blob: abaa85ccd11f879b9d0026ed8f5bc5f4caa3286e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <brillo/secure_blob.h>
#include "cryptohome/crypto/elliptic_curve.h"
#include "cryptohome/cryptorecovery/recovery_crypto.h"
#include "cryptohome/cryptorecovery/recovery_crypto_util.h"
namespace cryptohome {
namespace cryptorecovery {
// Cryptographic operations for fake mediator for cryptohome recovery.
// Recovery mechanism involves dealer, publisher, mediator and destination.
// The mediator is an external service that is invoked during the recovery
// process to perform mediation of an encrypted mediator share. The
// functionality of mediator should be implemented on the server and here it is
// implemented for testing purposes only.
class FakeRecoveryMediatorCrypto {
// Creates instance. Returns nullptr if error occurred.
static std::unique_ptr<FakeRecoveryMediatorCrypto> Create();
// Returns hardcoded fake mediator public key for encrypting mediator share.
// Do not use this key in production!
// Returns false if error occurred.
static bool GetFakeMediatorPublicKey(brillo::SecureBlob* mediator_pub_key);
// Returns hardcoded fake mediator private key for decrypting mediator share.
// Do not use this key in production!
// Returns false if error occurred.
static bool GetFakeMediatorPrivateKey(brillo::SecureBlob* mediator_priv_key);
// Returns hardcoded fake epoch public key for encrypting request payload.
// Do not use this key in production!
// Returns false if error occurred.
static bool GetFakeEpochPublicKey(brillo::SecureBlob* epoch_pub_key);
// Returns hardcoded fake epoch private key for decrypting request payload.
// Do not use this key in production!
// Returns false if error occurred.
static bool GetFakeEpochPrivateKey(brillo::SecureBlob* epoch_priv_key);
// Returns `CryptoRecoveryEpochResponse` with hardcoded fake epoch public key
// for encrypting request payload. Do not use this in production!
static bool GetFakeEpochResponse(CryptoRecoveryEpochResponse* epoch_response);
// Receives `request_payload`, performs mediation and generates response
// payload. This function consist of the following steps:
// 1. Deserialize `channel_pub_key` from `hsm_aead_ad` in
// `request_payload.associated_data`.
// 2. Perform DH(`epoch_priv_key`, channel_pub_key), decrypt
// `cipher_text` (CT2) from `request_payload`.
// 3. Deserialize `recovery_request.cbor_cryptorecoveryrequest` to
// `RequestPayload`.
// 4. Extract `hsm_payload` from `RequestPayload`.
// 5. Do `MediateHsmPayload` with `hsm_payload` and keys (`epoch_pub_key`,
// `epoch_priv_key`, `mediator_priv_key`).
bool MediateRequestPayload(
const brillo::SecureBlob& epoch_pub_key,
const brillo::SecureBlob& epoch_priv_key,
const brillo::SecureBlob& mediator_priv_key,
const CryptoRecoveryRpcRequest& recovery_request_proto,
CryptoRecoveryRpcResponse* recovery_response_proto) const;
// Constructor is private. Use Create method to instantiate.
explicit FakeRecoveryMediatorCrypto(EllipticCurve ec);
// Receives `hsm_payload`, performs mediation and generates response payload.
// This function consist of the following steps:
// 1. Deserialize publisher_pub_key from `associated_data` in `hsm_payload`.
// 2. Perform DH(`mediator_priv_key`, publisher_pub_key), decrypt
// `cipher_text` from `hsm_payload` and get mediator_share and
// dealer_pub_key
// 3. Construct mediated_share = G * dealer_priv_key * mediator_share +
// `ephemeral_pub_inv_key`.
// 4. Serialize response payload associated_data and plain_text
// 5. Generate encryption key as KDF(combine(epoch_pub_key,
// ECDH(epoch_priv_key, channel_pub_key)))
// 6. Encrypt plain_text, generate `RecoveryResponse` and serialize it to
// `recovery_response_proto.cbor_cryptorecoveryresponse`.
bool MediateHsmPayload(
const brillo::SecureBlob& mediator_priv_key,
const brillo::SecureBlob& epoch_pub_key,
const brillo::SecureBlob& epoch_priv_key,
const brillo::SecureBlob& ephemeral_pub_inv_key,
const HsmPayload& hsm_payload,
CryptoRecoveryRpcResponse* recovery_response_proto) const;
// Decrypts `mediator_share` using `mediator_priv_key` from
// `encrypted_mediator_share`. Returns false if error occurred.
bool DecryptMediatorShare(
const brillo::SecureBlob& mediator_priv_key,
const RecoveryCrypto::EncryptedMediatorShare& encrypted_mediator_share,
brillo::SecureBlob* mediator_share) const;
// Decrypt `cipher_text` from `hsm_payload' using provided
// `mediator_priv_key`.
bool DecryptHsmPayloadPlainText(const brillo::SecureBlob& mediator_priv_key,
const HsmPayload& hsm_payload,
brillo::SecureBlob* plain_text) const;
// Decrypt `cipher_text` from `request_payload' using provided
// `epoch_priv_key` and store the result in `plain_text`.
bool DecryptRequestPayloadPlainText(const brillo::SecureBlob& epoch_priv_key,
const RequestPayload& request_payload,
brillo::SecureBlob* plain_text) const;
EllipticCurve ec_;
} // namespace cryptorecovery
} // namespace cryptohome