blob: 7e82c59543425aaeaaded1eecf2eb2a5f7ff0e81 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/cancelable_callback.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "shill/ipconfig.h"
#include "shill/mockable.h"
#include "shill/net/shill_time.h"
#include "shill/store/key_value_store.h"
#include "shill/technology.h"
namespace shill {
class ControlInterface;
class DHCPProvider;
class DHCPProxyInterface;
class EventDispatcher;
class Metrics;
class ProcessManager;
// This class provides a DHCP client instance for the device |device_name|.
// The DHPCConfig instance asks the DHCP client to create a lease file
// containing the name |lease_file_suffix|. If this suffix is the same as
// |device_name|, the lease is considered to be ephemeral, and the lease
// file is removed whenever this DHCPController instance is no longer needed.
// Otherwise, the lease file persists and will be re-used in future attempts.
// If |hostname| is not empty, it will be used in the DHCP request as DHCP
// option 12. This asks the DHCP server to register this hostname on our
// behalf, for purposes of administration or creating a dynamic DNS entry.
class DHCPController {
// Called when the IPConfig got from DHCP is updated. |properties| contains
// all the parameters we get from DHCP. |new_lease_acquired| indicates whether
// or not a DHCP lease was acquired from the server.
using UpdateCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<void(
const IPConfig::Properties& properties, bool new_lease_acquired)>;
// Called when DHCP failed.
using FailureCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<void()>;
enum ReleaseReason { kReleaseReasonDisconnect, kReleaseReasonStaticIP };
// Constants used as event type got from dhcpcd. Used only
// internally, make them public for unit tests.
static constexpr char kReasonBound[] = "BOUND";
static constexpr char kReasonFail[] = "FAIL";
static constexpr char kReasonGatewayArp[] = "GATEWAY-ARP";
static constexpr char kReasonNak[] = "NAK";
static constexpr char kReasonRebind[] = "REBIND";
static constexpr char kReasonReboot[] = "REBOOT";
static constexpr char kReasonRenew[] = "RENEW";
DHCPController(ControlInterface* control_interface,
EventDispatcher* dispatcher,
DHCPProvider* provider,
const std::string& device_name,
const std::string& lease_file_suffix,
bool arp_gateway,
const std::string& hostname,
Technology technology,
Metrics* metrics);
DHCPController(const DHCPController&) = delete;
DHCPController& operator=(const DHCPController&) = delete;
virtual ~DHCPController();
// Registers callbacks for DHCP events.
void RegisterCallbacks(UpdateCallback update_callback,
FailureCallback failure_callback);
// Request, renew and release IP configuration. Return true on success, false
// otherwise. The default implementation always returns false indicating a
// failure. ReleaseIP is advisory: if we are no longer connected, it is not
// possible to properly vacate the lease on the remote server. Also,
// depending on the configuration of the specific IPConfig subclass, we may
// end up holding on to the lease so we can resume to the network lease
// faster.
mockable bool RequestIP();
mockable bool RenewIP();
mockable bool ReleaseIP(ReleaseReason reason);
// If |proxy_| is not initialized already, sets it to a new D-Bus proxy to
// |service|.
void InitProxy(const std::string& service);
// Processes an Event signal from dhcpcd.
mockable void ProcessEventSignal(const std::string& reason,
const KeyValueStore& configuration);
// Returns the time left (in seconds) till the current DHCP lease is to be
// renewed in |time_left|. Returns nullopt if an error occurs (i.e. current
// lease has already expired or no current DHCP lease), true otherwise.
std::optional<base::TimeDelta> TimeToLeaseExpiry();
// Set the minimum MTU that this configuration will respect.
mockable void set_minimum_mtu(const int minimum_mtu) {
minimum_mtu_ = minimum_mtu;
std::string device_name() const { return device_name_; }
void set_root_for_testing(base::FilePath path) { root_ = path; }
// On we get a new IP config properties via DHCP. The second parameter
// indicates whether this is an authoritative confirmation.
void OnIPConfigUpdated(const IPConfig::Properties& properties,
bool new_lease_acquired);
// Notifies registered listeners that the configuration process has failed.
void NotifyFailure();
// Notifies registered listeners that the lease has expired.
void NotifyUpdate(bool new_lease_acquired);
void set_is_lease_active(bool active) { is_lease_active_ = active; }
// Return true if the lease file is ephermeral, which means the lease file
// should be deleted during cleanup.
bool IsEphemeralLease() const;
// Cleans up remaining state from a running client, if any, including freeing
// its GPid, exit watch callback, and state files.
void CleanupClientState();
// Return true if we should treat acquisition timeout as failure.
bool ShouldFailOnAcquisitionTimeout() const;
// Return true if we should keep the lease on disconnect.
bool ShouldKeepLeaseOnDisconnect() const;
// Updates |current_lease_expiration_time_| by adding |new_lease_duration| to
// the current time.
void UpdateLeaseExpirationTime(uint32_t new_lease_duration);
// Resets |current_lease_expiration_time_| to its default value.
void ResetLeaseExpirationTime();
// Return the list of flags used to start dhcpcd.
virtual std::vector<std::string> GetFlags();
base::FilePath root() const { return root_; }
friend class DHCPControllerTest;
FRIEND_TEST(DHCPControllerCallbackTest, ProcessEventSignalFail);
FRIEND_TEST(DHCPControllerCallbackTest, ProcessAcquisitionTimeout);
FRIEND_TEST(DHCPControllerCallbackTest, RequestIPTimeout);
FRIEND_TEST(DHCPControllerCallbackTest, StartTimeout);
FRIEND_TEST(DHCPControllerCallbackTest, StoppedDuringFailureCallback);
FRIEND_TEST(DHCPControllerCallbackTest, StoppedDuringSuccessCallback);
FRIEND_TEST(DHCPControllerTest, InitProxy);
FRIEND_TEST(DHCPControllerTest, KeepLeaseOnDisconnect);
FRIEND_TEST(DHCPControllerTest, ReleaseIP);
FRIEND_TEST(DHCPControllerTest, ReleaseIPStaticIPWithLease);
FRIEND_TEST(DHCPControllerTest, ReleaseIPStaticIPWithoutLease);
FRIEND_TEST(DHCPControllerTest, ReleaseLeaseOnDisconnect);
FRIEND_TEST(DHCPControllerTest, RenewIP);
FRIEND_TEST(DHCPControllerTest, RequestIP);
FRIEND_TEST(DHCPControllerTest, Restart);
FRIEND_TEST(DHCPControllerTest, RestartNoClient);
FRIEND_TEST(DHCPControllerTest, StartFail);
FRIEND_TEST(DHCPControllerTest, StartWithoutLeaseSuffix);
FRIEND_TEST(DHCPControllerTest, Stop);
FRIEND_TEST(DHCPControllerTest, StopDuringRequestIP);
FRIEND_TEST(DHCPProviderTest, CreateController);
FRIEND_TEST(DHCPProviderTest, BindAndUnbind);
// Starts dhcpcd, returns true on success and false otherwise.
bool Start();
// Stops dhcpcd if running.
void Stop(const char* reason);
// Stops dhcpcd if already running and then starts it. Returns true on success
// and false otherwise.
bool Restart();
// Called when the dhcpcd client process exits.
void OnProcessExited(int exit_status);
// Initialize a callback that will invoke ProcessAcquisitionTimeout if we
// do not get a lease in a reasonable amount of time.
void StartAcquisitionTimeout();
// Cancel callback created by StartAcquisitionTimeout. One-liner included
// for symmetry.
void StopAcquisitionTimeout();
// Called if we do not get a DHCP lease in a reasonable amount of time.
// Informs upper layers of the failure.
void ProcessAcquisitionTimeout();
// Initialize a callback that will invoke ProcessExpirationTimeout if we
// do not renew a lease in a |lease_duration|.
void StartExpirationTimeout(base::TimeDelta lease_duration);
// Cancel callback created by StartExpirationTimeout. One-liner included
// for symmetry.
void StopExpirationTimeout();
// Called if we do not renew a DHCP lease by the time the lease expires.
// Informs upper layers of the expiration and restarts the DHCP client.
void ProcessExpirationTimeout(base::TimeDelta lease_duration);
// Kills DHCP client process.
void KillClient();
// These two functions invoke corresponding callbacks and are executed via
// PostTask(), so it can be guaranteed that callbacks will not be invoked when
// this object has been destroyed, and the listener can safely destroy this
// object in the callback.
void InvokeUpdateCallback(const IPConfig::Properties properties,
bool new_lease_acquired);
void InvokeFailureCallback();
ControlInterface* control_interface_;
DHCPProvider* provider_;
// The name of interface which this DHCP instance is running on.
std::string device_name_;
// DHCP lease file suffix, used to differentiate the lease of one interface
// or network from another.
std::string lease_file_suffix_;
// The technology of device which DHCP is running on.
Technology technology_;
// The PID of the spawned DHCP client. May be 0 if no client has been spawned
// yet or the client has died.
int pid_;
// Whether a lease has been acquired from the DHCP server or gateway ARP.
bool is_lease_active_;
// Specifies whether to supply an argument to the DHCP client to validate
// the acquired IP address using an ARP request to the gateway IP address.
bool arp_gateway_;
// Whether it is valid to retain the lease acquired via gateway ARP.
bool is_gateway_arp_active_;
// Hostname to be used in DHCP request.
std::string hostname_;
// The proxy for communicating with the DHCP client.
std::unique_ptr<DHCPProxyInterface> proxy_;
// Called if we fail to get a DHCP lease in a timely manner.
base::CancelableOnceClosure lease_acquisition_timeout_callback_;
// Time to wait for a DHCP lease. Represented as field so that it
// can be overridden in tests.
base::TimeDelta lease_acquisition_timeout_;
std::optional<struct timeval> current_lease_expiration_time_;
// Called if a DHCP lease expires.
base::CancelableOnceClosure lease_expiration_callback_;
// Callbacks registered by RegisterCallbacks().
UpdateCallback update_callback_;
FailureCallback failure_callback_;
// The minimum MTU value this configuration will respect.
int minimum_mtu_;
// Root file path, used for testing.
base::FilePath root_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<DHCPController> weak_ptr_factory_;
EventDispatcher* dispatcher_;
ProcessManager* process_manager_;
Metrics* metrics_;
Time* time_;
} // namespace shill