blob: cb83da20dc804b4ad47a91e5f130b4cf4fefc4e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
include "cryptohome/flatbuffer_schemas/auth_block_state.fbs";
// Our Python generator removes the "_serialized_" namespace when generating
// the code, to avoid symbol clash with the code generated by flatc.
namespace cryptohome._serialized_;
attribute "serializable";
// The lockout mechanism user per AuthFactor.
enum SerializedLockoutPolicy : int {
// Default.
// No lockout policy, and is the ideal for most factors,
// but needs to be explicitly set.
// Attempt limited policy is enforces an absolute number
// of consecutive wrong attempts a factor can have before
// it is locked out.
// Time limited auth factors will unlock themselves
// automatically after a certain timeout.
// Refer to the KnowledgeFactorHashAlgorithm proto.
enum SerializedKnowledgeFactorHashAlgorithm : int {
// Used for hashing PINs in Chrome.
PBKDF2_AES256_1234 = 1,
// Used for hashing passwords in Chrome.
SHA256_TOP_HALF = 2,
// Refer to the KnowledgeFactorHashInfo proto.
table SerializedKnowledgeFactorHashInfo {
// This field should always be non-null in practice.
algorithm:SerializedKnowledgeFactorHashAlgorithm = null (id:0);
salt:[ubyte] (id:1);
should_generate_key_store:bool = null (id:2);
// Metadata common to all auth factors.
table CommonMetadata {
// ChromeOS version.
// Contains CHROMEOS_RELEASE_VERSION from /etc/lsb-release.
// See:
// Captured whenever the serialized factor is created or updated.
chromeos_version_last_updated:string (id:0);
// Chrome version.
// The format is defined by and the value supplied by the client.
// Captured whenever the serialized factor is created or updated.
chrome_version_last_updated:string (id:1);
// Each factor needs to define its lockout policy.
// For most factors, it is currenlty NO_LOCKOUT.
lockout_policy:SerializedLockoutPolicy = null (id:2);
// User supplied name of each auth factor.
// This is supplied by client, updated through Add/Update requests.
user_specified_name:string (id:3);
// Metadata for a `PASSWORD` auth factor.
table PasswordMetadata {
hash_info:SerializedKnowledgeFactorHashInfo (id:0, optional);
// Metadata for a `PIN` auth factor.
table PinMetadata {
hash_info:SerializedKnowledgeFactorHashInfo (id:0, optional);
// Metadata for a `Recovery` auth factor.
table CryptohomeRecoveryMetadata {
// Public key of the mediator for Cryptohome recovery flow.
mediator_pub_key:[ubyte] (id: 0);
// Metadata for a `KIOSK` auth factor.
table KioskMetadata {}
// Metadata for a "Smart Card" auth factor.
table SmartCardMetadata {
// DER-encoded blob of the X.509 Subject Public Key Info.
public_key_spki_der:[ubyte] (id: 0);
// Metadata for a `Fingerprint` auth factor.
table FingerprintMetadata {
// Set to true when migrated from a legacy fingerprint template.
was_migrated:bool = null (id: 0);
// Union that holds the auth factor's type-specific metadata.
union TypeSpecificMetadata {
// Container that stores information about auth factor to be persisted on disk.
table SerializedAuthFactor (serializable) {
auth_block_state:AuthBlockState (id: 0);
metadata:TypeSpecificMetadata (id: 2);
common_metadata:CommonMetadata (id: 3);
root_type SerializedAuthFactor;