blob: e11e04a44cb940c2aca39b1c4fc6331692eefe2d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <base/cancelable_callback.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/memory/ref_counted.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <base/optional.h>
#include <base/strings/string_piece_forward.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include "login_manager/liveness_checker.h"
#include "login_manager/login_metrics.h"
namespace brillo {
class SafeFD;
} // namespace brillo
namespace dbus {
class ObjectProxy;
class Response;
} // namespace dbus
namespace login_manager {
class ProcessManagerServiceInterface;
// An implementation of LivenessChecker that pings a service (owned by Chrome)
// over D-Bus, and expects the response to a ping to come in reliably before the
// next ping is sent. If not, it may ask |manager| to abort the browser
// process.
// Actual aborting behavior is controlled by the enable_aborting flag.
class LivenessCheckerImpl : public LivenessChecker {
LivenessCheckerImpl(ProcessManagerServiceInterface* manager,
dbus::ObjectProxy* dbus_proxy,
bool enable_aborting,
base::TimeDelta interval,
LoginMetrics* metrics);
LivenessCheckerImpl(const LivenessCheckerImpl&) = delete;
LivenessCheckerImpl& operator=(const LivenessCheckerImpl&) = delete;
~LivenessCheckerImpl() override;
// Implementation of LivenessChecker.
void Start() override;
void Stop() override;
bool IsRunning() override;
void DisableAborting() override;
// If a liveness check is outstanding, kills the browser and clears liveness
// tracking state. This instance will be stopped at that point in time.
// If no ping is outstanding, sends a liveness check to the browser over DBus,
// then reschedules itself after interval.
void CheckAndSendLivenessPing(base::TimeDelta interval);
void set_manager(ProcessManagerServiceInterface* manager) {
manager_ = manager;
// Override the /proc directory used for GetBrowserState().
void SetProcForTests(base::FilePath&& proc_directory);
// Handle async response to liveness ping by setting last_ping_acked_,
// iff there is a successful response.
void HandleAck(dbus::Response* response);
// Opens a file (like "status" or "wchan") in the browser's /proc directory.
// Returns a SafeFD if successful, nothing on error. If there is an error,
// the error has already been logged and the caller does not need to log
// another error.
base::Optional<brillo::SafeFD> OpenBrowserProcFile(
base::StringPiece file_name);
// Reads /proc/browser_pid/status and returns the state of the browser at
// the current moment.
LoginMetrics::BrowserState GetBrowserState();
// Reads /proc/browser_pid/wchan and records the result in some format. (Right
// now it just logs it; some day will also record in UMA).
void RecordWchanState(LoginMetrics::BrowserState state);
// Send requests to the kernel (via /proc/sysrq-trigger) asking that the
// kernel dump info about what why processes are stuck. Results are in dmesg
// logs, and not read by this process.
void RequestKernelTraces();
// Updates UMA stat recording the state of the browser process (running,
// sleeping, uninterruptible wait, zombie, traced-or-stopped) at the moment
// the liveness check times out. For sleep and wait states, also records what
// the process was waiting for.
void RecordStateForTimeout();
ProcessManagerServiceInterface* manager_; // Owned by the caller.
dbus::ObjectProxy* dbus_proxy_; // Owned by the caller.
// Normally "/proc". Allows overriding of the /proc directory in tests.
base::FilePath proc_directory_;
bool enable_aborting_;
const base::TimeDelta interval_;
bool last_ping_acked_ = true;
base::CancelableClosure liveness_check_;
base::TimeTicks ping_sent_;
LoginMetrics* metrics_ = nullptr;
base::WeakPtrFactory<LivenessCheckerImpl> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace login_manager