blob: 6ffebc6fde73b4edd8b9f3fe8b989d70ac06ca16 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <array>
#include <utility>
#include "rmad/proto_bindings/rmad.pb.h"
namespace rmad {
// Allowed models for running Shimless RMA.
inline constexpr std::array<const char*, 13> kAllowedModels = {
// Fully supported models.
"fleex", "bobba", "bobba360", "phaser", "phaser360", "bloog", "blooglet",
// Partially supported models just for testing.
"blooguard", "garg", "garg360", "dorp", "sparky", "sparky360"};
// Pipe name for internal mojo connection between D-Bus daemon and executor.
inline constexpr char kRmadInternalMojoPipeName[] = "rmad_internal";
inline constexpr char kDefaultWorkingDirPath[] = "/var/lib/rmad/";
inline constexpr char kDefaultJsonStoreFilePath[] =
inline constexpr char kDefaultUnencryptedPreservePath[] =
inline constexpr char kTestDirPath[] = ".test";
// Files for pre-stop script to read.
inline constexpr char kCutoffRequestFilePath[] = ".battery_cutoff_request";
// Files for testing purpose.
inline constexpr char kDisablePowerwashFilePath[] = ".disable_powerwash";
// JsonStore rmad_interface keys.
// Update go/shimless-state-preservation when adding new fields.
inline constexpr char kStateHistory[] = "state_history";
inline constexpr char kStateMap[] = "state_map";
inline constexpr char kNetworkConnected[] = "network_connected";
inline constexpr char kReplacedComponentNames[] = "replaced_component_names";
inline constexpr char kSameOwner[] = "same_owner";
inline constexpr char kWpDisableRequired[] = "wp_disable_required";
inline constexpr char kCcdBlocked[] = "ccd_blocked";
inline constexpr char kWipeDevice[] = "wipe_device";
inline constexpr char kWpDisableMethod[] = "wp_disable_method";
inline constexpr char kMlbRepair[] = "mlb_repair";
inline constexpr char kEcRebooted[] = "ec_rebooted";
inline constexpr char kFirmwareUpdated[] = "firmware_updated";
inline constexpr char kCalibrationMap[] = "calibration_map";
inline constexpr char kCalibrationInstruction[] = "calibration_instruction";
inline constexpr char kProvisionFinishedStatus[] = "provision_finished_status";
inline constexpr char kPowerwashCount[] = "powerwash_count";
inline constexpr char kRoFirmwareVerified[] = "ro_firmware_verified";
// States that requires daemon to quit and restart when entering.
inline constexpr std::array<RmadState::StateCase, 1> kQuitDaemonStates = {
// Component traits.
inline constexpr std::array<RmadComponent, 4> kComponentsNeedManualCalibration =
inline constexpr std::array<RmadComponent, 2> kComponentsNeedUpdateCbi = {
} // namespace rmad