blob: 3410db5c2715a225b9cec4cdf835daf7cba0d2c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ml/request_metrics.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <base/check.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include "ml/mojom/machine_learning_service.mojom.h"
#include "ml/process.h"
namespace ml {
namespace {
using chromeos::machine_learning::mojom::LoadModelResult;
// Renumbering the errno of waiptid to make it suitable for UMA recording.
// Also added an "unknown" error.
enum class WaitPidError {
kUnknown = 0, // errno equals values other than below.
kECHILD = 1, // errno == ECHILD.
kEINTR = 2, // errno == EINTR.
kEINVAL = 3, // errno == kEINVAL.
kMaxValue = kEINVAL,
} // namespace
RequestMetrics::RequestMetrics(const std::string& model_name,
const std::string& request_name)
: name_base_(std::string(kGlobalMetricsPrefix) + model_name + "." +
status_(Status::kNotStarted) {}
void RequestMetrics::StartRecordingPerformanceMetrics() {
DCHECK(status_ == Status::kNotStarted);
// Get initial CPU clock in order to set the "zero" point of the CPU usage
// counter.
initial_cpu_clock_ = std::clock();
DCHECK(initial_cpu_clock_ != static_cast<std::clock_t>(-1));
// Query memory usage.
size_t usage = 0;
if (!GetTotalProcessMemoryUsage(&usage)) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Getting process memory usage failed.";
initial_memory_ = static_cast<int64_t>(usage);
status_ = Status::kRecording;
void RequestMetrics::FinishRecordingPerformanceMetrics() {
DCHECK(status_ == Status::kRecording);
status_ = Status::kFinished;
// Get CPU time by `clock()`.
const int64_t cpu_time_microsec = static_cast<int64_t>(
(std::clock() - initial_cpu_clock_) * 1000000.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
// Memory usage
size_t usage = 0;
if (!GetTotalProcessMemoryUsage(&usage)) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Getting process memory usage failed.";
const int64_t memory_usage_kb = static_cast<int64_t>(usage) - initial_memory_;
metrics_library_.SendToUMA(name_base_ + kTotalMemoryDeltaSuffix,
memory_usage_kb, kMemoryDeltaMinKb,
kMemoryDeltaMaxKb, kMemoryDeltaBuckets);
metrics_library_.SendToUMA(name_base_ + kCpuTimeSuffix, cpu_time_microsec,
kCpuTimeMinMicrosec, kCpuTimeMaxMicrosec,
// Records in MachineLearningService.LoadModelResult rather than a
// model-specific enum histogram because the model name is unknown.
void RecordModelSpecificationErrorEvent() {
void RecordProcessErrorEvent(ProcessError error) {
MetricsLibrary().SendEnumToUMA("MachineLearningService.ProcessError", error);
void RecordWorkerProcessExitStatus(int status) {
"MachineLearningService.WorkerProcessExitStatus", status);
void RecordReapWorkerProcessErrno(int error_number) {
WaitPidError waitpid_error = WaitPidError::kUnknown;
if (error_number == ECHILD) {
waitpid_error = WaitPidError::kECHILD;
} else if (error_number == EINTR) {
waitpid_error = WaitPidError::kEINTR;
} else if (error_number == EINVAL) {
waitpid_error = WaitPidError::kEINVAL;
"MachineLearningService.ReapWorkerProcessErrno", waitpid_error);
} // namespace ml