blob: 6a36747f21eb2c97a81c78a49037b9c43c25a2cd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Convenience script to regenerate all auto-generated files (test
# data,, power manager schema).
set -e
# Change to the directory of this script.
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
# Regen power manager prefs schema
python3 -m cros_config_host.power_manager_prefs_gen_schema \
-o cros_config_host/power_manager_prefs_schema.yaml
# Regen README (must come after power manager prefs, as this can
# affect the schema content)
python3 -m cros_config_host.generate_schema_doc -o
python3 -m cros_config_host.cros_config_schema -c test_data/test_import.yaml \
-o test_data/test_import.json
python3 -m cros_config_host.cros_config_schema -o test_data/test_merge.json \
-m test_data/test_merge_base.yaml test_data/test_merge_overlay.yaml
python3 -m cros_config_host.cros_config_schema -o test_data/test_build.json \
-m test_data/test.yaml
python3 -m cros_config_host.cros_config_schema --zephyr-ec-configs-only \
-o test_data/test_zephyr.json -m test_data/test.yaml
regen_test_data() {
python3 -m cros_config_host.cros_config_schema -f True \
-c "test_data/${1}.yaml" -o "test_data/${1}.json"
# ARM test data
regen_test_data test_arm
# x86 test data
regen_test_data test