blob: 888a15a15c860604f09625533f30a7efb1d21087 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <utility>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <base/check_op.h>
#include <base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include "ureadahead-diff/ureadahead_diff.h"
namespace ureadahead_diff {
namespace {
// Adds test file to pack from read requests as pairs of page offset and page
// count.
void AddFileToPack(Pack* pack,
const std::string& path,
const std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> read_requests) {
PackPath pack_path; = -1;
pack_path.ino = 0;
DCHECK_GT(PACK_PATH_MAX - 1, path.length());
snprintf(pack_path.path, PACK_PATH_MAX - 1, "%s", path.c_str());
std::unique_ptr<FileEntry> file = std::make_unique<FileEntry>(pack_path);
std::vector<PackBlock> pack_blocks;
PackBlock pack_block;
pack_block.pathidx = pack->GetFileCount();
pack_block.physical = -1;
const size_t page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
for (const auto& read_request : read_requests) {
pack_block.offset = read_request.first * page_size;
pack_block.length = read_request.second * page_size;
bool PacksMatch(Pack* pack1, Pack* pack2) {
if (pack1->GetFileCount() != pack2->GetFileCount())
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < pack1->GetFileCount(); ++i) {
FileEntry* const file1 = pack1->GetFile(i);
FileEntry* const file2 = pack2->GetFile(i);
if (file1->pack_path() != file2->pack_path())
return false;
const std::vector<PackBlock> requests1 =
file1->GetReadRequests(i /* pathidx */);
const std::vector<PackBlock> requests2 =
file2->GetReadRequests(i /* pathidx */);
if (requests1 != requests2)
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
TEST(Pack, Basic) {
constexpr char kUniquePath[] = "unique";
constexpr char kEqualPath[] = "equal";
constexpr char kOverlapPath[] = "overlap";
constexpr char kInclusionPath[] = "inclusion";
constexpr char kNonIntersectPath[] = "non-intersect";
Pack pack1;
Pack pack2;
AddFileToPack(&pack1, kUniquePath, {{1, 2}});
AddFileToPack(&pack1, kEqualPath, {{3, 2}});
AddFileToPack(&pack2, kEqualPath, {{3, 2}});
AddFileToPack(&pack1, kOverlapPath, {{2, 3}});
AddFileToPack(&pack2, kOverlapPath, {{4, 2}});
AddFileToPack(&pack1, kInclusionPath, {{5, 5}});
AddFileToPack(&pack2, kInclusionPath, {{6, 3}});
AddFileToPack(&pack1, kNonIntersectPath, {{5, 3}});
AddFileToPack(&pack2, kNonIntersectPath, {{1, 4}});
Pack common;
Pack::CalculateDifference(&pack1, &pack2, &common);
// Create verification packs that should match what we calculated.
Pack verify_common;
AddFileToPack(&verify_common, kEqualPath, {{3, 2}});
AddFileToPack(&verify_common, kOverlapPath, {{4, 1}});
AddFileToPack(&verify_common, kInclusionPath, {{6, 3}});
EXPECT_TRUE(PacksMatch(&common, &verify_common));
Pack verify_pack1;
AddFileToPack(&verify_pack1, kUniquePath, {{1, 2}});
AddFileToPack(&verify_pack1, kOverlapPath, {{2, 2}});
AddFileToPack(&verify_pack1, kInclusionPath, {{5, 1}, {9, 1}});
AddFileToPack(&verify_pack1, kNonIntersectPath, {{5, 3}});
EXPECT_TRUE(PacksMatch(&pack1, &verify_pack1));
Pack verify_pack2;
AddFileToPack(&verify_pack2, kOverlapPath, {{5, 1}});
AddFileToPack(&verify_pack2, kNonIntersectPath, {{1, 4}});
EXPECT_TRUE(PacksMatch(&pack2, &verify_pack2));
TEST(Pack, Serialize) {
base::ScopedTempDir temp_directory;
const std::string pack_name = temp_directory.GetPath().Append("pack").value();
Pack pack;
AddFileToPack(&pack, "test1", {{1, 2}});
AddFileToPack(&pack, "test2", {{1, 2}, {5, 3}, {10, 2}});
AddFileToPack(&pack, "test3", {{0, 100}});
Pack pack_read;
EXPECT_TRUE(PacksMatch(&pack, &pack_read));
TEST(Pack, ReadRequests) {
const size_t page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
Pack pack;
// Requests are from the beginning, in the middle and till the end.
AddFileToPack(&pack, "test1", {{0, 2}, {3, 3}, {7, 4}});
// Request is not from the beginning.
AddFileToPack(&pack, "test2", {{1, 2}});
ASSERT_EQ(2U, pack.GetFileCount());
const std::vector<PackBlock> blocks1 = pack.GetFile(0)->GetReadRequests(0);
ASSERT_EQ(3U, blocks1.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0 * page_size, blocks1[0].offset);
EXPECT_EQ(2 * page_size, blocks1[0].length);
EXPECT_EQ(3 * page_size, blocks1[1].offset);
EXPECT_EQ(3 * page_size, blocks1[1].length);
EXPECT_EQ(7 * page_size, blocks1[2].offset);
EXPECT_EQ(4 * page_size, blocks1[2].length);
const std::vector<PackBlock> blocks2 = pack.GetFile(1)->GetReadRequests(1);
ASSERT_EQ(1U, blocks2.size());
EXPECT_EQ(1 * page_size, blocks2[0].offset);
EXPECT_EQ(2 * page_size, blocks2[0].length);
TEST(Pack, Trim) {
Pack pack;
AddFileToPack(&pack, "non-empty", {{5, 5}});
AddFileToPack(&pack, "empty", {});
EXPECT_EQ(2U, pack.GetFileCount());
EXPECT_EQ(1U, pack.GetFileCount());
TEST(Pack, TrimOnCalculate) {
constexpr char kInclusionPath[] = "inclusion";
Pack pack1;
Pack pack2;
AddFileToPack(&pack1, kInclusionPath, {{5, 5}});
AddFileToPack(&pack2, kInclusionPath, {{6, 3}});
Pack common;
// File entry from |pack2| will be trimmed.
Pack::CalculateDifference(&pack1, &pack2, &common);
ASSERT_EQ(1U, common.GetFileCount());
ASSERT_EQ(1U, pack1.GetFileCount());
EXPECT_EQ(0U, pack2.GetFileCount());
TEST(Pack, InvalidFile) {
base::ScopedTempDir temp_directory;
const std::string pack_name = temp_directory.GetPath().Append("pack").value();
// Create default valid file.
Pack pack;
AddFileToPack(&pack, "test1", {{1, 2}});
const base::FilePath pack_path(pack_name);
std::string content;
EXPECT_TRUE(ReadFileToString(pack_path, &content));
constexpr size_t header_size = 8;
constexpr size_t dev_offset = header_size;
constexpr size_t created_offset = dev_offset + sizeof(dev_t);
constexpr size_t num_groups_offset = created_offset + sizeof(time_t);
constexpr size_t num_paths_offset = num_groups_offset + sizeof(size_t);
constexpr size_t paths_offset = num_paths_offset + sizeof(size_t);
constexpr size_t num_blocks_offset = paths_offset + sizeof(PackPath);
constexpr size_t blocks_offset = num_blocks_offset + sizeof(size_t);
constexpr size_t end = blocks_offset + sizeof(PackBlock);
ASSERT_EQ(end, content.size());
std::string content_broken;
// Corrupt signature.
content_broken = content;
content_broken[0] = 'x';
base::WriteFile(pack_path, &content_broken[0], content_broken.length()));
// Fill reserved field.
content_broken = content;
content_broken[header_size - 1] = 'x';
base::WriteFile(pack_path, &content_broken[0], content_broken.length()));
// Groups are not supported
content_broken = content;
content_broken[num_groups_offset] = '\1';
base::WriteFile(pack_path, &content_broken[0], content_broken.length()));
// Path number mismatch
content_broken = content;
content_broken[num_paths_offset] = '\2';
base::WriteFile(pack_path, &content_broken[0], content_broken.length()));
// Path is not 0 terminated string.
content_broken = content;
char* const path =
(reinterpret_cast<PackPath*>(&content_broken[0] + paths_offset))->path;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= PACK_PATH_MAX; ++i)
path[i] = 'a';
base::WriteFile(pack_path, &content_broken[0], content_broken.length()));
// Block number mismatch
content_broken = content;
content_broken[num_blocks_offset] = '\2';
base::WriteFile(pack_path, &content_broken[0], content_broken.length()));
// Block's pathidx invalid
content_broken = content;
// pathidx is the first element in struct.
content_broken[blocks_offset] = '\2';
base::WriteFile(pack_path, &content_broken[0], content_broken.length()));
} // namespace ureadahead_diff