blob: 5e919bc185edebfaa8f5212bb505f77c8193db4a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "installer/reven_partition_migration.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/containers/contains.h>
#include <base/files/file.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/system/sys_info.h>
#include "installer/chromeos_install_config.h"
#include "installer/reven_partition_migration_private.h"
namespace {
bool IsErrorResult(PartitionMigrationResult result) {
return !(result == PartitionMigrationResult::kSuccess ||
result == PartitionMigrationResult::kNoMigrationNeeded);
void SendResultMetric(PartitionMigrationResult result,
MetricsInterface& metrics) {
if (!metrics.SendEnumMetric(
static_cast<int>(PartitionMigrationResult::kMax))) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to send partition migration metric";
const uint64_t kSectorSizeInBytes = 512;
std::string GetChannel() {
std::string channel;
if (!base::SysInfo::GetLsbReleaseValue("CHROMEOS_RELEASE_TRACK", &channel)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get channel";
return channel;
// Check whether the full migration is allowed to run. Note that the
// planning phase of the migration is always allowed; this function
// returns whether the steps that actually modify the partition table
// can run.
bool IsMigrationAllowed(base::Environment& env) {
const bool is_install = env.HasVar(kEnvIsInstall);
const std::string channel = GetChannel();
LOG(INFO) << "Checking if migration is allowed: is_install=" << is_install
<< ", channel='" << channel << "'";
// Always allow migration on fresh install.
if (is_install) {
return true;
// For updates, only allow migration on certain channels.
if (channel == "testimage-channel" || channel == "canary-channel") {
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
SlotPlan SlotPlan::ForSlotA(CgptManagerInterface& cgpt_manager) {
return SlotPlan(cgpt_manager, PartitionNum::KERN_A, PartitionNum::ROOT_A);
SlotPlan SlotPlan::ForSlotB(CgptManagerInterface& cgpt_manager) {
return SlotPlan(cgpt_manager, PartitionNum::KERN_B, PartitionNum::ROOT_B);
PartitionMigrationResult SlotPlan::Initialize() {
// Get sectors of the kernel partition.
CgptErrorCode result =
cgpt_manager_.GetSectorRange(kern_num_, kern_orig_sectors_);
if (result != CgptErrorCode::kSuccess) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get sectors for partition " << kern_num_ << ": "
<< result;
return PartitionMigrationResult::kGptReadKernError;
// The new size for the kernel partition.
const uint64_t kern_new_num_sectors = MibToSectors(64);
if (kern_orig_sectors_.count >= kern_new_num_sectors) {
// The kernel partition is already big enough, no migration needed.
return PartitionMigrationResult::kNoMigrationNeeded;
// Get sectors of the root partition.
SectorRange root_sectors;
result = cgpt_manager_.GetSectorRange(root_num_, root_sectors);
if (result != CgptErrorCode::kSuccess) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get sectors for partition " << root_num_ << ": "
<< result;
return PartitionMigrationResult::kGptReadRootError;
// 3048MiB was the size of the root partition in CloudReady. In more
// recent installs of reven the size is 4096MiB. Require the root
// partition to be one of these two sizes. This ensures that if an
// error occurs after shrinking the root partition, we do not continue
// to shrink the partition on future migration attempts.
const uint64_t cloudready_root_num_sectors = MibToSectors(3048);
const uint64_t modern_root_num_sectors = MibToSectors(4096);
if (root_sectors.count != cloudready_root_num_sectors &&
root_sectors.count != modern_root_num_sectors) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Root partition " << root_num_
<< " has unexpected size: " << root_sectors.count << " sectors";
return PartitionMigrationResult::kRootPartitionUnexpectedSize;
root_new_num_sectors_ = root_sectors.count - kern_new_num_sectors;
// The kernel partition's sectors will now start right after the
// root partition's sectors.
kern_new_sectors_.start = root_sectors.start + root_new_num_sectors_;
kern_new_sectors_.count = kern_new_num_sectors;
return PartitionMigrationResult::kSuccess;
PartitionMigrationResult SlotPlan::WriteNewKernelData() const {
// Read the kernel partition data.
base::File disk_file(
base::File::FLAG_OPEN | base::File::FLAG_READ | base::File::FLAG_WRITE);
if (!disk_file.IsValid()) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open disk " << cgpt_manager_.DeviceName() << ": "
<< disk_file.error_details();
return PartitionMigrationResult::kDiskOpenError;
std::vector<uint8_t> kern_data;
// Allocate space for 64MiB since the vector will later be resized to
// that size.
// Set the vector size to 16MiB and read that amount from the current
// kernel partition.
if (!disk_file.ReadAndCheck(SectorsToBytes(kern_orig_sectors_.start),
kern_data)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read kernel data from disk";
return PartitionMigrationResult::kDiskReadError;
// Pad out the new kernel data with zeroes up to 64MiB. While not
// strictly necessary, this ensures that the currently-unused part of
// the new kernel partition does not contain junk data.
kern_data.resize(SectorsToBytes(kern_new_sectors_.count), 0);
// Write out the kernel data to the new location. This is not a
// destructive action since it's within the bounds of the current
// root partition, but outside the region within the partition
// that's actually used.
LOG(INFO) << "Copying kernel data to region starting at sector "
<< kern_new_sectors_.start;
if (!disk_file.WriteAndCheck(SectorsToBytes(kern_new_sectors_.start),
kern_data)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write kernel data";
return PartitionMigrationResult::kDiskWriteError;
return PartitionMigrationResult::kSuccess;
PartitionMigrationResult SlotPlan::ShrinkRootPartition() const {
LOG(INFO) << "Shrinking root partition " << root_num_ << " to "
<< root_new_num_sectors_ << " sectors";
CgptErrorCode result = cgpt_manager_.SetSectorRange(root_num_, std::nullopt,
if (result != CgptErrorCode::kSuccess) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to resize partition " << root_num_ << " to "
<< root_new_num_sectors_ << " sectors: " << result;
return PartitionMigrationResult::kGptWriteRootError;
return PartitionMigrationResult::kSuccess;
PartitionMigrationResult SlotPlan::UpdateKernelPartition() const {
LOG(INFO) << "Updating kernel partition " << kern_num_
<< " to start at sector " << kern_new_sectors_.start << " and have "
<< kern_new_sectors_.count << " sectors";
CgptErrorCode result = cgpt_manager_.SetSectorRange(
kern_num_, kern_new_sectors_.start, kern_new_sectors_.count);
if (result != CgptErrorCode::kSuccess) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to move and resize partition " << kern_num_ << " to "
<< kern_new_sectors_.start << ", " << kern_new_sectors_.count
<< ": " << result;
return PartitionMigrationResult::kGptWriteKernError;
return PartitionMigrationResult::kSuccess;
PartitionMigrationResult SlotPlan::Run() const {
LOG(INFO) << "Running migration for kernel partition " << kern_num_;
PartitionMigrationResult result = WriteNewKernelData();
if (result != PartitionMigrationResult::kSuccess) {
return result;
result = ShrinkRootPartition();
if (result != PartitionMigrationResult::kSuccess) {
return result;
result = UpdateKernelPartition();
if (result != PartitionMigrationResult::kSuccess) {
return result;
return PartitionMigrationResult::kSuccess;
SlotPlan::SlotPlan(CgptManagerInterface& cgpt_manager,
PartitionNum kern_num,
PartitionNum root_num)
: cgpt_manager_(cgpt_manager), kern_num_(kern_num), root_num_(root_num) {}
FullPlan::FullPlan(CgptManagerInterface& cgpt_manager)
: cgpt_manager_(cgpt_manager),
slot_b_plan_(SlotPlan::ForSlotB(cgpt_manager)) {}
PartitionMigrationResult FullPlan::Initialize() {
LOG(INFO) << "Creating partition migration plan for "
<< cgpt_manager_.DeviceName();
slot_a_result_ = slot_a_plan_.Initialize();
if (IsErrorResult(slot_a_result_)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create migration plan slot A";
return slot_a_result_;
slot_b_result_ = slot_b_plan_.Initialize();
if (IsErrorResult(slot_b_result_)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create migration plan slot B";
return slot_b_result_;
if (slot_a_result_ == PartitionMigrationResult::kNoMigrationNeeded &&
slot_b_result_ == PartitionMigrationResult::kNoMigrationNeeded) {
LOG(INFO) << "No partition migration needed";
return PartitionMigrationResult::kNoMigrationNeeded;
return PartitionMigrationResult::kSuccess;
PartitionMigrationResult FullPlan::Run() {
if (slot_a_result_ == PartitionMigrationResult::kSuccess) {
const PartitionMigrationResult result = slot_a_plan_.Run();
if (IsErrorResult(result)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Slot A migration failed";
return result;
if (slot_b_result_ == PartitionMigrationResult::kSuccess) {
const PartitionMigrationResult result = slot_b_plan_.Run();
if (IsErrorResult(result)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Slot B migration failed";
return result;
LOG(INFO) << "Partition migration succeeded";
return PartitionMigrationResult::kSuccess;
bool RunRevenPartitionMigration(CgptManagerInterface& cgpt_manager,
MetricsInterface& metrics,
base::Environment& env) {
// TODO(nicholasbishop): for now we don't run the partition migration
// in all cases. This will change in the future. See
// docs/
const bool is_migration_allowed = IsMigrationAllowed(env);
FullPlan full_plan = FullPlan(cgpt_manager);
PartitionMigrationResult result = full_plan.Initialize();
if (result != PartitionMigrationResult::kSuccess) {
// Either an error occurred, or no migration is needed. Either way,
// return true to indicate that postinstall should continue.
SendResultMetric(result, metrics);
return true;
if (!is_migration_allowed) {
LOG(INFO) << "Migration not allowed";
return true;
result = full_plan.Run();
SendResultMetric(result, metrics);
return !IsErrorResult(result);
uint64_t MibToSectors(uint64_t mib) {
const uint64_t bytes_per_mib = 1024 * 1024;
return mib * (bytes_per_mib / kSectorSizeInBytes);
uint64_t SectorsToBytes(uint64_t sectors) {
return sectors * kSectorSizeInBytes;