blob: 22a1b36aeaca5059734e0645dfd955b1be392a89 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Handles the D-Bus interface for hibernate.
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
use std::sync::mpsc::{channel, Receiver, Sender};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
use anyhow::{Context as AnyhowContext, Result};
use dbus::blocking::Connection;
use dbus::channel::MatchingReceiver;
use dbus::message::MatchRule;
use dbus_crossroads::{Context, Crossroads};
use log::{debug, error, info};
use protobuf::{Message, SingularPtrField};
use sync::Mutex;
use system_api::client::OrgChromiumUserDataAuthInterface;
use system_api::rpc::AccountIdentifier;
use system_api::UserDataAuth::{GetHibernateSecretReply, GetHibernateSecretRequest};
use zeroize::{Zeroize, ZeroizeOnDrop};
use crate::hiberutil::HibernateError;
/// Define the minimum acceptable seed material length.
const MINIMUM_SEED_SIZE: usize = 32;
// Define the timeout to connect to the dbus system.
pub const DEFAULT_DBUS_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(25);
/// Define the name used on dbus.
const HIBERMAN_DBUS_NAME: &str = "org.chromium.Hibernate";
/// Define the path used within dbus.
const HIBERMAN_DBUS_PATH: &str = "/org/chromium/Hibernate";
/// Define the name of the resume dbus interface.
const HIBERMAN_RESUME_DBUS_INTERFACE: &str = "org.chromium.HibernateResumeInterface";
/// Define the message sent by the d-bus thread to the main thread when the
/// ResumeFromHibernate d-bus method is called.
struct ResumeRequest {
account_id: String,
auth_session_id: Vec<u8>,
completion_tx: Sender<u32>,
impl ResumeRequest {
pub fn complete(&mut self) {
info!("Completing the ResumeRequest");
// The content of the message is ignored, this simply allows the dbus
// thread to unblock and complete the method. The error is ignored
// because the best course of action is simply to keep going with
// the main thread.
let _ = self.completion_tx.send(0);
impl Drop for ResumeRequest {
fn drop(&mut self) {
/// Define the message sent if the resume is aborted.
struct ResumeAbort {
reason: String,
/// Define the union used to receive either a ResumeRequest or a ResumeAbort.
enum ResumeVerdict {
/// Define the context shared between dbus calls. These must all have the Send
/// trait.
struct HibernateDbusStateInternal {
call_count: u32,
resume_tx: Sender<ResumeVerdict>,
stop: bool,
impl HibernateDbusStateInternal {
fn new(resume_tx: Sender<ResumeVerdict>) -> Self {
Self {
call_count: 0,
stop: false,
/// D-bus method called by Chrome to let the hibernate service
/// know a user session is about to be started.
fn resume_from_hibernate(&mut self, account_id: &str, auth_session_id: &[u8]) {
self.call_count += 1;
let (completion_tx, completion_rx) = channel();
let request = ResumeRequest {
account_id: account_id.to_string(),
auth_session_id: auth_session_id.to_vec(),
let _ = self.resume_tx.send(ResumeVerdict::Requested(request));
// Wait on the completion channel for the main thread to send something.
// It doesn't matter what it is, and on error, just keep going.
info!("ResumeFromHibernate: waiting on main thread");
let _ = completion_rx.recv();
/// D-bus method called by Chrome to initiate resume from hibernation, given
/// an account ID.
fn resume_from_hibernate_acct(&mut self, account_id: &str) {
self.resume_from_hibernate(account_id, &[])
/// D-bus method called by Chrome to initiate resume from hibernation within
/// an auth session.
fn resume_from_hibernate_auth(&mut self, auth_session_id: &[u8]) {
self.resume_from_hibernate("", auth_session_id)
/// D-bus method called by various components in the system to abort a
/// resume from hibernation.
fn abort_resume(&mut self, reason: String) {
self.call_count += 1;
info!("Received abort request: {}", &reason);
let _ = self
.send(ResumeVerdict::Aborted(ResumeAbort { reason }));
/// Define the d-bus state. Arc and Mutex are needed because crossroads takes
/// ownership of the state passed in, and requires the Send trait.
struct HibernateDbusState(Arc<Mutex<HibernateDbusStateInternal>>);
impl HibernateDbusState {
fn new(resume_tx: Sender<ResumeVerdict>) -> Self {
/// Define the connection details to Dbus. This is the unprotected version, to
/// be manipulated after acquiring the lock.
struct HiberDbusConnectionInternal {
conn: Connection,
state: HibernateDbusState,
impl HiberDbusConnectionInternal {
/// Fire up a new system d-bus server.
fn new(resume_tx: Sender<ResumeVerdict>) -> Result<Self> {
info!("Setting up dbus");
let state = HibernateDbusState::new(resume_tx);
let conn = Connection::new_system().context("Failed to start local dbus connection")?;
conn.request_name(HIBERMAN_DBUS_NAME, false, false, false)
.context("Failed to request dbus name")?;
let mut crossroads = Crossroads::new();
// Build a new HibernateResumeInterface.
let iface_token = crossroads.register(HIBERMAN_RESUME_DBUS_INTERFACE, |b| {
move |_ctx: &mut Context,
state: &mut HibernateDbusState,
(account_id,): (String,)| {
// Here's what happens when the method is called.
let mut internal_state = state.0.lock();
// Shut down the dbus thread since resume is committed.
internal_state.stop = true;
info!("ResumeFromHibernate completing");
move |_ctx: &mut Context,
state: &mut HibernateDbusState,
(auth_session_id,): (Vec<u8>,)| {
// Here's what happens when the method is called.
let mut internal_state = state.0.lock();
// Shut down the dbus thread since resume is committed.
internal_state.stop = true;
info!("ResumeFromHibernateAS completing");
move |_ctx: &mut Context, state: &mut HibernateDbusState, (reason,): (String,)| {
// Here's what happens when the method is called.
let mut internal_state = state.0.lock();
info!("AbortResume completing");
crossroads.insert(HIBERMAN_DBUS_PATH, &[iface_token], state.clone());
Box::new(move |msg, conn| {
if let Err(e) = crossroads.handle_message(msg, conn) {
error!("Failed to handle message: {:?}", e);
} else {
info!("Completed dbus setup");
Ok(HiberDbusConnectionInternal { conn, state })
/// Public function used by the dbus thread to process requests until the
/// resume method or abort gets called. At that point we drop off since
/// that's all we need.
fn receive_seed(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
info!("Processing dbus requests");
loop {
.context("Failed to process")?;
// Break out if ResumefromHibernate was called.
let state = self.state.0.lock();
if state.stop {
info!("Stopped serving dbus requests");
#[derive(Default, Zeroize, ZeroizeOnDrop)]
pub struct ResumeSecretSeed {
value: Vec<u8>,
impl Deref for ResumeSecretSeed {
type Target = Vec<u8>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl DerefMut for ResumeSecretSeed {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.value
/// This struct serves as a ticket indicating that the dbus thread is currently
/// blocked in the ResumeFromHibernate method.
pub struct PendingResumeCall {
pub secret_seed: ResumeSecretSeed,
// When this resume request is dropped, the dbus thread allows the method
// call to complete.
_resume_request: ResumeRequest,
/// Define the thread safe version of the dbus connection state.
pub struct HiberDbusConnection {
internal: Arc<Mutex<HiberDbusConnectionInternal>>,
thread: Option<thread::JoinHandle<()>>,
resume_rx: Receiver<ResumeVerdict>,
impl HiberDbusConnection {
/// Create a new dbus connection and announce ourselves on the bus. This
/// function does not start serving requests yet though.
pub fn new() -> Result<Self> {
let (resume_tx, resume_rx) = channel();
Ok(HiberDbusConnection {
internal: Arc::new(Mutex::new(HiberDbusConnectionInternal::new(resume_tx)?)),
thread: None,
/// Fire up a thread to respond to dbus requests.
pub fn spawn_dbus_server(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
let arc_clone = Arc::clone(&self.internal);
self.thread = Some(thread::spawn(move || {
debug!("Started dbus server thread");
let mut conn = arc_clone.lock();
let _ = conn.receive_seed();
debug!("Exiting dbus server thread");
/// Block waiting for the seed material to become available from cryptohome,
/// then return that material. This errors out upon receiving an abort if
/// resume_in_progress is set, or continues waiting otherwise.
pub fn get_seed_material(&mut self, resume_in_progress: bool) -> Result<PendingResumeCall> {
loop {
// Block until the dbus thread receives a ResumeFromHibernate call, and
// receive that info.
info!("Waiting for ResumeFromHibernate call");
let resume_verdict = self.resume_rx.recv()?;
match resume_verdict {
ResumeVerdict::Aborted(resume_abort) => {
error!("Got resume abort request: {}", &resume_abort.reason);
if !resume_in_progress {
debug!("Ignoring abort request since resume is not in progress");
return Err(HibernateError::ResumeAbortRequested(resume_abort.reason))
.context("Resume aborted");
ResumeVerdict::Requested(mut resume_request) => {
// If there's no resume in progress, unblock boot ASAP.
if !resume_in_progress {
info!("Unblocking ResumeFromHibernate immediately");
info!("Requesting secret seed");
let mut pending_call = PendingResumeCall {
secret_seed: ResumeSecretSeed::default(),
_resume_request: resume_request,
&mut pending_call.secret_seed.value,
let length = pending_call.secret_seed.value.len();
if length < MINIMUM_SEED_SIZE {
return Err(HibernateError::DbusError(format!(
"Seed size {} was below minium {}",
.context("Failed to receive seed");
info!("Got {} bytes of seed material", length);
return Ok(pending_call);
/// Ask cryptohome for the hibernate seed for the given account. This call only
/// works once, then cryptohome forgets the secret. The vector receiving the
/// secret is passed in rather than being returned so its memory location can be
/// accounted for and explicitly zeroed out when no longer needed.
fn get_secret_seed(account_id: &str, auth_session_id: &[u8], seed: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<()> {
let conn = Connection::new_system().context("Failed to connect to dbus for secret seed")?;
let conn_path = conn.with_proxy(
let mut proto: GetHibernateSecretRequest = Message::new();
let mut account_identifier = AccountIdentifier::new();
proto.account_id = SingularPtrField::some(account_identifier);
proto.auth_session_id = auth_session_id.to_vec();
let mut response = conn_path
.context("Failed to call GetHibernateSecret dbus method")?;
let mut reply: GetHibernateSecretReply = Message::parse_from_bytes(&response)
.context("Failed to parse GetHibernateSecret dbus response")?;
// Copy the secret to the output parameter so the reply structure can be
// zeroed.
seed.resize(reply.hibernate_secret.len(), 0);
/// Send an abort request over dbus to cancel a pending resume. The hiberman
/// process calling this function might not be the same as the hiberman process
/// serving the dbus requests. For example, a developer may invoke the abort
/// resume subcommand.
pub fn send_abort(reason: &str) -> Result<()> {
let conn = Connection::new_system().context("Failed to connect to dbus for secret seed")?;
// Now make the method call. The ListNames method call takes zero input parameters and
// one output parameter which is an array of strings.
// Therefore the input is a zero tuple "()", and the output is a single tuple "(names,)".
.method_call(HIBERMAN_RESUME_DBUS_INTERFACE, "AbortResume", (reason,))
.context("Failed to send abort request")?;
info!("Sent AbortResume request");