blob: d8adbeeec12c588a7fb472e48aa1ba1e54cde680 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <base/memory/scoped_refptr.h>
#include <base/values.h>
#include "rmad/metrics/metrics_constants.h"
#include "rmad/utils/json_store.h"
#include "rmad/utils/type_conversions.h"
namespace rmad {
class MetricsUtils {
MetricsUtils() = default;
virtual ~MetricsUtils() = default;
// Record all metrics to the event-based metrics file, and wait for upload.
virtual bool RecordAll(scoped_refptr<JsonStore> json_store) = 0;
// Record a Shimless report to the event-based metrics, and wait for upload.
virtual bool RecordShimlessRmaReport(scoped_refptr<JsonStore> json_store) = 0;
// Record replaced components to the event-based metrics, and wait for upload.
virtual bool RecordReplacedComponents(
scoped_refptr<JsonStore> json_store) = 0;
// Record occurred errors to the event-based metrics, and wait for upload.
virtual bool RecordOccurredErrors(scoped_refptr<JsonStore> json_store) = 0;
// Record activities to the event-based metrics, and wait for upload.
virtual bool RecordAdditionalActivities(
scoped_refptr<JsonStore> json_store) = 0;
// Record reports for states to the event-based metrics, and wait for upload.
virtual bool RecordShimlessRmaStateReport(
scoped_refptr<JsonStore> json_store) = 0;
template <typename T>
static bool GetMetricsValue(scoped_refptr<JsonStore> json_store,
const std::string& key,
T* result) {
base::Value metrics = base::Value(base::Value::Type::DICT);
if (json_store->GetValue(kMetrics, &metrics)) {
return ConvertFromValue(metrics.GetDict().Find(key), result);
template <typename T>
static bool SetMetricsValue(scoped_refptr<JsonStore> json_store,
const std::string& key,
const T& v) {
base::Value metrics = base::Value(base::Value::Type::DICT);
if (json_store->GetValue(kMetrics, &metrics)) {
base::Value&& value = ConvertToValue(v);
const base::Value* result = metrics.GetDict().Find(key);
if (!result || *result != value) {
std::optional<base::Value> result_backup =
result ? std::make_optional(result->Clone()) : std::nullopt;
metrics.GetDict().Set(key, std::move(value));
return json_store->SetValue(kMetrics, std::move(metrics));
return true;
static bool UpdateStateMetricsOnAbort(scoped_refptr<JsonStore> json_store,
RmadState::StateCase state_case,
double timestamp);
static bool UpdateStateMetricsOnStateTransition(
scoped_refptr<JsonStore> json_store,
RmadState::StateCase from,
RmadState::StateCase to,
double timestamp);
static bool UpdateStateMetricsOnGetLog(scoped_refptr<JsonStore> json_store,
RmadState::StateCase state_case);
static bool UpdateStateMetricsOnSaveLog(scoped_refptr<JsonStore> json_store,
RmadState::StateCase state_case);
static std::string GetMetricsSummaryAsString(
scoped_refptr<JsonStore> json_store);
static base::Value::Dict RefineStateMetricsReadability(
const base::Value::Dict& original_state_metrics);
} // namespace rmad