blob: c88fd592f7032b20de10bd5f6203dddc636490d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <base/no_destructor.h>
#include <metrics/metrics_library.h>
// Utilities for logging Federated daemon status to UMA.
namespace federated {
enum class ServiceEvent {
kLibraryLoadingSuccess = 0,
kDlcAlreadyInstalled = 1, // When fcp library dlc is already installed.
kDlcInstallTriggered = 2, // When triggering the dlc service to install fcp.
kDlcNewlyInstalled = 3, // When the dlc is installed.
kDlcKnownError = 4, // Calls to dlc service fail with explicit errors.
kDlcUnknownError = 5, // Calls to dlc service fail without explicit errors.
kInvalidLibraryError = 6, // Fail to load the library.
kFunctionMissingError = 7, // Fail to look up key functions in the library.
kTaskSkipped = 8, // Skip scheduled task for !TrainingConditionsSatisfied.
kMaxValue = kTaskSkipped,
enum class StorageEvent {
kConnected = 0,
kDisconnected = 1,
kEmptyUsernameError = 2,
kDbInitError = 3,
kDbIntegrityCheckError = 4,
kDbCleanOutdatedDataError = 5,
kMaxValue = kDbCleanOutdatedDataError,
enum class ClientEvent {
kExampleReceived = 0,
kGetExampleIteratorError = 1,
kGetNextExampleError = 2,
kUnsatisfiedConditionAbort = 3,
kContributed = 4,
kRejected = 5,
kTaskFailedUnknownError = 6,
kTaskTimeoutAbort = 7,
kMaxValue = kTaskTimeoutAbort,
// A scoped metrics recorder for a round of task. It collects metrics when the
// tasks starts and reports them if the task finishes successfully. Currently
// only cpu time, more metrics can be added when required.
class ScopedMetricsRecorder {
void MarkSuccess();
friend class Metrics;
// Use Metrics::GetInstance()->CreateScopedMetricsRecorder() instead.
ScopedMetricsRecorder(const std::string& client_name,
MetricsLibraryInterface* metrics_library);
const std::string& client_name_;
const int64_t initial_cpu_clock_;
// TODO(b/251378482): Also include the memory.
bool success_;
// Not owned:
MetricsLibraryInterface* const metrics_library_;
class Metrics {
// Logs federated service related events, mostly about the fcp library
// loading.
void LogServiceEvent(ServiceEvent event) const;
// Logs storage related events, e.g. the database is connected/disconnected,
// or errors happen when connecting to the database.
void LogStorageEvent(StorageEvent event) const;
// Logs events of the given client, mostly about the task execution status.
void LogClientEvent(const std::string& client_name, ClientEvent event) const;
// Alias of LogClientEvent(client_name, ClientEvent::kExampleReceived);
void LogExampleReceived(const std::string& client_name) const;
ScopedMetricsRecorder CreateScopedMetricsRecorder(
const std::string& client_name);
static Metrics* GetInstance();
friend base::NoDestructor<Metrics>;
Metrics(); // Use Metrics::GetInstance() instead.
const std::unique_ptr<MetricsLibraryInterface> metrics_library_;
} // namespace federated