blob: 17ba4831bd6d27744fd7d5851cc4cf589b81becd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! High level support for creating and opening the files used by hibernate.
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::fs;
use std::fs::{File, OpenOptions};
use std::io::{Read, Seek, SeekFrom, Write};
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
use std::path::Path;
use anyhow::{Context, Result};
use log::debug;
use crate::diskfile::{BouncedDiskFile, DiskFile};
use crate::hiberlog::HiberlogFile;
use crate::hiberutil::{get_page_size, get_total_memory_pages, HibernateError};
use crate::metrics::MetricsFile;
use crate::mmapbuf::MmapBuffer;
use crate::splitter::HIBER_HEADER_MAX_SIZE;
/// Define the directory where hibernate state files are kept.
pub const HIBERNATE_DIR: &str = "/mnt/hibernate";
/// Define the root of the stateful partition mount.
pub const STATEFUL_DIR: &str = "/mnt/stateful_partition";
/// Define the name of the hibernate metadata.
const HIBER_META_NAME: &str = "metadata";
/// Define the preallocated size of the hibernate metadata file.
const HIBER_META_SIZE: i64 = 1024 * 1024 * 8;
/// Define the name of the header pages file.
const HIBER_HEADER_NAME: &str = "header";
/// Define the name of the main hibernate image data file.
const HIBER_DATA_NAME: &str = "hiberfile";
/// Define the name of the resume log file.
const RESUME_LOG_FILE_NAME: &str = "resume_log";
/// Define the name of the suspend log file.
const SUSPEND_LOG_FILE_NAME: &str = "suspend_log";
/// Define the size of the preallocated log files.
const HIBER_LOG_SIZE: i64 = 1024 * 1024 * 4;
/// Define the name of the kernel key blob file.
const HIBER_KERNEL_KEY_FILE_NAME: &str = "kernel_keyblob";
/// Define the maximum size of the kernel key blob file.
const HIBER_KERNEL_KEY_SIZE: i64 = 8192;
/// Define the attempts count file name.
const HIBER_ATTEMPTS_FILE_NAME: &str = "attempts_count";
/// Define the hibernate failures count file name.
const HIBER_FAILURES_FILE_NAME: &str = "hibernate_failures";
/// Define the resume failures count file name.
const RESUME_FAILURES_FILE_NAME: &str = "resume_failures";
/// Define the resume metrics file name.
const RESUME_METRICS_FILE_NAME: &str = "resume_metrics";
/// Define the suspend metrics file name.
const SUSPEND_METRICS_FILE_NAME: &str = "suspend_metrics";
/// Define the size of the preallocated metrics file.
const HIBER_METRICS_SIZE: i64 = 1024 * 1024 * 4;
/// Preallocates the metadata file and opens it for I/O.
pub fn preallocate_metadata_file(zero_out: bool) -> Result<BouncedDiskFile> {
let metadata_path = Path::new(HIBERNATE_DIR).join(HIBER_META_NAME);
preallocate_bounced_disk_file(&metadata_path, HIBER_META_SIZE, zero_out)
/// Preallocate and open the suspend or resume log file.
pub fn preallocate_log_file(log_file: HiberlogFile, zero_out: bool) -> Result<BouncedDiskFile> {
let name = match log_file {
HiberlogFile::Suspend => SUSPEND_LOG_FILE_NAME,
HiberlogFile::Resume => RESUME_LOG_FILE_NAME,
let log_file_path = Path::new(HIBERNATE_DIR).join(name);
preallocate_bounced_disk_file(log_file_path, HIBER_LOG_SIZE, zero_out)
/// Preallocate the header pages file.
pub fn preallocate_header_file(zero_out: bool) -> Result<DiskFile> {
let path = Path::new(HIBERNATE_DIR).join(HIBER_HEADER_NAME);
preallocate_disk_file(path, HIBER_HEADER_MAX_SIZE, zero_out)
/// Preallocate the metrics file.
pub fn preallocate_metrics_file(
metrics_file: MetricsFile,
zero_out: bool,
) -> Result<BouncedDiskFile> {
let name = match metrics_file {
MetricsFile::Suspend => SUSPEND_METRICS_FILE_NAME,
MetricsFile::Resume => RESUME_METRICS_FILE_NAME,
let metrics_file_path = Path::new(HIBERNATE_DIR).join(name);
preallocate_bounced_disk_file(metrics_file_path, HIBER_METRICS_SIZE, zero_out)
/// Preallocate the hibernate image file.
pub fn preallocate_hiberfile(zero_out: bool) -> Result<DiskFile> {
let hiberfile_path = Path::new(HIBERNATE_DIR).join(HIBER_DATA_NAME);
// The maximum size of the hiberfile is half of memory, plus a little
// fudge for rounding. KASAN steals 1/8 of memory if it's enabled and makes
// it look invisible, but still needs to be saved, so multiply by 8/7 to
// account for the rare debug case where it's enabled.
let memory_mb = get_total_memory_mb();
let hiberfile_mb = ((memory_mb * 8 / 7) / 2) + 2;
"System has {} MB of memory, preallocating {} MB hiberfile",
memory_mb, hiberfile_mb
let hiber_size = (hiberfile_mb as i64) * 1024 * 1024;
let hiber_file = preallocate_disk_file(hiberfile_path, hiber_size, zero_out)?;
/// Preallocate the kernel key blob file.
pub fn preallocate_kernel_key_file(zero_out: bool) -> Result<BouncedDiskFile> {
preallocate_bounced_disk_file(path, HIBER_KERNEL_KEY_SIZE, zero_out)
/// Open a pre-existing disk file with bounce buffer,
/// still with read and write permissions.
pub fn open_bounced_disk_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<BouncedDiskFile> {
let mut file = OpenOptions::new()
.context("Cannot open bounced disk file")?;
BouncedDiskFile::new(&mut file, None)
/// Open a pre-existing header file, still with read and write permissions.
pub fn open_header_file() -> Result<DiskFile> {
let path = Path::new(HIBERNATE_DIR).join(HIBER_HEADER_NAME);
/// Open a pre-existing hiberfile, still with read and write permissions.
pub fn open_hiberfile() -> Result<DiskFile> {
let hiberfile_path = Path::new(HIBERNATE_DIR).join(HIBER_DATA_NAME);
/// Helper function to determine if the hiberfile already exists.
pub fn does_hiberfile_exist() -> bool {
let hiberfile_path = Path::new(HIBERNATE_DIR).join(HIBER_DATA_NAME);
/// Open a pre-existing kernel key file with read and write permissions.
pub fn open_kernel_key_file() -> Result<BouncedDiskFile> {
/// Open a pre-existing hiberfile, still with read and write permissions.
pub fn open_metafile() -> Result<BouncedDiskFile> {
let hiberfile_path = Path::new(HIBERNATE_DIR).join(HIBER_META_NAME);
/// Check if a metrics file exists.
pub fn metrics_file_exists(metrics_file: &MetricsFile) -> bool {
let name = match metrics_file {
MetricsFile::Suspend => SUSPEND_METRICS_FILE_NAME,
MetricsFile::Resume => RESUME_METRICS_FILE_NAME,
let hiberfile_path = Path::new(HIBERNATE_DIR).join(name);
/// Open a pre-existing metrics file with read and write permissions.
pub fn open_metrics_file(metrics_file: MetricsFile) -> Result<BouncedDiskFile> {
let name = match metrics_file {
MetricsFile::Suspend => SUSPEND_METRICS_FILE_NAME,
MetricsFile::Resume => RESUME_METRICS_FILE_NAME,
let hiberfile_path = Path::new(HIBERNATE_DIR).join(name);
/// Open one of the log files, either the suspend or resume log.
pub fn open_log_file(log_file: HiberlogFile) -> Result<BouncedDiskFile> {
let name = match log_file {
HiberlogFile::Suspend => SUSPEND_LOG_FILE_NAME,
HiberlogFile::Resume => RESUME_LOG_FILE_NAME,
let path = Path::new(HIBERNATE_DIR).join(name);
/// Open a metrics file.
fn open_cumulative_metrics_file(path: &Path) -> Result<File> {
let file = File::options()
.context("Cannot open metrics file")?;
/// Open the attempts_count file, to keep track of the number of hibernate
/// attempts for metric tracking purposes.
pub fn open_attempts_file() -> Result<File> {
/// Open the hibernate_failures file, to keep track of the number of hibernate
/// failures for metric tracking purposes.
pub fn open_hiber_fails_file() -> Result<File> {
/// Open the resume_failures file, to keep track of the number of resume
/// failures for metric tracking purposes.
pub fn open_resume_failures_file() -> Result<File> {
/// Read the given metrics file
pub fn read_metric_file(file: &mut File) -> Result<String> {
let mut value_str = String::new();
file.read_to_string(&mut value_str)
.context("Failed to parse metric value")?;
/// Increment the value in the counter file
pub fn increment_file_counter(file: &mut File) -> Result<()> {
let value_str = read_metric_file(file)?;
let mut value: u32 = value_str.parse().unwrap_or(0);
value += 1;
.context("Failed to increment counter")
/// Helper function to get the total amount of physical memory on this system,
/// in megabytes.
fn get_total_memory_mb() -> u32 {
let pagesize = get_page_size() as u64;
let pagecount = get_total_memory_pages() as u64;
debug!("Pagesize {} pagecount {}", pagesize, pagecount);
let mb = pagecount * pagesize / (1024 * 1024);
/// Helper function used to preallocate and possibly initialize a DiskFile.
fn preallocate_disk_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P, size: i64, zero_out: bool) -> Result<DiskFile> {
let mut fs_file = preallocate_file(path, size)?;
let mut disk_file = DiskFile::new(&mut fs_file, None)?;
if zero_out {
zero_disk_file(&mut disk_file, size)?;
/// Helper function used to preallocate and possibly initialize a BouncedDiskFile.
fn preallocate_bounced_disk_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(
path: P,
size: i64,
zero_out: bool,
) -> Result<BouncedDiskFile> {
let mut fs_file = preallocate_file(path, size)?;
if zero_out {
let mut disk_file = DiskFile::new(&mut fs_file, None)?;
zero_disk_file(&mut disk_file, size)?;
BouncedDiskFile::new(&mut fs_file, None)
/// Write zeroes to the given DiskFile for a size, then seek back to 0.
fn zero_disk_file(disk_file: &mut DiskFile, mut size: i64) -> Result<()> {
// MmapBuffers come zeroed.
let buf = MmapBuffer::new(1024 * 64)?;
while size != 0 {
let this_size: usize = (std::cmp::min(size, buf.len() as i64)) as usize;
size -= this_size as i64;
/// Helper function used to preallocate space on a file using the fallocate64()
/// C library call.
fn preallocate_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P, size: i64) -> Result<File> {
let file = OpenOptions::new()
.context("Failed to preallocate hibernate file")?;
// This is safe because fallocate64() doesn't modify memory.
let rc = unsafe { libc::fallocate64(file.as_raw_fd(), 0, 0, size) as isize };
if rc < 0 {
return Err(HibernateError::FallocateError(sys_util::Error::last()))
.context("Failed to preallocate via fallocate");
/// Open a pre-existing disk file, still with read and write permissions.
fn open_disk_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<DiskFile> {
let mut file = OpenOptions::new()
.context("Failed to open disk file")?;
DiskFile::new(&mut file, None)