blob: 72b30be2b8e4e53ee7e734a7ee313e60a6f21604 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <base/json/json_reader.h>
#include <base/values.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "runtime_probe/probe_function.h"
#include "runtime_probe/probe_result_checker.h"
#include "runtime_probe/probe_statement.h"
namespace runtime_probe {
namespace {
using ::testing::ByMove;
using ::testing::Return;
class MockProbeFunction : public ProbeFunction {
using ProbeFunction::ProbeFunction;
MOCK_METHOD(DataType, Eval, (), (const, override));
DataType EvalImpl() const override { return {}; }
class MockProbeResultChecker : public ProbeResultChecker {
MOCK_METHOD(bool, Apply, (base::Value*), (const, override));
TEST(ProbeStatementTest, FromValue) {
auto dict_value = base::JSONReader::Read(R"({
"eval": {
"memory": {}
auto probe_statement = ProbeStatement::FromValue("component", *dict_value);
EXPECT_NE(probe_statement, nullptr);
TEST(ProbeStatementTest, FromValueWithNonDictValue) {
auto non_dict_value = base::JSONReader::Read("[]");
auto probe_statement =
ProbeStatement::FromValue("component", *non_dict_value);
EXPECT_EQ(probe_statement, nullptr);
TEST(ProbeStatementTest, FromValueWithoutEval) {
// No required field "eval".
auto dict_value = base::JSONReader::Read("{}");
auto probe_statement = ProbeStatement::FromValue("component", *dict_value);
EXPECT_EQ(probe_statement, nullptr);
TEST(ProbeStatementTest, FromValueWithInvalidFunction) {
// The probe function is not defined.
auto dict_value = base::JSONReader::Read(R"({
"eval": {
"invalid_function": {}
auto probe_statement = ProbeStatement::FromValue("component", *dict_value);
EXPECT_EQ(probe_statement, nullptr);
TEST(ProbeStatementTest, Eval) {
// Set a valid probe function and mock it later.
auto dict_value = base::JSONReader::Read(R"({
"eval": {
"memory": {}
auto probe_statement = ProbeStatement::FromValue("component", *dict_value);
auto ans = std::move(base::JSONReader::Read(R"([
"field": "value"
auto probe_function = std::make_unique<MockProbeFunction>();
EXPECT_CALL(*probe_function, Eval()).WillOnce(Return(ByMove(ans.Clone())));
auto res = probe_statement->Eval();
EXPECT_EQ(res, ans);
TEST(ProbeStatementTest, EvalWithFilteredKeys) {
// Set a valid probe function and mock it later.
auto dict_value = base::JSONReader::Read(R"({
"eval": {
"memory": {}
"keys": ["field_1", "field_2"]
auto probe_statement = ProbeStatement::FromValue("component", *dict_value);
auto eval_result = std::move(base::JSONReader::Read(R"([
"field_1": "value_1",
"field_2": "value_2",
"field_3": "value_3"
auto probe_function = std::make_unique<MockProbeFunction>();
EXPECT_CALL(*probe_function, Eval())
// Should only get fields defined in "keys".
auto ans = std::move(base::JSONReader::Read(R"([
"field_1": "value_1",
"field_2": "value_2"
auto res = probe_statement->Eval();
EXPECT_EQ(res, ans);
TEST(ProbeStatementTest, EvalWithProbeResultChecker) {
// Set a valid probe function and mock it later.
auto dict_value = base::JSONReader::Read(R"({
"eval": {
"memory": {}
auto probe_statement = ProbeStatement::FromValue("component", *dict_value);
auto eval_result = std::move(base::JSONReader::Read(R"([
"field_1": "value_1"
"field_2": "value_2"
auto probe_function = std::make_unique<MockProbeFunction>();
EXPECT_CALL(*probe_function, Eval())
auto probe_result_checker = std::make_unique<MockProbeResultChecker>();
// The second one passes the check.
EXPECT_CALL(*probe_result_checker, Apply)
// Should only get results that pass the check.
auto ans = std::move(base::JSONReader::Read(R"([
"field_2": "value_2"
auto res = probe_statement->Eval();
EXPECT_EQ(res, ans);
TEST(ProbeStatementTest, GetInformation) {
auto dict_value = base::JSONReader::Read(R"({
"eval": {
"memory": {}
"information": {
"field": "value"
auto probe_statement = ProbeStatement::FromValue("component", *dict_value);
auto ans = base::JSONReader::Read(R"({
"field": "value"
auto res = probe_statement->GetInformation();
EXPECT_EQ(res, ans);
TEST(ProbeStatementTest, GetInformationWithoutInformation) {
auto dict_value = base::JSONReader::Read(R"({
"eval": {
"memory": {}
auto probe_statement = ProbeStatement::FromValue("component", *dict_value);
auto res = probe_statement->GetInformation();
EXPECT_EQ(res, std::nullopt);
} // namespace
} // namespace runtime_probe