blob: 1ff73585aba5e3795ad2385ac0dbd7ec63569327 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef MIDIS_PORTS_H_
#define MIDIS_PORTS_H_
#include <memory>
#include <base/callback.h>
namespace midis {
// Representiation for an input port, i.e, a port on which we receive data
// *from* a MIDI h/w device.
class InPort {
using SubscribeCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<bool(uint32_t device_id, uint32_t port_id)>;
using DeletionCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(uint32_t device_id, uint32_t port_id)>;
// Factory function to create and start a subscription for a port
static std::unique_ptr<InPort> Create(uint32_t device_id,
uint32_t port_id,
SubscribeCallback sub_cb,
DeletionCallback del_cb);
InPort(uint32_t device_id,
uint32_t port_id,
SubscribeCallback sub_cb,
DeletionCallback del_cb);
InPort(const InPort&) = delete;
InPort& operator=(const InPort&) = delete;
// Function to initiate the subscription to a MIDI H/W input port.
bool Subscribe() { return sub_cb_.Run(device_id_, port_id_); }
int device_id_;
int port_id_;
SubscribeCallback sub_cb_;
DeletionCallback del_cb_;
// Representiation for an output port, i.e, a port on which we send data *to*
// a MIDI h/w device.
class OutPort {
using SubscribeCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<int(uint32_t device_id, uint32_t port_id)>;
using DeletionCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<void(int alsa_out_port_id)>;
using SendMidiDataCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<void(
int alsa_out_port_id, const uint8_t* buf, size_t buf_len)>;
static std::unique_ptr<OutPort> Create(uint32_t device_id,
uint32_t port_id,
SubscribeCallback sub_cb,
DeletionCallback del_cb,
SendMidiDataCallback send_data_cb);
// Function which invokes the callback to send data to the MIDI H/W or
// external client.
void SendData(const uint8_t* buffer, size_t buf_len);
OutPort(uint32_t device_id,
uint32_t port_id,
SubscribeCallback sub_cb,
DeletionCallback del_cb,
SendMidiDataCallback send_data_cb);
OutPort(const OutPort&) = delete;
OutPort& operator=(const OutPort&) = delete;
// Function to create a output seq port and initiate the subscription to a
// MIDI H/W output port.
int Subscribe();
int device_id_;
int port_id_;
SubscribeCallback sub_cb_;
DeletionCallback del_cb_;
SendMidiDataCallback send_data_cb_;
int out_port_id_;
} // namespace midis
#endif // MIDIS_PORTS_H_