blob: fbc613c8ee7a1cfb842b08ec4ee0dbd5c1e6ff39 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Implement common functions and definitions used throughout the app and library.
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::fs;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io::BufReader;
use std::process::Command;
use std::str;
use std::time::Duration;
use anyhow::{Context, Result};
use log::{debug, error, info, warn};
use thiserror::Error as ThisError;
use crate::metrics::{MetricsLogger, MetricsSample};
use crate::mmapbuf::MmapBuffer;
/// Define the number of pages in a larger chunk used to read and write the
/// hibernate data file.
pub const BUFFER_PAGES: usize = 32;
#[derive(Debug, ThisError)]
pub enum HibernateError {
/// Cookie error
#[error("Cookie error: {0}")]
/// Dbus error
#[error("Dbus error: {0}")]
/// Failed to copy the FD for the polling context.
#[error("Failed to fallocate the file: {0}")]
/// Error getting the fiemap
#[error("Error getting the fiemap: {0}")]
/// First data byte mismatch
#[error("First data byte mismatch")]
/// Header content hash mismatch
#[error("Header content hash mismatch")]
/// Header incomplete
#[error("Header incomplete")]
/// Insufficient Memory available.
#[error("Not enough free memory and swap")]
/// Invalid fiemap
#[error("Invalid fiemap: {0}")]
/// Image unencrypted
#[error("Image unencrypted")]
/// Key manager error
#[error("Key manager error: {0}")]
/// Metadata error
#[error("Metadata error: {0}")]
/// Failed to send metrics
#[error("Failed to send metrics: {0}")]
/// Failed to lock process memory.
#[error("Failed to mlockall: {0}")]
/// Mmap error.
#[error("mmap error: {0}")]
/// I/O size error
#[error("I/O size error: {0}")]
/// Snapshot device error.
#[error("Snapshot device error: {0}")]
/// Snapshot ioctl error.
#[error("Snapshot ioctl error: {0}: {1}")]
SnapshotIoctlError(String, sys_util::Error),
/// Mount not found.
#[error("Mount not found")]
/// Swap information not found.
#[error("Swap information not found")]
/// Failed to shut down
#[error("Failed to shut down: {0}")]
/// End of file
#[error("End of file")]
/// Hibernate volume error
#[error("Hibernate volume error")]
/// Spawned process error
#[error("Spawned process error: {0}")]
/// Index out of range error
#[error("Index out of range")]
/// Resume abort requested
#[error("Resume abort requested: {0}")]
/// Device mapper error
#[error("Device mapper error: {0}")]
/// Options taken from the command line affecting hibernate.
pub struct HibernateOptions {
pub dry_run: bool,
pub unencrypted: bool,
pub test_keys: bool,
pub force_platform_mode: bool,
pub no_kernel_encryption: bool,
/// Options taken from the command line affecting resume-init.
pub struct ResumeInitOptions {
pub force: bool,
/// Options taken from the command line affecting resume.
pub struct ResumeOptions {
pub dry_run: bool,
pub unencrypted: bool,
pub test_keys: bool,
pub no_preloader: bool,
/// Options taken from the command line affecting abort-resume
pub struct AbortResumeOptions {
pub reason: String,
impl Default for AbortResumeOptions {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
reason: "Manually aborted by hiberman abort-resume".to_string(),
/// Get the page size on this system.
pub fn get_page_size() -> usize {
// Safe because sysconf() returns a long and has no other side effects.
unsafe { libc::sysconf(libc::_SC_PAGESIZE) as usize }
/// Get the amount of free memory (in pages) on this system.
pub fn get_available_pages() -> usize {
// Safe because sysconf() returns a long and has no other side effects.
unsafe { libc::sysconf(libc::_SC_AVPHYS_PAGES) as usize }
/// Get the total amount of memory (in pages) on this system.
pub fn get_total_memory_pages() -> usize {
// Safe because sysconf() returns a long and has no other side effects.
let pagecount = unsafe { libc::sysconf(libc::_SC_PHYS_PAGES) as usize };
if pagecount == 0 {
"Failed to get total memory (got {}). Assuming 4GB.",
// Just return 4GB worth of pages if the result is unknown, the minimum
// we're ever going to see on a hibernating system.
let pages_per_mb = 1024 * 1024 / get_page_size();
let pages_per_gb = pages_per_mb * 1024;
return pages_per_gb * 4;
/// Helper function to get the amount of free physical memory on this system,
/// in megabytes.
fn get_available_memory_mb() -> u32 {
let pagesize = get_page_size() as u64;
let pagecount = get_available_pages() as u64;
let mb = pagecount * pagesize / (1024 * 1024);
// Helper function to get the amount of free swap on this system.
fn get_available_swap_mb() -> Result<u32> {
// Look in /proc/meminfo to find swap info.
let f = File::open("/proc/meminfo")?;
let buf_reader = BufReader::new(f);
for line in buf_reader.lines().flatten() {
let mut split = line.split_whitespace();
let arg =;
let value =;
if let Some(arg) = arg {
if arg == "SwapFree:" {
if let Some(value) = value {
let swap_free: u32 = value.parse().context("Failed to parse SwapFree value")?;
let mb: u32 = swap_free / 1024;
return Ok(mb);
.context("Failed to find available swap information")
// Preallocate memory that will be needed for the hibernate snapshot.
// Currently the kernel is not always able to reclaim memory effectively
// when allocating the memory needed for the hibernate snapshot. By
// preallocating this memory, we force memory to be swapped into zram and
// ensure that we have the free memory needed for the snapshot.
pub fn prealloc_mem(metrics_logger: &mut MetricsLogger) -> Result<()> {
let available_mb = get_available_memory_mb();
let available_swap = get_available_swap_mb()?;
let total_avail = available_mb + available_swap;
"System has {} MB of free memory, {} MB of swap free",
available_mb, available_swap
let memory_pages = get_total_memory_pages();
let hiber_pages = memory_pages / 2;
let page_size = get_page_size();
let hiber_size = page_size * hiber_pages;
let hiber_mb = hiber_size / (1024 * 1024);
let mut extra_mb = (available_mb + available_swap) as isize - hiber_mb as isize;
let mut shortfall_mb = 0;
if extra_mb < 0 {
shortfall_mb = -extra_mb;
extra_mb = 0;
metrics_logger.log_metric(MetricsSample {
name: "Platform.Hibernate.MemoryAvailable",
value: available_mb as isize,
min: 0,
max: 16384,
buckets: 50,
metrics_logger.log_metric(MetricsSample {
name: "Platform.Hibernate.MemoryAndSwapAvailable",
value: total_avail as isize,
min: 0,
max: 32768,
buckets: 50,
metrics_logger.log_metric(MetricsSample {
name: "Platform.Hibernate.AdditionalMemoryNeeded",
value: shortfall_mb,
min: 0,
max: 16384,
buckets: 50,
metrics_logger.log_metric(MetricsSample {
name: "Platform.Hibernate.ExcessMemoryAvailable",
value: extra_mb,
min: 0,
max: 16384,
buckets: 50,
if hiber_mb > (total_avail).try_into().unwrap() {
return Err(HibernateError::InsufficientMemoryAvailableError())
.context("Not enough free memory and swap space for hibernate");
"System has {} pages of memory, preallocating {} pages for hibernate",
memory_pages, hiber_pages
let mut buffer =
MmapBuffer::new(hiber_size).context("Failed to create buffer for memory allocation")?;
let buf = buffer.u8_slice_mut();
let mut i = 0;
while i < buf.len() {
buf[i] = 0;
i += page_size
let available_mb_after = get_available_memory_mb();
let available_swap_after = get_available_swap_mb()?;
"System has {} MB of free memory, {} MB of free swap after giant allocation",
available_mb_after, available_swap_after
let available_mb_final = get_available_memory_mb();
let available_swap_final = get_available_swap_mb()?;
"System has {} MB of free memory, {} MB of free swap after freeing giant allocation",
available_mb_final, available_swap_final
/// Look through /proc/mounts to find the block device supporting the
/// given directory. The directory must be the root of a mount.
pub fn get_device_mounted_at_dir(mount_path: &str) -> Result<String> {
// Go look through the mounts to see where the given mount is.
let f = File::open("/proc/mounts")?;
let buf_reader = BufReader::new(f);
for line in buf_reader.lines().flatten() {
let mut split = line.split_whitespace();
let blk =;
let path =;
if let Some(path) = path {
if path == mount_path {
if let Some(blk) = blk {
return Ok(blk.to_string());
.context(format!("Failed to find mount at {}", mount_path))
/// Return the path to partition one (stateful) on the root block device.
pub fn stateful_block_partition_one() -> Result<String> {
let rootdev = path_to_stateful_block()?;
let last = rootdev.chars().last();
if let Some(last) = last {
if last.is_numeric() {
return Ok(format!("{}p1", rootdev));
Ok(format!("{}1", rootdev))
/// Determine the path to the block device containing the stateful partition.
/// Farm this out to rootdev to keep the magic in one place.
pub fn path_to_stateful_block() -> Result<String> {
let output = checked_command_output(Command::new("/usr/bin/rootdev").args(["-d", "-s"]))
.context("Cannot get rootdev")?;
/// Determines if the stateful-rw snapshot is active, indicating a resume boot.
pub fn is_snapshot_active() -> bool {
pub struct LockedProcessMemory {}
impl Drop for LockedProcessMemory {
fn drop(&mut self) {
/// Lock all present and future memory belonging to this process, preventing it
/// from being paged out. Returns a LockedProcessMemory token, which undoes the
/// operation when dropped.
pub fn lock_process_memory() -> Result<LockedProcessMemory> {
// This is safe because mlockall() does not modify memory, it only ensures
// it doesn't get swapped out, which maintains Rust's safety guarantees.
let rc = unsafe { libc::mlockall(libc::MCL_CURRENT | libc::MCL_FUTURE) };
if rc < 0 {
return Err(HibernateError::MlockallError(sys_util::Error::last()))
.context("Cannot lock process memory");
Ok(LockedProcessMemory {})
/// Unlock memory belonging to this process, allowing it to be paged out once
/// more.
fn unlock_process_memory() {
// This is safe because while munlockall() is a foreign function, it has
// no immediately observable side effects on program execution.
unsafe {
/// Log a duration with level info in the form: <action> in X.YYY seconds.
pub fn log_duration(action: &str, duration: Duration) {
"{} in {}.{:03} seconds",
/// Log a duration with an I/O rate at level info in the form:
/// <action> in X.YYY seconds, N bytes, A.BB MB/s.
pub fn log_io_duration(action: &str, io_bytes: i64, duration: Duration) {
let rate = ((io_bytes as f64) / duration.as_secs_f64()) / 1048576.0;
"{} in {}.{:03} seconds, {} bytes, {:.3} MB/s",
/// Wait for a std::process::Command, and convert the exit status into a Result
pub fn checked_command(command: &mut std::process::Command) -> Result<()> {
let mut child = command.spawn().context("Failed to spawn child process")?;
let exit_status = child.wait().context("Failed to wait for child")?;
if exit_status.success() {
} else {
let code = exit_status.code().unwrap_or(-2);
"Command {} failed with code {}",
/// Wait for a std::process::Command, convert its exit status into a Result, and
/// collect the output on success.
pub fn checked_command_output(command: &mut std::process::Command) -> Result<std::process::Output> {
let output = command
.context("Failed to get output for child process")?;
let exit_status = output.status;
if exit_status.success() {
} else {
let code = exit_status.code().unwrap_or(-2);
"Command {} failed with code {}",
pub fn reboot_system() -> Result<()> {
error!("Rebooting system!");
checked_command(&mut Command::new("/sbin/reboot")).context("Failed to reboot system")