blob: b2519dd26cb4b76e4a3771934f3cc316c5ffb32f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <metrics/metrics_library.h>
namespace typecd {
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class PartnerTypeMetric {
kOther = 0,
kTBTDPAltHub = 1,
kTBTDPAltPeripheral = 2,
kTBTHub = 3,
kTBTPeripheral = 4,
kUSB4Hub = 5,
kUSB4Peripheral = 6,
kDPAltHub = 7,
kDPAltPeripheral = 8,
kUSBHub = 9,
kUSBPeripheral = 10,
kPDPowerSource = 11,
kPDSourcingDevice = 12,
kNonPDPowerSource = 13,
kPDSink = 14,
kPDSinkingHost = 15,
kNonPDSink = 16,
kPowerBrick = 17,
kMaxValue = kPowerBrick,
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class CableSpeedMetric {
kOther = 0,
kUSB2_0 = 1,
kUSB3_2Gen1 = 2,
kUSB3_2USB4Gen2 = 3,
kUSB3_1Gen1 = 4,
kUSB3_1Gen1Gen2 = 5,
kUSB4Gen3 = 6,
kTBTOnly10G20G = 7,
kMaxValue = kTBTOnly10G20G,
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class WrongConfigurationMetric {
kTBTWrongCable = 0,
kUSB4WrongCable = 1,
kDPAltWrongCable = 2,
kSpeedLimitingCable = 3,
kNone = 4,
kMaxValue = kNone,
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class PartnerLocationMetric {
kOther = 0,
// All available ports are only on one side.
kUserHasNoChoice = 1,
// The first partner connects to the port on the left side.
kLeftFirst = 2,
// The second partner connects to the port on the left side while the first is
// also on the same side.
kLeftSecondSameSideWithFirst = 3,
// The second partner connects to the port on the left side while the first is
// on the opposite side.
kLeftSecondOppositeSideToFirst = 4,
// The third partner connects to the port on the left side.
kLeftThirdOrLater = 5,
// Coldplugged partner connected to the port on the left side.
// The connection order cannot be determined.
kLeftColdplugged = 6,
// The first partner connects to the port on the right side.
kRightFirst = 7,
// The second partner connects to the port on the right side while the first
// is also on the same side.
kRightSecondSameSideWithFirst = 8,
// The second partner connects to the port on the right side while the first
// is on the opposite side.
kRightSecondOppositeSideToFirst = 9,
// The third partner connects to the port on the right side.
kRightThirdOrLater = 10,
// Coldplugged partner connected to the port on the right side.
// The connection order cannot be determined.
kRightColdplugged = 11,
kMaxValue = kRightColdplugged,
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class PowerSourceLocationMetric {
kOther = 0,
// All ports are only on one side.
kUserHasNoChoice = 1,
// The first power connection during the session to a port on the left side.
kLeftFirst = 2,
// Power source connected to a port on the left side while previously also
// used a port on the left side for power. (during same session)
kLeftConstant = 3,
// Power source connected to a port on the left side while previously used a
// port on the right side for power. (during same session)
kLeftSwitched = 4,
// The first power connection during the session to a port on the right side.
kRightFirst = 5,
// Power source connected to a port on the right side while previously also
// used a port on the right side for power. (during same session)
kRightConstant = 6,
// Power source connected to a port on the right side while previously used a
// port on the left side for power. (during same session)
kRightSwitched = 7,
kMaxValue = kRightSwitched,
// A class for collecting UMA metrics.
class Metrics {
Metrics() = default;
Metrics(const Metrics&) = delete;
Metrics& operator=(const Metrics&) = delete;
~Metrics() = default;
void ReportPartnerType(PartnerTypeMetric type);
void ReportCableSpeed(CableSpeedMetric speed);
void ReportWrongCableError(WrongConfigurationMetric value);
void ReportPartnerLocation(PartnerLocationMetric location);
void ReportPowerSourceLocation(PowerSourceLocationMetric location);
MetricsLibrary metrics_library_;
} // namespace typecd