blob: 126d5ad8e060bdd7ea364a17e24c94d8d44cf450 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Implement support for managing hibernate metadata.
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use anyhow::{Context, Result};
use log::info;
use openssl::symm::{Cipher, Crypter, Mode};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use sys_util::rand::{rand_bytes, Source};
use zeroize::{Zeroize, ZeroizeOnDrop, Zeroizing};
use crate::diskfile::BouncedDiskFile;
use crate::hiberutil::HibernateError;
/// Magic value used to recognize a hibernate metadata struct.
const META_MAGIC: u64 = 0x6174654D72626948;
/// Version of the structure contents. Bump this up whenever the
/// structure changes.
const META_VERSION: u32 = 1;
// Define hibernate metadata flags.
/// This flag is set if the hibernate image is valid and ready to be resumed to.
pub const META_FLAG_VALID: u32 = 0x00000001;
/// This flag is set if the image has already been attempted for resume. When
/// this flag is set the VALID flag is cleared.
pub const META_FLAG_RESUME_STARTED: u32 = 0x00000002;
/// This flag is set if the image was fully loaded and a resume launch was
/// attempted.
pub const META_FLAG_RESUME_LAUNCHED: u32 = 0x00000004;
/// This flag is set if the image has already been resumed into, but the resume
/// attempt failed. The RESUMED flag will also be set.
pub const META_FLAG_RESUME_FAILED: u32 = 0x00000008;
/// This flag is set if the image is encrypted.
pub const META_FLAG_ENCRYPTED: u32 = 0x00000010;
/// This flag is set if the kernel encrypted the image.
pub const META_FLAG_KERNEL_ENCRYPTED: u32 = 0x00000020;
/// Define the mask of all valid flags.
/// Define the size of the hash field in the metadata.
pub const META_HASH_SIZE: usize = 32;
/// Define the size of the hibernate data symmetric encryption key.
pub const META_SYMMETRIC_KEY_SIZE: usize = 16;
pub const META_OCB_IV_SIZE: usize = 12;
/// Define the reserved size of the unencrypted public area.
const META_PUBLIC_SIZE: usize = 0x1000;
/// Define the size of the encrypted private area. Bump this up (and
/// bump the version) if PrivateHibernateMetadata outgrows it.
pub const META_PRIVATE_SIZE: usize = 0x1000;
/// Define the size of the encryption authentication tag, in bytes.
pub const META_TAG_SIZE: usize = 16;
/// Define the size of the data portion of the private metadata.
/// Define the size of the asymmetric key pairs used to encrypt the hibernate
/// metadata.
pub const META_ASYMMETRIC_KEY_SIZE: usize = 32;
/// Define the software representation of the hibernate metadata.
#[derive(Zeroize, ZeroizeOnDrop)]
pub struct HibernateMetadata {
/// The size of the hibernate image data.
pub image_size: i64,
/// Flags. See META_FLAG_* definitions.
pub flags: u32,
/// Number of bytes in the image's header and pagemap.
pub image_meta_size: i64,
/// Hash of the header pages.
pub header_hash: [u8; META_HASH_SIZE],
/// Hibernate symmetric encryption key.
pub data_key: [u8; META_SYMMETRIC_KEY_SIZE],
/// Hibernate symmetric encryption IV (chosen randomly).
pub data_iv: [u8; META_OCB_IV_SIZE],
/// Hibernate data AEAD tag.
pub data_tag: [u8; META_TAG_SIZE],
/// The first byte of data, in plaintext. This is needed to coerce the kernel
/// into doing its image allocation. Random IV used for metadata encryption.
pub first_data_byte: u8,
/// Public side of the ephemeral key pair used in Diffie-Hellman to derive
/// the metadata key.
pub meta_eph_public: [u8; META_ASYMMETRIC_KEY_SIZE],
/// Random IV used for metadata encryption.
meta_iv: [u8; META_OCB_IV_SIZE],
/// The not-yet-decrypted private data.
private_blob: Option<[u8; META_PRIVATE_SIZE]>,
/// The key used to decrypt private metadata.
meta_key: Option<[u8; META_SYMMETRIC_KEY_SIZE]>,
/// Define whether or not to save private data to disk anymore or not. This
/// can be cleared when the metadata is only being written out as a debugging
/// breadcrumb.
save_private_data: bool,
/// Define the structure of the public hibernate metadata, which is written
/// out to disk unencrypted.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Zeroize, ZeroizeOnDrop)]
pub struct PublicHibernateMetadata {
/// This must be set to META_MAGIC.
magic: u64,
/// This must be set to META_VERSION.
version: u32,
/// Number of bytes in the image's header and pagemap.
image_meta_size: i64,
/// The size of the hibernate image data.
image_size: i64,
/// Flags. See META_FLAG_* definitions.
flags: u32,
/// The first byte of data, needed to coerce the kernel into doing its big
/// allocation.
first_data_byte: u8,
/// Public side of the ephemeral key pair used in Diffie-Hellman to derive
/// the metadata key.
meta_eph_public: [u8; META_ASYMMETRIC_KEY_SIZE],
/// IV used for private portion of metadata.
private_iv: [u8; META_OCB_IV_SIZE],
/// Define the structure of the private hibernate metadata, which is written
/// out to disk encrypted.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Zeroize, ZeroizeOnDrop)]
pub struct PrivateHibernateMetadata {
/// This must be set to META_VERSION.
version: u32,
/// Number of pages in the image's header and pagemap.
image_meta_size: i64,
/// The size of the hibernate image data.
image_size: i64,
/// Flags. See META_FLAG_* definitions.
flags: u32,
/// Hibernate symmetric encryption key.
data_key: [u8; META_SYMMETRIC_KEY_SIZE],
/// Hibernate symmetric encryption IV (chosen randomly).
data_iv: [u8; META_OCB_IV_SIZE],
/// Hibernate data AEAD tag.
data_tag: [u8; META_TAG_SIZE],
/// Hash of the header pages.
header_hash: [u8; META_HASH_SIZE],
impl HibernateMetadata {
/// Create a new metadata structure. The data key, data IV, and metadata IV
/// will be initialized with data from /dev/urandom.
pub fn new() -> Result<Self> {
let mut data_key = Zeroizing::new([0u8; META_SYMMETRIC_KEY_SIZE]);
Self::fill_random(&mut *data_key)?;
let mut data_iv = Zeroizing::new([0u8; META_OCB_IV_SIZE]);
Self::fill_random(&mut *data_iv)?;
let mut meta_iv = Zeroizing::new([0u8; META_OCB_IV_SIZE]);
Self::fill_random(&mut *meta_iv)?;
// Initialize the other keys with random junk as well to avoid bugs
// where zeroed keys get used. These should never actually get used with
// the random data (they'd be undecryptable if they were).
let mut meta_eph_public = Zeroizing::new([0u8; META_ASYMMETRIC_KEY_SIZE]);
Self::fill_random(&mut *meta_eph_public)?;
Ok(Self {
image_size: 0,
flags: 0,
image_meta_size: 0,
header_hash: [0u8; META_HASH_SIZE],
data_key: *data_key,
data_iv: *data_iv,
data_tag: [0u8; META_TAG_SIZE],
first_data_byte: 0,
meta_iv: *meta_iv,
meta_eph_public: *meta_eph_public,
private_blob: None,
meta_key: None,
save_private_data: true,
/// Load the metadata from disk, and populates the structure based on the
/// public data. The private data is left in a blob.
pub fn load_from_reader<R: Read>(mut reader: R) -> Result<Self> {
// Read the public data area.
let mut public_buf = vec![0u8; META_PUBLIC_SIZE];
.read_exact(&mut public_buf)
.context("Cannot read hibernate metadata")?;
// Read the private data area.
let mut private_buf = [0u8; META_PRIVATE_SIZE];
.read_exact(&mut private_buf)
.context("Cannot read hibernate metadata")?;
// Deserialize the public metadata.
let end = public_buf
.position(|&b| b == b'\0')
.context("Could not find trailing null in public metadata")?;
let public_data: PublicHibernateMetadata = serde_json::from_slice(&public_buf[..end])
.context("Could not deserialize public metadata")?;
let mut metadata = Self::try_from(public_data)?;
// Plunk in the private blob for decryption later.
metadata.private_blob = Some(private_buf);
/// Set the key used to encrypt/decrypt the private metadata.
pub fn set_metadata_key(&mut self, key: [u8; META_SYMMETRIC_KEY_SIZE]) {
self.meta_key = Some(key);
/// Decrypt the private metadata contents via a key set previously by
/// set_metadata_key(), and populate it into the current object.
pub fn load_private_data(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
if self.meta_key.is_none() {
return Err(HibernateError::MetadataError(
"Cannot load private data without meta key".to_string(),
.context("Cannot load private metadata");
// Decrypt the private data.
let cipher = Cipher::aes_128_ocb();
let mut crypter = Crypter::new(
let private_blob = self.private_blob.unwrap();
let mut private_buf =
Zeroizing::new(vec![0u8; META_PRIVATE_DATA_SIZE + cipher.block_size()]);
let mut decrypt_size = crypter
.update(&private_blob[..META_PRIVATE_DATA_SIZE], &mut *private_buf)
.context("Failed to decrypt private data")?;
decrypt_size += crypter
.finalize(&mut private_buf[decrypt_size..])
.context("Failed to decrypt private metadata")?;
if decrypt_size != META_PRIVATE_DATA_SIZE {
return Err(HibernateError::MetadataError(format!(
"Private metadata was {:x?} bytes, expected at least {:x?}",
.context("Cannot load private metadata");
let end = private_buf
.position(|&b| b == b'\0')
.context("Could not find trailing null in private metadata")?;
let private_data: PrivateHibernateMetadata = serde_json::from_slice(&private_buf[..end])
.context("Could not deserialize private data")?;
/// Apply private metadata info from a given C struct into the current
/// object.
fn apply_private_data(&mut self, privdata: &PrivateHibernateMetadata) -> Result<()> {
if privdata.version != META_VERSION {
return Err(HibernateError::MetadataError(format!(
"Invalid private metadata version: {:x?}, expected {:x?}",
privdata.version, META_VERSION
.context("Cannot apply private metadata");
if self.image_size != privdata.image_size {
return Err(HibernateError::MetadataError(format!(
"Mismatch in public private image size: {:x?} vs {:x?}",
privdata.image_size, self.image_size
.context("Cannot apply private metadata");
if self.image_meta_size != privdata.image_meta_size {
return Err(HibernateError::MetadataError(format!(
"Mismatch in image meta size: {:x?} vs {:x?}",
privdata.image_meta_size, self.image_meta_size
.context("Cannot apply private metadata");
self.header_hash = privdata.header_hash;
self.data_key = privdata.data_key;
self.data_iv = privdata.data_iv;
self.data_tag = privdata.data_tag;
self.flags = privdata.flags;
/// Save the current metadata contents to disk. If dont_save_private_data()
/// has been called, then only the public portions are saved, and the
/// private portion is zeroed out. This is useful on resume when the caller
/// wants to update flags and clear the private area.
pub fn write_to_disk(&self, disk_file: &mut BouncedDiskFile) -> Result<()> {
let mut buf = vec![0u8; META_PUBLIC_SIZE + META_PRIVATE_SIZE];
// Check the flags being written in case somebody added a flag and
// forgot to add it to the valid mask.
if (self.flags & !META_VALID_FLAGS) != 0 {
return Err(HibernateError::MetadataError(format!(
"Invalid flags: {:x?}, valid mask {:x?}",
self.flags, META_VALID_FLAGS
.context("Cannot save hibernate metadata");
let public_data = self.build_public_data(self.save_private_data)?;
let serialized_public_string =
serde_json::to_string(&public_data).context("Could not serialize public data")?;
let serialized_public = serialized_public_string.as_bytes();
let public_len = serialized_public.len();
info!("Public data size: {}/{}", public_len, META_PUBLIC_SIZE);
public_len < META_PUBLIC_SIZE,
"serialized public data {} doesn't fit in {}",
if self.save_private_data {
let private = self.build_private_buffer()?;
let private_len = private.len();
let end = META_PUBLIC_SIZE + private_len;
.context("Cannot write hibernate metadata")?;
/// Stop including the private metadata when saving to disk. This is useful
/// upon resume when we want to update the flags, but there will be no more
/// resume attempts with this image (because the attempt is in progress), so
/// the private metadata can be cleared.
pub fn dont_save_private_data(&mut self) {
self.save_private_data = false;
/// Create the public C struct from the current object contents.
fn build_public_data(&self, include_private: bool) -> Result<PublicHibernateMetadata> {
let private_iv = if include_private {
} else {
let meta_eph_public = if include_private {
} else {
Ok(PublicHibernateMetadata {
magic: META_MAGIC,
version: META_VERSION,
image_meta_size: self.image_meta_size,
image_size: self.image_size,
flags: self.flags,
first_data_byte: self.first_data_byte,
/// Construct the encrypted private buffer area.
fn build_private_buffer(&self) -> Result<[u8; META_PRIVATE_SIZE]> {
let private_data = PrivateHibernateMetadata {
version: META_VERSION,
image_meta_size: self.image_meta_size,
image_size: self.image_size,
flags: self.flags,
data_key: self.data_key,
data_iv: self.data_iv,
data_tag: self.data_tag,
header_hash: self.header_hash,
let cipher = Cipher::aes_128_ocb();
let serialized_private_string = Zeroizing::new(
serde_json::to_string(&private_data).context("Could not serialize private data")?,
// Encrypt a fixed number of bytes regardless of the serialized size.
// Make sure this buffer gets zeroed out when dropped.
let mut serialized_private = Zeroizing::new([0u8; META_PRIVATE_SIZE]);
let serialized_private_bytes = serialized_private_string.as_bytes();
let serialized_bytes_length = serialized_private_bytes.len();
assert!(serialized_bytes_length <= META_PRIVATE_DATA_SIZE);
if self.meta_key.is_none() {
return Err(HibernateError::MetadataError(
"Cannot build private metadata without meta key".to_string(),
.context("Cannot build private metadata");
// Prepare to encrypt it into the buffer.
let mut crypter = Crypter::new(
.context("Could not initialize encrypter")?;
// Crypter demands that the output must be one block bigger than the
// input.
let mut ciphertext = vec![0u8; META_PRIVATE_DATA_SIZE + cipher.block_size()];
let mut encrypt_size = crypter
&mut ciphertext,
.context("Cannot encrypt private metadata")?;
encrypt_size += crypter
.finalize(&mut ciphertext[encrypt_size..])
.context("Cannot encrypt private metadata")?;
encrypt_size == META_PRIVATE_DATA_SIZE,
"Encrypted {} bytes, expected {}",
// Get the authentication tag.
crypter.get_tag(&mut ciphertext[META_PRIVATE_DATA_SIZE..])?;
// Copy back into a correctly sized buffer and return that.
/// Fill a buffer with random bytes, given an open file to /dev/urandom.
fn fill_random(buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<()> {
rand_bytes(buf, Source::Pseudorandom)
.context("Cannot get random bytes for hibernate metadata")?;
impl TryFrom<PublicHibernateMetadata> for HibernateMetadata {
type Error = anyhow::Error;
fn try_from(pubdata: PublicHibernateMetadata) -> std::result::Result<Self, Self::Error> {
if pubdata.magic != META_MAGIC {
return Err(HibernateError::MetadataError(format!(
"Invalid metadata magic: {:x?}, expected {:x?}",
pubdata.magic, META_MAGIC
.context("Cannot load hibernate metadata");
if pubdata.version != META_VERSION {
return Err(HibernateError::MetadataError(format!(
"Invalid public metadata version: {:x?}, expected {:x?}",
pubdata.version, META_VERSION
.context("Cannot loada hibernate metadata");
if (pubdata.flags & !META_VALID_FLAGS) != 0 {
return Err(HibernateError::MetadataError(format!(
"Invalid flags: {:x?}, valid mask {:x?}",
pubdata.flags, META_VALID_FLAGS
.context("Cannot load hibernate metadata");
Ok(Self {
image_size: pubdata.image_size,
flags: pubdata.flags,
image_meta_size: pubdata.image_meta_size,
header_hash: [0u8; META_HASH_SIZE],
data_key: [0u8; META_SYMMETRIC_KEY_SIZE],
data_iv: [0u8; META_OCB_IV_SIZE],
data_tag: [0u8; META_TAG_SIZE],
first_data_byte: pubdata.first_data_byte,
meta_iv: pubdata.private_iv,
meta_key: None,
meta_eph_public: pubdata.meta_eph_public,
private_blob: None,
save_private_data: true,