blob: 3892c6321e552a1ffeb432bb887c136a6dc0f75d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include "vtpm/backends/tpm_handle_manager.h"
namespace vtpm {
class TpmHandleManager;
// This class is a RAII-style host handle, which is managed by
// `TpmHandleManager`. It asks the set `TpmHandleManager` to flush the handle on
// the host TPM.
class ScopedHostKeyHandle {
// Constructs a null instance that doesn't trigger anything upon destruction.
// Constructs an instance that asks `mgr` to flush `to_flush` upon
// destruction. When calling `Get()`, `host_handle` shall be returned.
ScopedHostKeyHandle(TpmHandleManager* mgr,
trunks::TPM_HANDLE host_handle,
trunks::TPM_HANDLE to_flush);
// Constructs a instance that doesn't trigger anything upon destruction. When
// calling `Get()`, `host_handle` shall be returned.
ScopedHostKeyHandle(TpmHandleManager* mgr, trunks::TPM_HANDLE host_handle);
ScopedHostKeyHandle(ScopedHostKeyHandle&& that);
// Non-copyable, but movable.
ScopedHostKeyHandle& operator=(const ScopedHostKeyHandle&) = delete;
ScopedHostKeyHandle& operator=(ScopedHostKeyHandle&& that);
// Returns the host handle set during construction time.
trunks::TPM_HANDLE Get() const;
// Asks `tpm_handle_manager_` to flush the hold handle.
void Flush();
TpmHandleManager* tpm_handle_manager_;
// The handle hold by `this` and managed by `tpm_handle_manager_`.
trunks::TPM_HANDLE host_handle_;
// The handle to flush. It is null if the handle should be flushed by the
// guest.
std::optional<trunks::TPM_HANDLE> to_flush_;
} // namespace vtpm