_;
const AuthFactorMetadata auth_factor_metadata_;
// Abstract base implementation of a synchronous verifier.
class SyncCredentialVerifier : public CredentialVerifier {
using CredentialVerifier::CredentialVerifier;
// The Verify interface is implemented by calling VerifySync.
bool Verify(const AuthInput& input) const final;
void Verify(const AuthInput& input, StatusCallback callback) const final;
// Synchronous implementation of "Verify". Should return OK on successful
// verification, false otherwise.
virtual CryptohomeStatus VerifySync(const AuthInput& input) const = 0;
// Abstract base implementation of an asynchronous verifier.
class AsyncCredentialVerifier : public CredentialVerifier {
using CredentialVerifier::CredentialVerifier;
// The Verify interface is implemented by calling VerifySync.
bool Verify(const AuthInput& input) const final;
void Verify(const AuthInput& input, StatusCallback callback) const final;
// Asynchronous implementation of "Verify". Should implement the exact same
// interface that the two-argument Verify is expected to implement.
virtual void VerifyAsync(const AuthInput& input,
StatusCallback callback) const = 0;
} // namespace cryptohome