blob: b134727610fdae4fe8836abc09d23794feb00fa9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <brillo/secure_blob.h>
#include "cryptohome/mount_encrypted/mount_encrypted.h"
namespace mount_encrypted {
class SystemKeyLoader;
// EncryptionKey takes care of the lifecycle of the encryption key protecting
// the encrypted stateful file system. This includes generation of the key,
// wrapping it using a system key which is stored in TPM NVRAM, as well as
// storing and loading the key to/from disk.
class EncryptionKey {
// Describes the status of the system key for metrics reporting purposes.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class SystemKeyStatus {
kUnknown, // No key loaded yet.
kNVRAMLockbox, // Using lockbox salt as system key.
kNVRAMEncstateful, // Key in dedicated encstateful NVRAM space.
kFinalizationPending, // TPM not ready, obfuscated key on on disk.
kKernelCommandLine, // Key from kernel command line.
kProductUUID, // Using product UUID as system key.
kStaticFallback, // Using hard-coded fallback key.
kCount, // Must be last (and may be re-assigned).
// Describes the status of the encryption key for metrics reporting purposes.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class EncryptionKeyStatus {
kUnknown, // Key not loaded yet.
kKeyFile, // Key loaded from encrypted.key file.
kNeedsFinalization, // Key loaded from needs-finalization file.
kFresh, // Freshly generated key.
kCount, // Must be last (and may be re-assigned).
EncryptionKey(SystemKeyLoader* loader, const base::FilePath& rootdir);
// Loads the system key from TPM NVRAM via |loader_|.
result_code SetTpmSystemKey();
// Determines the system key to use in a production image on Chrome OS
// hardware. Attempts to load the system key from TPM NVRAM via |loader_| or
// generates a new system key. As a last resort, allows to continue without a
// system key to cover systems where the NVRAM space is yet to be created by
// cryptohomed.
result_code LoadChromeOSSystemKey();
// While ChromeOS devices can store the system key in the NVRAM area, all the
// rest will fallback through various places (kernel command line, BIOS UUID,
// and finally a static value) for a system key.
result_code SetInsecureFallbackSystemKey();
// Load the encryption key from disk using the previously loaded system key.
result_code LoadEncryptionKey();
// Get a key derived from |system_key_| by performing an HMAC256 operation on
// it with |label| being the data to do the HMAC operation on.
// If |system_key_| is empty, it returns an empty blob.
brillo::SecureBlob GetDerivedSystemKey(const std::string& label) const;
const brillo::SecureBlob& encryption_key() const { return encryption_key_; }
bool is_fresh() const {
return encryption_key_status_ == EncryptionKeyStatus::kFresh;
bool did_finalize() const { return did_finalize_; }
base::FilePath key_path() const { return key_path_; }
base::FilePath needs_finalization_path() const {
return needs_finalization_path_;
base::FilePath preservation_request_path() const {
return preservation_request_path_;
base::FilePath preserved_previous_key_path() const {
return preserved_previous_key_path_;
SystemKeyStatus system_key_status() const { return system_key_status_; }
EncryptionKeyStatus encryption_key_status() const {
return encryption_key_status_;
// Encrypts the |encryption_key_| under |system_key_| and writes the result to
// disk to the |key_path_| file.
void Finalize();
// Loads the previous system key and encryption key and rewraps the latter
// under a fresh system key. This allows carrying over the encryption key (and
// thus the encrypted) file system across a TPM clear.
bool RewrapPreviousEncryptionKey();
SystemKeyLoader* loader_ = nullptr;
// Paths.
base::FilePath key_path_;
base::FilePath needs_finalization_path_;
base::FilePath preservation_request_path_;
base::FilePath preserved_previous_key_path_;
// The system key is usually the key stored in TPM NVRAM that wraps the actual
// encryption key. Empty if not available.
brillo::SecureBlob system_key_;
// The encryption key used for file system encryption.
brillo::SecureBlob encryption_key_;
// Whether finalization took place during Persist().
bool did_finalize_ = false;
// System key status. Only valid after one of the system key loading functions
// has been called.
SystemKeyStatus system_key_status_ = SystemKeyStatus::kUnknown;
// Encryption key status. Only valid after calling LoadEncryptionKey().
EncryptionKeyStatus encryption_key_status_ = EncryptionKeyStatus::kUnknown;
} // namespace mount_encrypted