blob: 7f3f1e1393c8d9a694c81e4d05cdbbaf6949b478 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flex_hwis/flex_hwis_check.h"
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/files/important_file_writer.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <brillo/files/file_util.h>
namespace flex_hwis {
namespace {
std::optional<std::string> ReadAndTrimFile(const base::FilePath& file_path) {
std::string out;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(file_path, &out)) {
return std::nullopt;
base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(out, base::TRIM_ALL, &out);
return out;
int64_t NowToEpochInSeconds() {
return (base::Time::Now() - base::Time::UnixEpoch()).InSeconds();
} // namespace
constexpr char kDeviceNameFile[] = "var/lib/flex_hwis_tool/name";
constexpr char kHwisTimeStampFile[] = "var/lib/flex_hwis_tool/time";
FlexHwisCheck::FlexHwisCheck(const base::FilePath& base_path,
policy::PolicyProvider& provider)
: base_path_(base_path), policy_provider_(provider) {}
std::optional<std::string> FlexHwisCheck::GetDeviceName() const {
return ReadHwisFile(DeviceNamePath());
void FlexHwisCheck::DeleteDeviceName() {
if (!brillo::DeleteFile(DeviceNamePath())) {
LOG(INFO) << "Error deleting device name file";
void FlexHwisCheck::SetDeviceName(const std::string_view name) {
if (!WriteHwisFile(DeviceNamePath(), name)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Error writing device name file";
base::FilePath FlexHwisCheck::DeviceNamePath() const {
return base_path_.Append(kDeviceNameFile);
std::optional<std::string> FlexHwisCheck::ReadHwisFile(
const base::FilePath& file_path) const {
std::optional<std::string> hwis_info;
if (!(hwis_info = ReadAndTrimFile(file_path))) {
LOG(INFO) << "Couldn't read flex_hwis file.";
return std::nullopt;
if (hwis_info.value().empty()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Read a blank flex_hwis file.";
return std::nullopt;
return hwis_info;
bool FlexHwisCheck::WriteHwisFile(const base::FilePath& file_path,
const std::string_view content) {
if (base::CreateDirectory(file_path.DirName())) {
return base::ImportantFileWriter::WriteFileAtomically(
file_path, std::string(content) + "\n");
return false;
bool FlexHwisCheck::HasRunRecently() {
std::optional<std::string> last_str;
const base::FilePath file_path = base_path_.Append(kHwisTimeStampFile);
if ((last_str = ReadHwisFile(file_path))) {
int64_t last_from_epoch = 0;
if (base::StringToInt64(last_str.value(), &last_from_epoch)) {
// The service must wait at least 24 hours between sending hardware data.
if ((NowToEpochInSeconds() - last_from_epoch) <
base::Days(1).InSeconds()) {
return true;
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "Failed to convert timestamp: " << last_str.value()
<< " to integer.";
return false;
void FlexHwisCheck::RecordSendTime() {
const base::FilePath file_path = base_path_.Append(kHwisTimeStampFile);
if (!(WriteHwisFile(file_path,
base::NumberToString(NowToEpochInSeconds())))) {
LOG(INFO) << "Failed to write the timestamp";
PermissionInfo FlexHwisCheck::CheckPermission() {
PermissionInfo info;
if (!policy_provider_.device_policy_is_loaded()) {
LOG(INFO) << "No device policy available on this device";
return info;
info.loaded = true;
const policy::DevicePolicy& policy = policy_provider_.GetDevicePolicy();
info.enrolled = policy.IsEnterpriseEnrolled();
std::optional<bool> policy_result;
if (info.enrolled) {
LOG(INFO) << "The device is enrolled";
policy_result = policy.GetEnrolledHwDataUsageEnabled();
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "The device is not enrolled";
policy_result = policy.GetUnenrolledHwDataUsageEnabled();
if (policy_result.has_value()) {
info.permission = policy_result.value();
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "Couldn't read permission to send hardware info: Not sending";
info.permission = false;
return info;
} // namespace flex_hwis