blob: 340dc7402fe429e37b18ab6c0ebbfb17f3dde0b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cryptohome/cleanup/disk_cleanup_routines.h"
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include "cryptohome/filesystem_layout.h"
#include "cryptohome/platform.h"
#include "cryptohome/storage/homedirs.h"
#include "cryptohome/storage/mount_constants.h"
using base::FilePath;
namespace cryptohome {
DiskCleanupRoutines::DiskCleanupRoutines(HomeDirs* homedirs, Platform* platform)
: homedirs_(homedirs), platform_(platform) {}
DiskCleanupRoutines::~DiskCleanupRoutines() = default;
bool DiskCleanupRoutines::DeleteUserCache(const std::string& obfuscated) {
FilePath user_dir = GetShadowDir(obfuscated);
FilePath cache;
if (!GetTrackedDirectory(
user_dir, FilePath(kUserHomeSuffix).Append(kCacheDir), &cache)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to locate the cache directory.";
return false;
VLOG(1) << "Deleting Cache " << cache.value();
if (!DeleteDirectoryContents(cache)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to remove the Cache directory";
return false;
return true;
bool DiskCleanupRoutines::DeleteUserGCache(const std::string& obfuscated) {
FilePath user_dir = GetShadowDir(obfuscated);
bool ret = true;
// GCache dirs that can be completely removed on low space.
const FilePath kRemovableGCacheDirs[] = {
for (const auto& dir : kRemovableGCacheDirs) {
FilePath gcachetmp;
if (!GetTrackedDirectory(user_dir, dir, &gcachetmp)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to locate GCache temp directory " << dir.value();
ret = false;
VLOG(1) << "Deleting GCache " << gcachetmp.value();
if (!DeleteDirectoryContents(gcachetmp)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to remove the GCache directory";
ret = false;
// GCache dirs that contain files marked as removable.
const FilePath kCleanableGCacheDirs[] = {
for (const auto& dir : kCleanableGCacheDirs) {
FilePath gcache_dir;
if (!GetTrackedDirectory(user_dir, dir, &gcache_dir)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to locate GCache directory " << dir.value();
ret = false;
VLOG(1) << "Cleaning removable files in " << gcache_dir.value();
if (!RemoveAllRemovableFiles(gcache_dir)) {
ret = false;
return ret;
bool DiskCleanupRoutines::DeleteCacheVault(const std::string& obfuscated) {
if (!homedirs_->DmcryptCacheContainerExists(obfuscated))
return true;
VLOG(1) << "Deleting Cache Volume for " << obfuscated;
return homedirs_->RemoveDmcryptCacheContainer(obfuscated);
bool DiskCleanupRoutines::DeleteUserAndroidCache(
const std::string& obfuscated) {
FilePath user_dir = GetShadowDir(obfuscated);
bool ret = true;
FilePath root;
if (!GetTrackedDirectory(user_dir, FilePath(kRootHomeSuffix), &root)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to locate the root directory.";
return false;
// The package directory stores the inodes of the cache directory and code
// cache directory in the kAndroidCacheInodeAttribute xattr and
// kAndroidCodeCacheInodeAttribute xattr. Data is stored under
// root/android-data/data/data/<package name>/[code_]cache. It is not
// desirable to make all package name directories unencrypted, they
// are not marked as tracked directory.
// TODO(crbug/625872): Mark root/android/data/data/ as pass through.
// A set of parent directory/inode combinations. We need the parent directory
// as the inodes may have been re-used elsewhere if the cache directory was
// deleted.
std::set<std::pair<const FilePath, ino_t>> cache_inodes;
std::unique_ptr<cryptohome::FileEnumerator> file_enumerator(
platform_->GetFileEnumerator(root, true,
FilePath next_path;
while (!(next_path = file_enumerator->Next()).empty()) {
ino_t inode = file_enumerator->GetInfo().stat().st_ino;
std::pair<const FilePath, ino_t> parent_inode_pair =
std::make_pair(next_path.DirName(), inode);
if (cache_inodes.find(parent_inode_pair) != cache_inodes.end()) {
VLOG(1) << "Deleting Android Cache " << next_path.value();
if (!DeleteDirectoryContents(next_path)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to remove android cache " << next_path.value();
ret = false;
for (const char* attribute :
{kAndroidCacheInodeAttribute, kAndroidCodeCacheInodeAttribute}) {
if (platform_->HasExtendedFileAttribute(next_path, attribute)) {
uint64_t inode;
if (platform_->GetExtendedFileAttribute(next_path, attribute,
sizeof(inode))) {
// Because FileEnumerator processes all entries in a directory before
// continuing to sub-directories we can assume that the inode is added
// here before the directory that has the inode is processed.
cache_inodes.insert(std::make_pair(next_path, inode));
return ret;
bool DiskCleanupRoutines::DeleteUserProfile(const std::string& obfuscated) {
FilePath shadow_dir = GetShadowDir(obfuscated);
if (!homedirs_->Remove(obfuscated)) {
PLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to remove user profile";
return false;
return true;
base::FilePath DiskCleanupRoutines::GetShadowDir(
const std::string& obfuscated) const {
return ShadowRoot().Append(obfuscated);
bool DiskCleanupRoutines::GetTrackedDirectory(const FilePath& user_dir,
const FilePath& tracked_dir_name,
FilePath* out) {
FilePath vault_path = user_dir.Append(kEcryptfsVaultDir);
if (platform_->DirectoryExists(vault_path)) {
// On Ecryptfs, tracked directories' names are not encrypted.
*out = user_dir.Append(kEcryptfsVaultDir).Append(tracked_dir_name);
return true;
// This is dircrypto. Use the xattr to locate the directory.
return GetTrackedDirectoryForDirCrypto(user_dir.Append(kMountDir),
tracked_dir_name, out);
bool DiskCleanupRoutines::GetTrackedDirectoryForDirCrypto(
const FilePath& mount_dir,
const FilePath& tracked_dir_name,
FilePath* out) {
FilePath current_name;
FilePath current_path = mount_dir;
// Iterate over name components. This way, we don't have to inspect every
// directory under |mount_dir|.
std::vector<std::string> name_components = tracked_dir_name.GetComponents();
for (const auto& name_component : name_components) {
FilePath next_path;
std::unique_ptr<FileEnumerator> enumerator(
platform_->GetFileEnumerator(current_path, false /* recursive */,
for (FilePath dir = enumerator->Next(); !dir.empty();
dir = enumerator->Next()) {
if (platform_->HasExtendedFileAttribute(dir,
kTrackedDirectoryNameAttribute)) {
std::string name;
if (!platform_->GetExtendedFileAttributeAsString(
dir, kTrackedDirectoryNameAttribute, &name))
return false;
if (name == name_component) {
// This is the directory we're looking for.
next_path = dir;
if (next_path.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Tracked dir not found " << tracked_dir_name.value();
return false;
current_path = next_path;
*out = current_path;
return true;
bool DiskCleanupRoutines::DeleteDirectoryContents(const FilePath& dir) {
bool ret = true;
std::unique_ptr<FileEnumerator> subdir_enumerator(
platform_->GetFileEnumerator(dir, false,
base::FileEnumerator::FILES |
base::FileEnumerator::DIRECTORIES |
for (FilePath subdir_path = subdir_enumerator->Next(); !subdir_path.empty();
subdir_path = subdir_enumerator->Next()) {
if (!platform_->DeletePathRecursively(subdir_path)) {
PLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to remove " << subdir_path.value();
ret = false;
return ret;
bool DiskCleanupRoutines::RemoveAllRemovableFiles(const FilePath& dir) {
bool ret = true;
std::unique_ptr<FileEnumerator> file_enumerator(
platform_->GetFileEnumerator(dir, true, base::FileEnumerator::FILES));
for (FilePath file = file_enumerator->Next(); !file.empty();
file = file_enumerator->Next()) {
if (platform_->HasNoDumpFileAttribute(file) ||
platform_->HasExtendedFileAttribute(file, kRemovableFileAttribute)) {
if (!platform_->DeleteFile(file)) {
PLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to remove: " << file.value();
ret = false;
return ret;
} // namespace cryptohome